This is further to our letters bearing REF:NS:SEC dated 3rd February, 2025 wherein we had given you an advance intimation of the Schedule of Analyst or Institutional Investor Meeting(s) with the Company in terms of Regulation 30(6) read with Schedule III of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. We wish to inform you that the Company today physically participated in Nuvama Conference - Keynote Address in Mumbai with Several Funds/Investors (One to One/ Group Meeting) and the Presentation(s) which was sent to the Stock Exchanges vide our letter bearing REF:NS:SEC dated 14th June, 2024 was shared with them. The aforesaid Conference was concluded at 5:00 p.m. IST. The aforesaid Presentation is also available on the Website of the Company at the Weblink: Please note that the Company has referred to publicly available documents for discussions and no unpublished price sensitive information has been shared during the aforesaid Conference.