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About Kiri Industries Ltd. - Company Information, Overview, History and Profile

What does Kiri Industries Ltd. do?

Kiri Industries is engaged in manufacturing and selling of Dyes, Dyes Intermediates and Basic Chemicals.


Kiri Industries Ltd. Management structure

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Mrs. Neelima Rajput
President(Sales & Marketing)
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Shail Soni
Vice President(Human Resources)
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Jayesh Hirani
Vice President(Account & Finance)
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Ronak Shah
Vice President - Commercial(Commercial)
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Kanjibhai Rabari
Vice President(Product Planning, SCM)
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Simon Joseph
Vice President(Purchase)
Gross Remuneration

Kiri Industries Ltd. Board of directors

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Manish P Kiri
Chairman & Managing Director
1.56 Cr
Gross Remuneration
Girish Tandel
Whole-time Director
22.14 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Yagnesh Mankad
Whole-time Director
17.26 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Veena Jayntilal Padia
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration
Suresh Gondalia
Company Sec. & Compli. Officer
Gross Remuneration
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration

Kiri Industries Ltd. - company history

Kiri Industries Limited was erstwhile incorporated as 'Kiri Dyes & Chemicals Private Limited' in May, 1998 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The Company changed the name to 'Kiri Dyes & Chemicals Limited' upon conversion of the Company status to Public Limited Company. Later, the name of the Company was changed from Kiri Dyes and Chemicals Limited to Kiri Industries Limited effective from 8 March, 2011. Presently, the Company is engaged in manufacturing and selling of Dyes, Dyes Intermediates and Basic Chemicals. These reactive dyes are called synthetic organic dyes used for cotton fabrics like garments, dress materials, bed-sheets, carpets etc. All the products manufactured by the company have comes under in two groups, such as Reactive Dyes and Intermediate Dyes and also the products found global acceptance. The product range of the company comprises of more than 120 dyestuffs used by textiles, leather, paint and printing ink industries with total production capacity of 10800 MT per annum. The dyes are of basically colours like black, blue, red, orange, yellow and numerous variants of these basic colours identified by color index number internationally. The company equipped the R & D laboratories with sophisticated and technologically advanced equipment, were the highly skilled team of research chemists; engineers and technicians to serve deverse range of products of the company. KDCL have four plants situated Gujarat, India in different districts and four different names such as Kiri Dyes and Chemicals Limited (100 % EOU UNIT), Survin Laboratory, Kiri Dyes and Chemicals Limited - Unit-II and Parkin Industries - II. The company started its overseas operations in 1999; KDCL exported its products to USA and Taiwan. An appreciation for the year 1998-1999, the company awarded outstanding export performance by CHEMEXIL and also the same was came to the company for 1999-2000 in 2001 the year. Trophy awarded to the company by Gujarat Dyestuffs Manufactures Association for export performance of more than Rs. 600 Lakhs for direct export of self-manufactured dyes & dye intermediates. During the year 2002, KDCL obtained permission confirming eligibility of Kiri Dyes to become 100% Export Oriented Unit from Kandla Special Economic Zone. The company received prestigious Platinum Award from CHEMEXCIL for outstanding performance during the year 2002 - 2003 and became Government Recognized Trading House in 2003. The year 2004 was the turning point to the company, recognized as a Two Star Export House and converted it manufacturing unit into 100% Export Oriented Unit. KDCL obtained Environmental Clearance Certificate from the Ministry of Environment and Forest for further expansion. The company started strategic backward integration project at Padra, Dist. Vadodara in 2005 and in 2006 the commercial production of backward integration project with respect to Vinyl Sulphone Easter started at Padra, Dist. Vadodara was in ensured. Awarded by Clariant (India) Ltd as "A" class vender for outstanding performance as a Business Partner - Sourcing and its contribution in the growth of Clariant (India) Limited in the same year of 2006. KDCL got an ISO 9001:2000, a certificate for quality management system by ISOQAR in the year 2007 for manufacture and supply of dyes intermediates for its Unit located at Village Dudhwada, Padra, Vadodara. KDCL has one of the advanced and effective effluent treatment plants to ensure required outlet norms under the safety environment of the company and also responsible and bound to manage lands to protect and enhance wildlife and ecosystems. After all, company the have but one environment. The Joint Venture with Well Prospering Limited, a Hong Kong based subsidiary Company of Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co. Ltd. of China, was formed during the year 2009 as Loosen Kiri Chemical Industries Ltd. The plant to manufacture Dyestuff with the installed capacity of 50000 TPA was envisaged. In the first phase, a plant with the installed capacity of 36000 TPA of Reactive Dyes being executed was opened in Gujarat on 19th July, 2009. The Company completed initial public offering in April, 2008 and allotted 3750053 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each at an issue price of Rs. 150/- per equity share (including premium of Rs. 140/- per equity share), through which, the paid up capital of the Company increased from Rs. 1125 Lakhs to Rs. 1500 Lakhs and resulting to this, the company raised Rs. 7069.06 Lakhs comprising of Rs. 5625 Lakhs through IPO and Rs. 1444.06 lakhs through Pre IPO placement. During the year 2010, the Company commenced commercial production of its backward integration plant for manufacturing of basic chemicals i.e. Sulphuric Acid, Oleum and Chloro Sulphonic Acid with a combined capacity of 500 MT/day. It commenced 3.5 MW co-generation steam based power plant at Village Dudhwada, Vadodara. It commenced commercial production of Acetanilide, with installed capacity of 12000 MTPA at Village Dudhwada, District Vadodara, which is used in manufacturing of Vinyl Sulphone. In February, 2010 Company through its wholly owned subsidiary Kiri Holding Singapore Private Limited, acquired Assets of DyStar Textilfarben GmbH and DyStar Textilfarben GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG (DyStar) along with its 36 subsidiaries. Thereafter, in October 2010, KHSPL acquired DyStar LP USA for USD 10 Million. On 4th February, 2010, Kiri Industries Limited (KIL) acquired DyStar Group, through SPV Kiri Holding Singapore Pvt Ltd. Dystar acquisition is considered to be a historical development in the global Dyes industry. The acquisition of Dystar, a multinational German Company having worldwide market share of around 21% changed the dynamics, making KIRI now a Global Conglomerate and a total textile solution provider in 2022-23.