No reported Insider Trades available for Rajendra Prasad Gupta, Vikash Gupta, Akash Gupta in the Trendlyne database.
Rajendra Prasad Gupta, Vikash Gupta, Akash Gupta 's has made SAST transactions in Bloom Industries Ltd. recently where a Acquisition of 234,000 shares done . Disclosure was reported to the exchange on Oct. 20, 2021.
Stock | Client Name | Client Category | Action* | Reported To/By Exchange | Quantity | Post Transaction Holding | Traded % | Avg. Price | Value | Period | Regulation (Insider/SAST) | Security Type | Mode |
Bloom Industries | Rajendra Prasad Gupta, Vikash Gupta, Akash Gupta & PACs | Promoter | Acquisition | 20 Oct 2021 | 234,000 | 3,680,000 (55.42%) | 3.52% | - | 18 Oct 2021 18 Oct 2021 |
SAST (29(2)) | - | Preferential Basis |