The focus of superstar shareholders in the media tends to be big names like Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, but there are other large shareholders with interesting, diverse portfolios and large holdings. Here we compare Rakesh Jhunjhunwala and Dolly Khanna's portfolios.
Dolly Khanna's portfolio, as of the latest numbers, have four of 25 stocks in the portfolio that are sharp underperformers, but over ten stocks have provided over triple-digit returns in share price over the past year (although three of these - Aksharchem, Rain Industries and Shreyans - are recent investments)
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala's portfolio has seen 10 out of 25 stocks have underperformed, with either single digit or negative returns. In the portfolio, five of 32 stocks that have seen over triple digit returns in the last year.
What is also interesting is how different the focus of these two portfolios are. Dolly Khanna's portfolio has multiple investments in sectors like sugar, which Jhunjhunwala doesn't have an investment in. Sugar companies saw a big boost in terms of regulation over the last year, with the government limiting imports to protect prices for Indian players. Dolly Khanna also invested in plastic, yarn, chemicals and other old school industries.
Jhunjhunwala on the other hand prefers companies in his portfolio that are in pharma, finance - HFCs and Banks - tech and the retail sector, companies that rely more on the health of export markets, the urban ecosystem and growth of India's middle class consumer base. It will be interesting to see how these portfolios change over the coming months as these investors look at new macroeco numbers and make fresh bets.