Stocks with increased FII holding, strong performance in Q2FY24 and outperforming the Nifty 50 - Nifty 500

Stocks which have witnessed a rise in FII holding over the past quarter, strong financial performance in Q2FY24 and outperforming the Nifty 50 index

Last Updated: 26 Mar 2025, 12:33 a.m. (IST)

Query : FII holding change QoQ % > 0 and Revenue Growth Qtr YoY % > 15 and Net Profit Qtr Growth YoY % > 10 and Month Change % > Nifty50 Month change % and Month Change % > Industry Month Change % and Latest financial result = 20230930
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Stocks with increased FII holding, strong performance in Q2FY24 and outperforming the Nifty 50
Stocks which have witnessed a rise in FII holding over the past quarter, strong financial performance in Q2FY24 and outperforming the Nifty 50 index