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About Synergy Green Industries Ltd. - Company Information, Overview, History and Profile

What does Synergy Green Industries Ltd. do?

Synergy Green Industries is engaged in the business of foundry, manufacturing of wind turbine casting and other large precision castings.


Synergy Green Industries Ltd. Management structure

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Nilesh Mohan Mankar
Company Secretary
Gross Remuneration
Pratik Pradipkumar Dukande
Chief Financial Officer
Gross Remuneration

Synergy Green Industries Ltd. Board of directors

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Chairman & Managing Director
86.79 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Sohan Sanjeev Shirgaokar
Joint Managing Director
86.79 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Vendavagali Srinivasa Reddy
Director (Technical)
81.68 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Prabha Prakash Kulkarni
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration
Dattaram Pandurang Kamat
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration
Subhash Gundappa Kutte
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration

Synergy Green Industries Ltd. - company history

Synergy Green Industries Limited was originally incorporated as a Private Limited Company with the name as "Synergy Green Industries Private Limited" on October 08, 2010. Further, The Company converted into Public Limited Company and name was changed to "Synergy Green Industries Limited" on February 16, 2018. The Company is engaged in the business of foundry i.e. manufacturing of castings, industrial castings, turbine castings, metal castings, steel castings and Windmill Parts. The Company Started as a green filed foundry project during 2011 and entered in commercial operation in June 2012. The operation of the Company is situated in Kolhapur, Maharastra. Additionally, the Company is having major supplier of Wind Turbine like M/s Vestas, Denmark, M/s Gamesa, M/s GE Renewable and M/s Enercon Germany, Wind Gear Box customer like M/s ZF and M/s Siemens etc. The Company is an ISO 9001:2015 certified for Manufacture of Graded Grey Iron, Spheroidal Graphite Iron and Steel Casting and Machined Components for Non-Automotive and Industrial Applications. The Plant is equipped with MAGMA simulation software, Furan no bake moulding plant, Induction melting furnace and entire range of testing equipment's to meet stringent quality specifications. The Company consist of three segments namely Wind Turbine, Wind Gear Box and General Engineering (Non-Wind Segment) like Mining equipment, Pump and Valve Industry Plastic Injection machines, traction motors and small casting. The Company has become one of the renowned as largest automated fast loop moulding line for large castings. As part of its in-house State of the art IT facilities with latest technology like MAGMA flow and thermal simulation software, well established pattern supply chain including CNC route, continuous sand mixers 3 Nos, Mould compaction table and transfer cars and Fast loop moulding line simulation. The Company has also developed in-house Laboratory for quality control to achieve total customer satisfaction and enhance the stake holder values. The Company came up with a public issue of 37,80,000 equity shares by raising equity capital aggregating to Rs 26.46 Crores in September, 2018. 15 MT New Melting Furnace commissioned in June, 2023.