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Conference/Earnings Calls Alerts

Conference Call with KEI Industries Management and Analysts on Q4FY20 and Full Year Earnings Performance and Outlook. Listen to the full earnings transcript

Call Participants: Mr. Anil Gupta - Chairman & Managing Director, Mr. Rajeev Gupta - Executive Director, Finance


Introductory Remarks from Anil Gupta


Good morning friends! Welcome to this conference call of KEI for Q4 as well as FY20 financial results. 


Highlights of the results:


  • During the 4th Quarter of FY 2019-20, the company achieved net Sales of Rs 1,258.53 Crore, against the same quarter in previous year which was similar at Rs 1,258.79 Crore. There was no growth as compared to the corresponding period last year due to lockdown announced by the Government (COVID-19) resulting in no sale for the last 10 days of the quarter ended March 31, 2020

  • EBITDA during this quarter was Rs 122.99 Crore against the same quarter in the previous year of Rs 141.24 crore

  • However, PAT diving this quarter was Rs 60.85 crore against the same quarter in the previous year of Rs 59.93 crore. PAT/Net Sale is 4.84% during the quarter as against 4.76% during last year's same period

  • During FY 2019-20, net sales was Rs 4884.27 crore, against the same period in previous year of Rs 4226.96 crore, growth in net sales is 15.55% over last year's same period

  • EBITDA during FY 2019-20 was Rs 512.51 crore against the same period in the previous year of Rs.449.41 Crore, growth in EBITDA is 14.04% over last year, same period

  • Further, PAT during FY 2019-20 was Rs 255.10 crore against Rs 181.87 crore last year in the same period. Further PAT has grown by 40.26% as against last year, same period. PAT Margin has improved from 4.30% to 5.22% as against last year's same period

  • Volume growth in Cable Division during the year is approx. 18% as compared to last year same period

  • During FY 2019-20, Institutional sales of Cables has grown by approximately 31% as compared to last year same period from Rs 2,002 crore to Rs 2,621 crore

  • During the 4th quarter of FY 2019-20 sales through Dealer/ Distribution market was Rs 321 crore as compared to Rs 405 crore of last year same period

  • During FY 2019-20, overall sales through Dealer/Distribution market was Rs 1,413 crore as compared to Rs 1,400 crore of last year in the same period. It just grew by 1%

  • The total active working dealer of the company is approximately 1650 

  • During the 4th Quarter of FY 2019-20 EHV Cable Sale was Rs 127 crore against last year, same period of Rs. 94 crore. During FY 2019-20, EHV Cable Sale was Rs 435 crore against last year, same period of Rs 189 crore. Growth in EHV Cable sale is approximately 130% as compared to last year

  • During the 4th quarter of FY 2019-20 revenue from EPC division was Rs 186 crore (apart from cable sale) against last year, same period of Rs 247 crore. During FY 2019-20, EPC sales was Rs 764 crore (apart from cable sale) against Rs 730 Crore against last year, same period

  • Pending orders as on today for EPC is Rs 1,233 crore, Rs 747 crore for EPC EHV, Rs 1,116 crore for cable, Rs 164 crore for Export. So, total order pending is of Rs 3,260 crore as on June 1, 2020

  • The company has achieved a landmark order for the first time with a big order of 400 KV of Rs 148 crore from Tamilnadu Transmission Corporation Limited for a value of around Rs 150 crore

  • With the receipt of 400 KV EHV Cable order, the company has reached another milestone and has placed KEI amongst the few international players in the industry to manufacture and supply cables of 400 KV

  • On a standalone basis, the financial charges of the company in 4th quarter of FY 2019-20 was Rs 27.66 crore as compared to last year, same period of Rs 42.29 crore. Financial charges in terms of percentage has reduced to 2.20% from 3.36% of net sales

  • Financial charges of the company in FY 2019-20 was Rs 129.15 crore as compared to last year, same period of Rs 136.15 crore. Financial charges in terms of percentage has reduced to 2.64% from 3.22% of net sales  

  • It is important to mention that the company did qualified institutional placement (QIP) of Rs 500 crore during January 2020 at a price of Rs 2 each at premium of Rs 498 each

  • Share capital of the company has increased from Rs 15.9 crore comprising of  79,504,438 equity shares to Rs 17.90 crore comprising of 89,504,438 equity shares The proceeds of QIP, have been utilized as per objects of the Issue such as repayment or prepayment of debts, meeting working capital requirements and general corporate purposes, the details of which has been provided in the press release

  • During the full year, the company has incurred total expenditure of Rs 5.82 crore in including Rs 2 crore contributed to PM Care Fund for Covid-19 in March 2020

  • Even during the lockdown in April 2020, we recovered a cash flow of Rs 194 crore during April 2020, out of which more than Rs 200 crore was recovered from various government utilities. We are cash surplus in last two months even after this lockdown

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