Promoted by Devendra Kumar Garg, Vakil Chand Jain, Subhas Chand Jain, and Jaibha Gawan Verma, VSD Confin limited was incorporated in the name of J S D Colonizers Pvt Ltd on Feb.'84 and converted into a public limited company in Jan.'95. It later acquired its present name in Feb.'95. Its activities include construction and development, consultants, town planners, surveyors, and valuers. In Feb.'96, the company came out with a public issue of Rs. 10.50 cr. to part finance the proposed expansion programme, to acquire several construction and other equipments to facilitate execution of the large construction contracts and development projects faster and with high standards in quality of construction and also to construct the dwelling units and commercial units on large scale. During the year 1999-2000, the company achieved an encouraging performance with a total turnover of Rs.37.86 lacs as compared to Rs.13.72 lacs in the previous year.