TRANSFORMERS AND RECTIFIERS (INDIA) LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 08/01/2025 ,inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and nine month ended 31st December, 2024. 2.To consider the proposal for Issue of Bonus Equity Shares to the Shareholders of the Company 3.To consider and approve increase in Authorised Share Capital of the Company inter alia to accommodate Issue of Bonus Equity Shares, if any; 4.To obtain enabling approvals, from the shareholders for issuance of equity shares, and/or equity linked securities and/or securities convertible into equity shares through Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP) or preferential allotment, subject to approval of the Members 5.To considered and approve the amendment of the Articles of Association of the Company. 6. Any other matter with the permission of the Chairman We would further like to inform you that as per Code of Conduct for prevention of Insider Trading, the Trading Window will open from 11th January, 2025 for all connected persons