Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation , 2015 and in reference to our letter dated October 03, 2022 regarding intimation of appointment of Whole Time Director on the Board of the Company, this is to inform that the Board of Directors has accorded its approval for obtaining the approval of shareholders through Postal Ballot with respect to appointment of Mrs. Shruti Gupta (holding DIN- 01742368) as Whole Time Director of the Company in compliance with Regulation 17(1C) of SEBI (LODR), Regulations, 2015. In connection to the above, the Board of Directors has also appointed Ms. Anju Jain (Membership No. 11056/CP. No. 2728), Company Secretary in Practice as Scrutinizer, who has given consent to act as the scrutinizer, for conducting the postal ballot process. A calender of events for the Postal Ballot process is attached for your reference as Annexure.