Pursuant to the Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we would like to inform you that the Board of Directors of HG Industries Limited (formerly Himalaya Granites Limited) (HGIL), at its meeting held on December 13, 2021, has, inter alia, approved the following matters: 1. To set up a greenfield project for manufacturing of Plywood and allied products at Tindivanam, Tamilnadu. 2. Shifting the registered office of the Company from the 'State of Tamilnadu' to the 'National Capital Territory of Delhi', and consequent changes in the Clause II of the Memorandum of Association ("MoA") of the Company subject to the approval of the members by way of special resolution and other necessary approvals, wherever required. For complete text, please refer the attachment.