In continuation with the Board Meeting intimation given by the company on dated December 15, 2022 and pursuant to approval granted by the Shareholders vide their Extra-Ordinary General Meeting for issue of Bonus Shares on 10th December, 2022, and in-principle approval letter obtained from the BSE Ltd. by their letter No. DCS/AMAL/CP/BN-IP/2916/2022-23 dated December 14, 2022, we hereby inform that the Board of Directors of the company has approved the allotment of 23,22,950 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each amounting Rs. 2,32,29,500/- to existing shareholders in the proportion of 1 (One) new fully paid-up Equity Share of Face Value of Rs. 10/- (Rupee Ten) each for every 3 (Three) existing fully paid-up Equity Share of Face Value of Rs. 10/- (Rupee Ten) each held, to the eligible members whose name appear in the list of beneficial owners as on December 20, 2022, being the record date fixed for this purpose.