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Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. BSE: 532275

Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. Live Share Price Today, Share Analysis and Chart

1.25 0.02 (1.63%)

51.17% Fall from 52W High

110.5K BSE Volume

High volume today

BSE 21 Mar, 2025 3:31 PM (IST)

Landmarc Leisure Key Metrics

All financials are in INR Cr and price data in INR
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Not Eligible
Expensive Valuation
5.5 / 100
Technically Neutral
42.7 / 100

Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. Live Price Chart

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Landmarc Leisure Stock Analysis

Landmarc Leisure stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.

Annual Revenue₹0.52 Cr51.43%negative

Annual Revenue fell 51.43%, in the last year to ₹0.52 Cr. Its sector's average revenue growth for the last fiscal year was 16.34%.

Annual Net Profit₹0.75 Cr78.67%positive

Annual Net Profit rose 78.67% in the last year to ₹0.75 Cr. Its sector's average net profit growth for the last fiscal year was -115.84%.

Price to Earning Ratio-158.63-negative

Price to Earning Ratio is -158.63, which is negative.

Stock Price₹1.256.84%negative

Stock Price rose 6.84% and underperformed its sector by 193.3% in the past year.

Quarterly Revenue₹0.03 Cr69.51%negative

Quarterly Revenue fell 69.51% YoY to ₹0.03 Cr. Its sector's average revenue growth YoY for the quarter was -3.27%.

Quarterly Net profit₹0.17 Cr20.66%negative

Quarterly Net profit fell 20.66% YoY to ₹0.17 Cr. Its sector's average net profit growth YoY for the quarter was -325.86%.

Debt to Equity Ratio0.49-positive

Debt to Equity Ratio of 0.49 is less than 1 and healthy. This implies that its assets are financed mainly through equity.

Return on Equity(ROE)-2.95 %-2.95%negative

Return on Equity(ROE) for the last financial year was -2.95%, less than 10%, indicating an inefficient use of shareholder's capital to generate profit.

Mutual Fund Holding0.00 %0%neutral

Mutual Fund Holding remained the same in the last quarter at 0%.

Promoter Share Holding74.99 %0%neutral

Promoter Share Holding stayed the same in the most recent quarter at 74.99%.

Interest Coverage Ratio-221.67-negative

Interest Coverage Ratio is -221.67, lesser than one. This means that it is unable to pay interests with its earnings (EBIT).

Promoter Pledges0.00 %0%positive

Promoter Pledges are zero.


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Earnings Conference Calls, Investor Presentations and Annual Reports

Annual Report Mar-2024
Annual Report Mar-2023
Annual Report Mar-2022
Annual Report Mar-2021
Annual Report Mar-2020
Annual Report Mar-2019
Annual Report Mar-2018
Annual Report Mar-2017
Annual Report Mar-2016
Annual Report Dec-2014
Annual Report Sep-2013

Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. - Company Profile

What does Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. do?

Landmarc Leisure Corporation in the company with interest in wellness, education and entertainment sectors. The company has forayed in to the wellness industry with the launch of Svastii Spa & Salon, a new–age Unisex Wellness destination, and with the Svastii Wellness Academy.


Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. Management structure

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
K R Mahadevan
Executive Director, Whole Time Director, Chief Financial Officer
Gross Remuneration
Company Secretary, Compliance Officer
Gross Remuneration

Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. Board of directors

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
K R Mahadevan
Whole Time Director & CFO
5.62 Lac
Gross Remuneration
S D Sinha
Chairman (Non-Executive)
Gross Remuneration
Vidhi Kasliwal
Gross Remuneration
Rudra Narain Jha
Chairman & Independent Directo
Gross Remuneration
Jaljeet Kiran Ajani
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration
Jitendra Balwansinh Chaudhary
Non Executive Director
Gross Remuneration

Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. - company history

Incorporated in 1991, Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd engaged in the wellness and leisure sectors. The Company is part of the S. Kumar's group, and is focused on developing its leisure brand under two entities, Landmarc and Mikanos. Landmarc is the brand used for family entertainment centers (FEC) and Mikanos for nightclubs. The Company has set up an FEC on its Company-owned 100,000 square feet mill land in mid town of Worli in Mumbai. It opened nightclub under the Mikanos brand in the same premises. The facilities at the FEC include indoor cricket and golf, a nightclub, health club and fitness center, a sports bar, food, go-karting, video games, roller skating, bowling and shopping facilities. `Landmarc Films', A Division of the Company, is a multidisciplinary production house setup established in 2011, involved in development, production, marketing & distribution of feature films, documentaries, short films and promote all kinds of cinema, filmmaking and creativity. In February 2011, the Company launched Svastii Wellness Academy, to provide education and training to aspirants. The Film Division of the Company has made a documentary named "Block By Block" which was released on 11th April 2013 on DD National and also on other channels. In 2017-18, "Landmarc Films" released Marathi movies `Ringan' and `Gachchi' on 30th June, 2017 and 22nd December, 2017 respectively. In 2018-19, it released 3 Marathi movies `Redu', `Pipsi' and `Nashibvaan' on 18th May, 2018, 27th July, 2018 and 11th January, 2019 respectively. In 2019-20, it completed production of 1 Marathi movies `Medium Spicy'. The Company forayed in to the wellness industry with the launch of Svastii Spa & Salon, a new-age Unisex Wellness destination, and with the Svastii Wellness Academy, the Company has taken the first steps into the education sector.

Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. FAQ

How is Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. today?
Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. today is trading in the green, and is up by 1.63% at 1.25.
Landmarc Leisure Corporation Ltd. is currently trading up 1.63% on an intraday basis. In the past week the stock fell -4.58%. stock has been down -46.35% in the past quarter and rose 6.84% in the past year. You can view this in the overview section.