Gita Agrawal's Insider Trades & SAST Disclosures

Gita Agrawal's most recent trade in Elegant Marbles & Grani Industries Ltd. was a Disposal of 221,847 Equity Shares done . Disclosure was reported to the exchange on March 17, 2023 under the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.

Gita Agrawal's has made SAST transactions in Elegant Marbles & Grani Industries Ltd. recently where a Disposal of 221,847 shares done . Disclosure was reported to the exchange on March 16, 2023.

Stock Client Name Client Category Action* Reported To/By Exchange Quantity Post Transaction Holding Traded % Avg. Price Value Period Regulation (Insider/SAST) Security Type Mode
Elegant Marbles & Grani
Gita Agrawal Promoter Group Disposal 17 Mar 2023 221,847 0 (0%) 6.06% 0 0 15 Mar 2023
15 Mar 2023
Insider Trading Equity Shares Gift
Elegant Marbles & Grani
Gita Ramswaroop Agrawal Promoter Disposal 20 Mar 2023 221,847 - 6.06% - 15 Mar 2023
15 Mar 2023
SAST (29(2)) - Inter-se Transfer
*Actions covered:
Acquisition (Buy): Purchase of shares
Disposal (Sell): Sale of shares
Pledge: Shares being used by promoters as collateral for loans. Usually a negative signal.
Revoke: When shares are released from a pledge. Usually a positive signal. 
Invoke: When pledged shares are invoked by companies/banks who have provided the collateral, which may result in acquisition of stake in the company. Usually a negative signal. 
Client Category: Promoter/ KMP/ Director / Immediate Relatives / Employee / etc  
Security Type: Share/ Warrants / Convertible Debentures
Kind of transaction Mode: Public rights/ preferential offer / off market / inter-se transfer/ Market Sale
Data as reported to BSE and NSE
Insider trading data is from Disclosure under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
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