Buy Zone: Stocks in the buy zone based on days traded at current PE and P/BV

Stocks in the buy zone based on days traded at current Price to Earnings (PE) and Price to Book Value (P/BV). This screener looks for stocks in buy zone. The buy zone and sell zone checks for what percentage of total trading days the stock has traded below its current PE. If the stock trade below the current PE for a low percentage of trading days, then it is in the PE Buy Zone. if the stock trades below the current PE the majority of trading days (high % of trading days), the stock is in the PE Sell Zone.


Buy Zone: Stocks in the buy zone based on days traded at current PE and P/BV
Stocks in the buy zone based on days traded at current Price to Earnings (PE) and Price to Book Value (P/BV)
tan310 It seems this metric result is capped at 35% PE buy zone. Why? I haven't seen any stock in >35% of the time spent in PE buy zone. Is there a different metric/query to use for that?
12 Mar 2024, 04:30PM
tan310 What column do I change to what value to get all stocks with PE buy zone >35%?
12 Mar 2024, 05:33PM