Pasupati Acrylon Limited (PAL), promoted by Mukesh Jain, is one of the leading manufacturer of Acrylic Fibre, Tow and Tops and was established in 1982, the manufacturing facility is located at Thakurdwara, Distt. Moradabad, (UP). The Company is also manufacturing Cast Polyproplene Film (CPP Film) at Thakurdwara Distt. Moradabad (U.P.) The project, with an installed capacity of 15,000 tpa, commenced production in Nov.'90. After the de-bottlenecking scheme, the installed capacity rose to 18,000 tpa in Jul.'93. The company has installed an additional thermo-stretching line to produce more value-added high-shrinkage fibres. The acrylic fibres find application in woollen knitwear, hand-knitting yarn, woollen and worsted fabrics, blankets, carpets, sportswear, etc. It went public with a rights offer in Oct.'93 to enhance the margin money for working capital. To achieve better marginal contribution without any substantial increase in fixed overheads, to meet global competition company has taken up expansion plan during 1993, to increase the production capacity from 15000 TPA to 22500 TPA. By increasing level of production this would give company a competitive edge. The Company's extraction based turbine to reduce utility cost has been commissioned during the last quarter of 1999-2000. The Company commenced commercial production of CPP Film effective from March 26, 2019. During the year 2024, Company is in process of setting-up 150 KL per day grain based Ethanol plant at adjoining site to the existing plant as third segment.