Investor Ramesh Damani has been known for his investments in both unlisted and listed companies. Damani is known for high-quality value picks, that can be retained in the portfolio for long periods of time. He follows the Warren Buffett model of investing, which favors companies with strong management credentials and processes.
As per corporate shareholdings filed for June 30, 2016, Ramesh Damani publicly holds 1 stocks with a net worth of over Rs. 25.7 Cr.
These are shares held by Ramesh Damani as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.
Expand | Stock | Qty Held | Jun 2016 Change % | Jun 2016 Holding % | Mar 2016 % | Dec 2015 % | History | DetailsRow |
TV Today Network | 869,686 | None | 1.5% | 1.5% | 1.5% |