HDFC's restructured assets increased to 1.4% (vs 0.9% Q1FY22) of AUM which comprises of 63% Individual loans and 37% non-individual loans. Gross stage 3 assets declined to 2.5% vs 2.6% QoQ (vs 2.2% YoY) led by better collection efficiency. The overall collection efficiency ratio for individual loans has remained stable at 98% in Sept'21. PAT grew by 32% YoY (up 26% QoQ) led by higher other income (up 123% YoY). NII grew by 13% YoY led by improvement in margins while PPoP grew by 29% YoY. Disbursements for individual loan segment grew by 44% YoY in Q2FY22; Oct'21 disbursements highest ever in a non-quarter end month. Provisions stood at Rs.133.4bn...