No reported Insider Trades available for Porinju Valiyath in the Trendlyne database.
Porinju Valiyath 's has made SAST transactions in Kerala Ayurveda Ltd. recently where a Acquisition of 10,000 shares done . Disclosure was reported to the exchange on Oct. 11, 2023.
Stock | Client Name | Client Category | Action* | Reported To/By Exchange | Quantity | Post Transaction Holding | Traded % | Avg. Price | Value | Period | Regulation (Insider/SAST) | Security Type | Mode |
Kerala Ayurveda | Porinju Valiyath & Others | Other | Acquisition | 13 Oct 2023 | 10,000 | 530,000 (5.02%) | 0.09% | - | 10 Oct 2023 10 Oct 2023 |
SAST (29(1)) | - | Market |