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Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. BSE: 531663

Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. Live Share Price Today, Share Analysis and Chart

12.70 0.24 (1.93%)

Near 52W High of ₹12.97

63,315 BSE Volume

High vol. this week

BSE 21 Mar, 2025 3:31 PM (IST)

Yuvraaj Hygiene Key Metrics

All financials are in INR Cr and price data in INR
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Not Eligible
Mid Valuation
31.3 / 100
Technically Moderately Bullish
69.2 / 100

Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. Live Price Chart

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Yuvraaj Hygiene Stock Analysis

Yuvraaj Hygiene stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.

Annual Revenue₹19.76 Cr2.14%negative

Annual Revenue fell 2.14%, in the last year to ₹19.76 Cr. Its sector's average revenue growth for the last fiscal year was 14.63%.

Annual Net Profit₹0.34 Cr71.07%positive

Annual Net Profit rose 71.07% in the last year to ₹0.34 Cr. Its sector's average net profit growth for the last fiscal year was 36.14%.

Price to Earning Ratio28.88-positive

Price to Earning Ratio is 28.88, lower than its sector PE ratio of 55.62.

Stock Price₹12.70719.35%positive

Stock Price rose 719.35% and outperformed its sector by 687.02% in the past year.

Quarterly Revenue₹18.83 Cr266.31%positive

Quarterly Revenue rose 266.31% YoY to ₹18.83 Cr. Its sector's average revenue growth YoY for the quarter was 22.32%.

Quarterly Net profit₹2.52 Cr1984.05%positive

Quarterly Net profit rose 1,984.05% YoY to ₹2.52 Cr. Its sector's average net profit growth YoY for the quarter was 15.3%.

Debt to Equity Ratio-1.54-positive

Debt to Equity Ratio of -1.54 is less than 1 and healthy. This implies that its assets are financed mainly through equity.

Mutual Fund Holding0.00 %0%neutral

Mutual Fund Holding remained the same in the last quarter at 0%.

Promoter Share Holding74.93 %0%neutral

Promoter Share Holding stayed the same in the most recent quarter at 74.93%.

Interest Coverage Ratio16.57-positive

Interest Coverage Ratio is 16.57, higher than 1.5. This means that it is able to meet its interest payments comfortably with its earnings (EBIT).

Promoter Pledges0.00 %0%positive

Promoter Pledges are zero.


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Earnings Conference Calls, Investor Presentations and Annual Reports

Annual Report Mar-2024
Annual Report Mar-2023
Annual Report Mar-2022
Annual Report Mar-2021
Annual Report Mar-2020
Annual Report Mar-2019
Annual Report Mar-2018
Annual Report Mar-2017
Annual Report Mar-2016
Annual Report Mar-2015
Annual Report Mar-2014
Annual Report Mar-2013
Annual Report Mar-2012

Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. - Company Profile

What does Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. do?

Yuvraaj Hygiene Products is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of scrub pads, scrubber & other household cleaning related items.


Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. Management structure

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Mustafa Badami
Company Secretary, Compliance Officer
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Ravindrakumar Munnalal Sharma
Chief Financial Officer
Gross Remuneration

Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. Board of directors

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Vishal Kampani
Managing Director
22 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Benu Kampani
Whole-time Director
16.6 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Ankur Kampani
Non-Exec & Non-Independent Dir
Gross Remuneration
Mustafa Badami
Company Sec. & Compli. Officer
Gross Remuneration
Deepak Lalchand Nichani
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration

Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. - company history

Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. (formerly known Intensive Air Systems Limited) was incorporated in Jan.'95 by taking over a proprietory concern, Environment Control Systems, as a going concern. The company is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of scrub pads, scrubber & other household cleaning related items. The company came out with a public issue in Feb.'96 to part-finance the project. In 2012, the erstwhile Yuvraaj Hygiene Industries Private Limited got merged with the Company effective from 16th March, 2012 and resulting to the said merger, the name of the Company was changed from Intensive Air Systems Limited to Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Limited effective on 13th April, 2012.

Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. FAQ

How is Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. today?
Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. today is trading in the green, and is up by 1.93% at 12.70.
Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Ltd. is currently trading up 1.93% on an intraday basis. In the past week the stock rose 1.84%. stock has been up 289.57% in the past quarter and rose 719.35% in the past year. You can view this in the overview section.