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About Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd. - Company Information, Overview, History and Profile

What does Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd. do?

Gujarat Industries Power Company is engaged in generation of power from gas, lignite, wind and solar.


Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd. Management structure

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Shri N. K. Singh
Chief General Manager(SLPP)
85.23 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Shri C. N. Paghdar
Additional General Manager
73.67 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Shri P. C. Goyal
General Manager(Mines)
72.22 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Shri A. K. Vaishnav
General Manager(Projects, IT)
70.46 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Shri P. S. Goyal
General Manager(O&M Operations)
70.35 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Shri M.C. Vadalia
General Manager(Project Group)
69.72 Lac
Gross Remuneration

Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd. Board of directors

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Vasudeva Vatsala
Managing Director
45.65 Lac
Gross Remuneration
N N Misra
Independent Non Exe. Director
3.2 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Mamata Biswal
Independent Non Exe. Director
2.75 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Nitin Shukla
Independent Non Exe. Director
1.9 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Ravindra Dholakia
Independent Non Exe. Director
1.8 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Swaroop P
Gross Remuneration

Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd. - company history

Gujarat Industries Power Company Limited (GIPCL), established in June, 1985 is one of the "Panchratnas" (five jewels), in Gujarat. The Company is engaged in generation of power from gas, lignite, wind and solar in Gujarat. Their power stations include Vadodara Station-I, which is a 145 mega watt combined cycle power plant (CCPP); Vadodara Station- II, which is a 165 mega watt CCPP, and Surat Lignite Power Plant (SLPP). The total present capacity of Vadodara and Mangrol plants is 810 MW. The Company has been promoted by Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL), Gujarat State Fertilizer and Chemical Limited (GSFC), Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company Limited (GNFC), Gujarat Alkalies and Chemical Limited (GACL), Petrofils Co-operative Limited (Petrofils) and Heavy Water Project (HWP) of the Atomic Energy Department of the Government of India, with the main objective of setting up a coal-based power station of 120 MW to cater to the captive needs of electrical energy of participating industries viz. GSFC, GNFC, GACL, Petrofils and HWP. In 1991, the company set up their power plant having 3 gas turbines of 32 MW each and one steam turbine of 49 MW at Vadodara which resulted into an total installed capacity of 145 MW. In February 1991, they commissioned the Combined Cycle Operation of 145 MW Gas based Plant. In February 1992, they commissioned the combined cycle mode. In April 1992, they started commercial generation of power. In September 1993, the company signed a supplementary MoU with the participating units viz. GEB, GACL, GSFC, Petrofils and GAIL for revised allocation of power. In November 1997, the company expanded their capacity by commissioning another 160 MW Gas based Combined Cycle power plant (Station - II) in Vadodara, which included one gas turbine of 106 MW and one steam turbine of 54 MW and was capable of running multiple fuels viz. Gas & Naphtha. Also, they started commercial generation of Station II in Vadodara. In November 1999, the company commissioned the first unit of 2x125 MW Surat Lignite Power Plant at Surat. In January 2000, they commissioned the second unit of 2X125 MW Surat Lignite Power Plant at Surat. In February 2000, they started the commercial generation of Surat Lignite Power Plant. During the year 2004-05, the company has taken up 250 MW expansion project which increases the generating capacity of Surat Lignite Power Plant to 500 MW. During the year 2006-07, the company obtained ISO:9001:2000, ISO:14001:2004 and OHSAS ISO:18001:1999 certification for Quality Management System (QMS) and Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management System (EOHSM) for their Power Stations at Vadodara and SLPP from M/s TUV India Ltd. During the year 2008-09, the company increased the total capacity of producing power from 557 MW to 560 MW. During the year 2009-10, the company got re- certification for Integrated Management System (IMS) covering ISO: 9001:2008, ISO: 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certification for Quality Management System (QMS), Environment Management System (EMS) and Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) for their Power Stations at Vadodara and SLPP from TUV India Ltd. In April 2010, the company commissioned the 2 x 125 MW SLPP Phase II expansion project. During 2016-17, the Company commissioned the Govt. of Gujarat (GoG) sponsored, Grid connected two Distributed Solar Pilot plants of 1 MW each at Village Amrol in Central Gujarat during April, 2016 and at Village Vastan, Dist.: Surat in South Gujarat in May, 2016 respectively. The Company had issued two Letters of Intent (LoIs), both dated 01.09.2014 on Leitwind Shriram Manufacturing Ltd. (LSML), Chennai on EPC turnkey basis for setting up Wind Power Projects of 27 MW (18 x 1.5 MW) at Village Kotadapitha and 24 MW (16 x 1.5 MW) at Village Jambarwada, Taluka Babra, Dist.: Amreli, Gujarat respectively. Due to inordinate delay in Project execution by LSML, the Directors decided to terminate the LoI for 24 MW (16 x 1.5 MW) at the Jambarwada Site. Thereafter, the LoI for the 27 MW Wind Based Power Project at Village Kotadapitha was truncated to 15 MW and resultantly, the said 15 MW Project commissioned in Nov' 2016. The 97.4 MW Wind Farms, at various locations in Gujarat, have been commissioned, in phased manner by March 2017. The 2 x 40 MW capacity of Solar Power Projects at Gujarat Solar Park, Charanka was commissioned in 2017. The Company installed and commissioned 112.4 MW capacity of Wind Power Projects at different sites across State of Gujarat in 2018. It commissioned Two Distributed Solarcum-Agriculture Power Projects of 1 MW each at Village Amrol, in Surat. During the year 2019-20, the Company commissioned 75 MW Solar Project at Gujarat Solar Park, Charanka (25 MW on 29.03.2019, 30 MW on 26.04.2019 and last phase - 20 MW on 04.06.2019). The 50 MW Solar Projects at Charanka location in the state of Gujarat was commissioned in Mar'20. The 100 MW Solar Power Plant at Raghanesda was commissioned in August, 2021. GIPCL has entered into MoU with leading Central Public Sector Undertakings, NHPC Limited and Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) for joint exploration of Renewable Energy Solutions. The Company has signed a MoU with Government of Gujarat for development of 2375 MW Khavda RE Park and 1100 MW Solar Projects at Khavda RE Park on 3rd January, 2024 at Gandhinagar.