JITF Infra Logistics Limited was incorporated on January 3, 2008. The Company is presently engaged in the business activities of rail, water and urban infrastructure in India and abroad and to act as technical, engineering, management consultants and/or provider of managerial and technical manpower services. The Company is redefining existing norms in the areas of water, wastewater & solid waste management, logistics and transportation equipment fabrication. The Company's first Waste-to-Energy (WtE) facility at Okhla, New Delhi became commercially operational since January, 2012. During the year 2016-17, by Composite Scheme of Arrangement among the Company, Jindal Saw Limited, JITF Shipyards Limited and JITF Waterways Limited and their respective shareholders and creditors, which became effective on August 5, 2016, the following businesses being run by Jindal Saw Limited through various subsidiaries were merged into the Company consisting of Waste to Energy Business, Manufacturing of Railway Freight Wagons and Heavy Engineering Components; and Water Infrastructure Businesses. In consideration of demerger of above business, Company allotted its equity shares of Rs 2 each to the shareholders of the Jindal Saw Limited on August 27, 2016 in the ratio of 50 shares for every 622 equity shares of Rs 2 each held in the Jindal Saw Limited. The above shares were listed in National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited on 27th February, 2017. The initial capacity of Waste to Energy (WTE) Plant in Delhi was 16 MW which was later enhanced to 23 MW in 2020-21. Waste to Energy (WtE) two projects of approx. 111 MW at Guntur and Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh were commissioned in October, 2023.