Kaizen Agro Infrabuild Limited was incorporated in January 20, 2006 as "Anubhav Vanijya Private Limited" to deal in as wholesaler / trader of consumer goods. Later, the Company decided to get involved in the business of construction and civil works. With the change in the business activity, the Company name was changed to "Anubhav Infrastructure Private Limited" on August 13, 2007. Later, the Company got converted into "Anubhav Infrastructure Limited" on January 11, 2008 and further to Kaizen Agro Infrabuild Limited on August 22, 2023. The Company currently engaged in the providing land development, construction services and other related services for civil & infrastructural construction and infrastructure sector projects. The aforementioned services are currently provided through third party vendor contractors to whom the Company subcontract construction and other execution work related to projects. The Company is situated at Howrah and project sites are situated at various places in India. The Company was initially engaged into Civil and Construction Works since 2007. In FY 2022-23, the Company moved into new line of Agriculture Business by manufacturing and trading into Agro products in the Country.