In continuation to our letter no. APL/SEC/51/2024-25/3 dated 24th January 2025, wherein it was informed that the Hon''ble National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench ("NCLT"), had sanctioned the Scheme of Amalgamation of Maxbhumi Developers Limited and Sleek International Private Limited (collectively referred to as "Transferor Companies"), wholly owned subsidiaries of Asian Paints Limited ("Transferee Company" or "the Company") with the Company ("Scheme of Amalgamation"). It is further informed that the Transferor Companies and Transferee Company have today i.e., 1st March 2025, filed the certified copy of the Order sanctioning the Scheme of Amalgamation, with the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra, at Mumbai. Accordingly, the Effective Date of the Scheme of Amalgamation is 1st March 2025.