This is to inform you that on successful completion of process of open Offer, made by Mr. Nitin Minocha (Acquirer-1) and Copo Holdings Private Limited (Acquirer-2) pursuant to SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations 2011, Mr. Nitin Minocha joined the Board of Company as representative of new promoter in the category of Non-Executive, Non-independent director on December 26, 2024. All the existing directors, who may be considered as associated with the out-going promoters resigned from the Board on the same day. Further since his appointment Mr Nitin Minocha is travelling and not able to devote his time towards monitoring of the working of the Company. Due to all these reasons the declaration of results got delayed, however it was not intentional. Accordingly the Company request to condone the delay in submission of financial results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2024