rasilaben manukantbhai zota's Insider Trades & SAST Disclosures

rasilaben manukantbhai zota's most recent trade in Zota Healthcare Ltd. was a Sell of 13,500 Equity Shares done at an average price of Rs. 270.3 . Disclosure was reported to the exchange on Aug. 6, 2021 under the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.

No reported SAST transactions available for rasilaben manukantbhai zota in the Trendlyne database.

Stock Client Name Client Category Action* Reported To/By Exchange Quantity Post Transaction Holding Traded % Avg. Price Value Period Regulation (Insider/SAST) Security Type Mode
Zota Healthcare
RASILABEN MANUKANTBHAI ZOTA Promoter Group Sell 06 Aug 2021 13,500 1,000,500 - 270.3 3,648,510 02 Aug 2021
02 Aug 2021
Insider Trading (-) Equity Shares Market Sale
*Actions covered:
Acquisition (Buy): Purchase of shares
Disposal (Sell): Sale of shares
Pledge: Shares being used by promoters as collateral for loans. Usually a negative signal.
Revoke: When shares are released from a pledge. Usually a positive signal. 
Invoke: When pledged shares are invoked by companies/banks who have provided the collateral, which may result in acquisition of stake in the company. Usually a negative signal. 
Client Category: Promoter/ KMP/ Director / Immediate Relatives / Employee / etc  
Security Type: Share/ Warrants / Convertible Debentures
Kind of transaction Mode: Public rights/ preferential offer / off market / inter-se transfer/ Market Sale
Data as reported to BSE and NSE
Insider trading data is from Disclosure under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
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