Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI Listing Regulations, we wish to inform that, the Board of Directors of the company in their meeting held today i.e., 2nd December, 2024, inter-alia, considered and approved the slump sale of the 'Tiles segment business' of the Company carried under the global brands ''Neolith and Levantina Techlam'' to Mega Surfaces and Lifestyle Private Limited. The business transfer would be via slump sale on going concern basis at a lump sum sale consideration through execution of Business Transfer Agreement ('BTA'), without values being assigned to individual assets and liabilities as contemplated under the Income Tax Act, 1961, on such terms and conditions as contained in the BTA and subject to such other approvals/ consents as may be necessary from the regulatory/ statutory authorities and subject to further conditions that may be imposed by any person or authority while granting such approvals.