Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. - Quarterly/Annual Result Disclosures and Notes dated 31 Dec 2021

Auditor and Management Disclosures and Notes for the quarterly results dated 31 Dec 2021

1.The above unaudited standalone financial results have been prepared in accordance with the applicable Indian Accounting Standards as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other accounting principles generally accepted in India in compliance with Regulation 33 of the Listing Regulations.

2.The above unaudited standalone financial results for the quarter and nine month period ended 31st December, 2021 have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at their respective meetings held on 14 February, 2022.

3.The limited review under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended, has been carried out by the statutory auditors. Auditor’s Limited Review Report does not contain any observation which would have an impact on the above results.

4.The company is primarily engaged in one business segment i.e. manufacturing of chemical intermediates, heavy organic chemicals and performance chemicals which is it’s primary segment. The company is also engaged in the manufacture of wireless network equipment & services. However, since the revenue, profits & total assets of this segment is less that 10% of the combined revenue, profits & assets of all the reporting segments, disclosures as required by Ind-As 108, ‘Operating Segments’ are not given.

5.The Company has considered the possible effects that may result from the Covid-19 induced pandemic. However, the impact assessment of COVID-19 is a continual process, given the uncertainties associated with its nature and duration. The Company has considered internal and external sources of information upto the date of approval of these financial statements in assessing the various financial estimates and has not identified any material impact on the carrying value of assets, liabilities and provisions. The company will continue to closely

monitor any material changes to future economic conditions and the consequent impact on its business, if any.

6.The Company had issued and allotted 5,58,90,894 equity shares of Re. 1/- each to eligible shareholders of equity shares on the record date (i.e. 21st July, 2021) as fully paid up bonus equity shares by capitalizing reserves. The earning per share figures for the quarter & nine month period ended 31st December, 2020 and year ended 31st March, 2021 have been restated to give effect to the allotment of the bonus shares, as required by IND-AS 33, ‘Earning Per Share’.

7.In the meeting of Board of Directors held on 02nd February, 2022 it was considered and approved to issue of 65,20,606 Share Warrants on Preferential basis (Preferential Issue), convertible into 65,20,606 equity shares of face value of Rs. 1/- each, to be issued at Rs. 153.36 per share Warrant/ Equity Share (including premium of Rs. 152.36) approximately aggregating to Rs. 1,00,00,00,137/- subject to statutory/regulatory approvals as may be necessary, including the approval of the Shareholders of the Company, wherever required in accordance with Chapter V of Securities and Exchange Board of India (issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements ) Regulation, 2018 (‘SEBI ICDR Regulation’) and the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and rules made there under.

The board also approved the Postal Ballot Notice to be issued to the members for seeking their approval on the above matter.

8.Previous period figures have been regrouped /reclassified, wherever necessary to conform to current period classification.