With reference to our Investor Call dated August 14, 2023, this is to inform you that the audio recording of the earnings call held today, August 14, 2023, has been uploaded on the Company's website. Following is the link: (Audit Recording of Earning call held on August 14, 2023) The transcript for the said investor conference will be shared with the Stock Exchanges and will also be uploaded on the Company's website (www.carysil.com) in due course. With reference to our Investor Call dated August 14, 2023, this is to inform you that the audio recording of the earnings call held today, August 14, 2023, has been uploaded on the Company's website. Following is the link: (Audit Recording of Earning call held on August 14, 2023) The transcript for the said investor conference will be shared with the Stock Exchanges and will also be uploaded on the Company's website (www.carysil.com) in due course.