No reported Insider Trades available for Satyanarayn Maheshwari Karta of Satyanarayan Maheshwari HUF in the Trendlyne database.
Satyanarayn Maheshwari Karta of Satyanarayan Maheshwari HUF's has made SAST transactions in Swastika Investmart Ltd. recently where a Disposal of 25,100 shares done . Disclosure was reported to the exchange on June 25, 2021.
Stock | Client Name | Client Category | Action* | Reported To/By Exchange | Quantity | Post Transaction Holding | Traded % | Avg. Price | Value | Period | Regulation (Insider/SAST) | Security Type | Mode |
Swastika Investmart | Satyanarayn Maheshwari Karta of Satyanarayan Maheshwari HUF | Promoter | Disposal | 26 Jun 2021 | 25,100 | - | 0.85% | - | 24 Jun 2021 24 Jun 2021 |
SAST (29(2)) | - | Inter-se Transfer / Gift |