2,504 BSE Volume
BSE 28 Mar, 2025 4:01 PM (IST)
Jindal Leasefin Key Metrics
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Jindal Leasefin Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 40.8 (LTP) 40.845 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 40.8 (LTP) 3945 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 40.8 (LTP) 36.246 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 40.8 (LTP) 30.565.8 LowHigh |
Jindal Leasefin Ltd. Live Price Chart
Jindal Leasefin Stock Analysis
Jindal Leasefin stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
Jindal Leasefin Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Annual Revenue | ₹0.01 Cr | 3.8% | negative |
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Annual Net Profit | ₹0.16 Cr | 56.19% | negative |
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Price to Earning Ratio | -10.03 | - | negative |
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Stock Price | ₹40.83 | 13.42% | negative |
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Quarterly Net profit | ₹1.07 Cr | 6869.93% | negative |
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Debt to Equity Ratio | 0.07 | - | positive |
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Return on Equity(ROE) | -1.90 % | -1.9% | negative |
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Mutual Fund Holding | 0.00 % | 0% | neutral |
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Promoter Share Holding | 73.33 % | 0% | neutral |
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Promoter Pledges | 0.00 % | 0% | positive |
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Jindal Leasefin Ltd. - Company Profile
What does Jindal Leasefin Ltd. do?
Jindal Leasefin is primarily engaged in the business of' Trading of Shares and Mutual funds'.
Jindal Leasefin Ltd. Board of directors
Jindal Leasefin Ltd. - company history
Jindal Leasefin Limited was incorporated on 27 May, 1994 with Registration Certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies, Delhi and Haryana and got its Certificate of Commencement of Business on 1 1 July 1994. Keeping in view the growth story of NBFC sector, the Company had applied to Reserve Bank of India for obtaining Certificate of Registration for carrying on NBFC business and it was registered with Reserve Bank of India as "NBFC dated 04 April 2003. The Company is engaged mainly in the business of trading activities of shares, both quoted and unquoted. It caters primarily to domestic market. The industry structure relevant to the Company's operations is mainly concerned with the capital market. The Company trade in `futures and options' and `Currency' on a proprietary basis. It develop in-house technological tools, to analyse markets and identify opportunities by using advanced methods of pattern recognition. After closing of Market, we invest considerable time on research & development and constantly explore the latest technology in the trading. Jindal Leasefin is a growing Investment Bank, SEBI registered Category I Merchant Bank and ISO Certified 9001:2015 Company offering services like Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity, Debt Solutions, Structured Finance, Capital Market Solutions, Valuations, TEV Studies, Corporate Advisory, Enterprise Risk and Tax Services. Besides, it has pan India presence with offices in Gurgaon, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai, Jaipur, Hyderabad and overseas presence in Dubai.