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About Royal Sense Ltd. - Company Information, Overview, History and Profile

What does Royal Sense Ltd. do?

Royal Sense is engaged in the business of trading of pharmaceutical products.


Royal Sense Ltd. Management structure

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Rishabh Arora
Chairman. , Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer
12 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Priyanka Bhutani
Company Secretary
Gross Remuneration

Royal Sense Ltd. - company history

Royal Sense Limited was incorporated as a Public Limited Company pursuant to a Certificate of Incorporation dated April 06, 2023, issued by the Registrar of Companies, Central Registration Centre. Prior to the incorporation of Company, the Promoter Rishabh Arora was running the business in sole proprietorships under the name "M/s Royal Traders, M/s PHT & M/s Anaya". In 2015, the Company started their business under proprietorship as M/s Royal Traders; in 2018 as M/s PHT and proprietorship as M/s Anaya in 2020. Later on, April 28, 2023, the running business of the aforesaid proprietorship concern was acquired by the Company, along with the assets and liabilities of the proprietorship concern as going concern. The Company has absorbed the business line & distribution network of firms. "RoyalSense" are suppliers of high quality goods that meet international standards required for hospitals, laboratories, institutions and clinics to provide health services. The Company trade and offer a wide range of surgical accessories, tools, equipment and other things. It seek as the one-stop solution for customers looking to meet their complete needs for medical equipment, surgical instruments, surgical consumables, laboratory equipment, laboratory reagents, medical consumables, diagnostic equipment, sanitary napkins, pharmaceuticals, medicine and cosmetics. The Company is proposing a Public Issue of 14,50,000 Equity Shares through Fresh Issue.