Format of the Annual Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a Large Corporate. Sr. No. Particulars Details 1 Name of Compay Prabhat Dairy Ltd 2 CIN L01100PN1998PLC013068 3 Report filed for FY 2020-2021 Details of the borrowings (all figures in Rs crore) 4 Incremental borrowing done in FY(a) 0 5 Mandatory borrowing to be done through issuance of debt securities(b) = (25% of a) 0 6 Actual borrowings done through debt securities in FY(c) 0 7 Shortfall in the mandatory borrowing through debt securities, if any (d) = (b) - (c) { If the calculated value is zero or negative, write 'nil'} 0 8 Reasons for shortfall, if any, in mandatory borrowings through debt securities 0 Name of the Company Secretary :-DIPTI TODKARDesignation :-COMPANY SECRETARY AND COMPLIANCE OFFICER Name of the Chief Financial Officer :- VISHWJIT SINGH Designation : -CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Date: 29/04/2021