In the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held today i.e. on May 13, 2022, it has been decided to close the Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company from Thursday, the 23rd June, 2022 to Wednesday, the 29th June, 2022 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of taking records of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and for payment of dividend for the financial year 2021-22. The dividend on the equity shares for the year 2021-22, if declared, will be paid to those members, whose names appear in the Register of Members of the Company as on 29th June, 2022. In respect of shares held in electronic form, the dividend will be paid on the basis of beneficial ownership position as at the end of the day on 22nd June, 2022 as per data to be furnished by National Securities Depository Limited and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. for this purpose.