All the following parameters are supported on our platform.
  1. Buy Sell Zone parameters
    1. %Days traded below current PE Price to Earnings
    2. Is Stock In PBV Neutral Zone
    3. Is Stock in PE Sell Zone
    4. %Days traded below current Price to Book Value
    5. Is Stock In PE Buy Zone
    6. Is Stock In PBV Sell Zone
    7. Is Stock In PBV Buy Zone
    8. Is Stock in PE Neutral Zone
  2. Mutual Fund holding summary
    1. MF holding total shares previous month
    2. MF holding total shares three months ago
    3. MF holding total shares two months ago
    4. MF holding total shares four months ago
    5. MF holding change 3Month%
    6. MF holding change 1Month %
    7. MF holding change 2Month %
  3. Scores (Premium)
    1. Prev Week Trendlyne Momentum Score
    2. Trendlyne Momentum Score
    3. Normalized Momentum Score
    4. Prev Month Trendlyne Momentum Score
    5. Prev Day Trendlyne Momentum Score
    6. Trendlyne Valuation Score
    7. Trendlyne Durability Score
  4. Futures And Options (Premium)
    1. FnO Total Open Interest
    2. FnO Previous Day Total Open Interest
    3. FnO Rollover Cost
    4. FnO Previous Day Total Call Volume
    5. FnO Marketwide Position Limit %
    6. FnO Rollover %
    7. FnO Total Call Volume
    8. FnO Total Call Volume change %
    9. FnO PCR OI Put to call open interest ratio previous day
    10. FnO Total Put Volume change %
    11. FnO PCR OI Put to call open interest ratio
    12. FnO PCR Volume change %
    13. FnO Previous Day Total Put Volume
    14. FnO Total Call Open Interest change %
    15. FnO Total Put Volume
    16. FnO PCR Put to call Volume ratio
    17. FnO Total Call Open Interest
    18. FnO previous day Marketwide Position Limit %
    19. FnO Total Put Open Interest
    20. FnO PCR Put to call Volume ratio previous day
    21. FnO Rollover Cost %
    22. FnO Previous Day Total Put Open Interest
    23. FnO PCR OI change %
    24. FnO Marketwide position limit
    25. FnO Total Put Open Interest change %
    26. FnO Previous Day Total Call Open Interest
    27. Annualized Volatility
    28. FnO Total Open Interest change %
  5. Insider & SAST Trading Parameters
    1. Insider Sells as %Total Shares Last Quarter
    2. Insider & SAST Sells Last Quarter
    3. SAST Buys as %Total Shares Last Quarter
    4. Insider Pledge Change as %Total Shares Yesterday
    5. Insider & SAST Sells as %Total Shares Last Quarter
    6. Insider Buys as %Total Shares Yesterday
    7. Insider Sells as %Total Shares Last Week
    8. Insider Buys as %Total Shares Last Month
    9. Insider Pledge invoked as %Total Shares Last Month
    10. Insider Buys Yesterday
    11. Insider Buys as %Total Shares Last Week
    12. Insider Sells as %Total Shares Last Month
    13. Insider Pledge invoked as %Total Shares Last Week
    14. Insider Pledge invoked Today
    15. Insider & SAST Sells as %Total Shares Last Month
    16. Insider Pledge invoked as %Total Shares Yesterday
    17. Insider Buys as %Total Shares Last Quarter
    18. SAST Buys Yesterday
    19. SAST Sells as %Total Shares Today
    20. Insider & SAST Buys Last Month
    21. Insider Sells Last Month
    22. Insider & SAST Buys Last Week
    23. Insider & SAST Sells Yesterday
    24. Insider Pledge Change as %Total Shares Today
    25. SAST Sells Last Week
    26. Insider Pledge Change as %Total Shares Last Month
    27. SAST Buys Last Month
    28. Insider Pledge Change Last Month
    29. Insider Buys Today
    30. Insider & SAST Buys Today
    31. SAST Sells as %Total Shares Last Month
    32. SAST Buys as %Total Shares Today
    33. SAST Sells Today
    34. SAST Sells Last Quarter
    35. Insider Pledge invoked Yesterday
    36. Insider & SAST Sells as %Total Shares Yesterday
    37. SAST Buys as %Total Shares Last Week
    38. Insider & SAST Buys as %Total Shares Last Quarter
    39. Insider Sells Today
    40. Insider Sells Last Week
    41. SAST Buys Today
    42. Insider Pledge Change Last Week
    43. Insider & SAST Buys as %Total Shares Yesterday
    44. SAST Buys Last Week
    45. Insider Pledge invoked Last Week
    46. Insider Pledge invoked Last Month
    47. Insider & SAST Sells Last Week
    48. Insider & SAST Buys as %Total Shares Today
    49. SAST Buys Last Quarter
    50. Insider & SAST Sells as %Total Shares Last Week
    51. Insider Sells Last Quarter
    52. Insider Sells as %Total Shares Today
    53. Insider & SAST Buys as %Total Shares Last Month
    54. SAST Sells Last Month
    55. Insider Pledge Change Today
    56. Insider Buys Last Quarter
    57. Insider Buys as %Total Shares Today
    58. SAST Sells as %Total Shares Last Week
    59. Insider & SAST Sells Last Month
    60. Insider & SAST Buys Last Quarter
    61. Insider Buys Last Week
    62. SAST Buys as %Total Shares Last Month
    63. Insider & SAST Buys as %Total Shares Last Week
    64. Insider Pledge invoked as %Total Shares Today
    65. SAST Sells Yesterday
    66. Insider Sells as %Total Shares Yesterday
    67. Insider Sells Yesterday
    68. Insider Pledge Change as %Total Shares Last Week
    69. SAST Sells as %Total Shares Last Quarter
    70. Insider Buys Last Month
    71. Insider & SAST Sells as %Total Shares Today
    72. Insider & SAST Sells Today
    73. Insider & SAST Buys Yesterday
    74. Insider Pledge Change Yesterday
  6. Price
    1. Day Change
    2. Qtr Close
    3. Qtr Change %
    4. Week Low
    5. Week change %
    6. Day High
    7. Day change %
    8. Qtr Low
    9. Previous Day Open
    10. Month Close
    11. %Days traded below current Price to Book Value
    12. Week High
    13. Previous Day High
    14. Qtr High
    15. Month High
    16. Current Price
    17. Month Low
    18. Day Open
    19. Week Close
    20. Previous Day Low
    21. Day Low
    22. Month Change %
  7. Delivery And Volume Parameters
    1. Consolidated 30day average end of day volume
    2. Consolidated volume 6Month Highest
    3. Delivery volume Prev end of day
    4. Consolidated volume 3Month Highest
    5. Consolidated previous end of day volume
    6. Delivery volume 3Month Highest
    7. Consolidated 6M average end of day volume
    8. Delivery volume Avg Week
    9. Delivery volume Avg 6Month
    10. Delivery volume 6Month Highest
    11. Delivery volume end of day
    12. Consolidated 5day average end of day volume
    13. Consolidated end of day volume
    14. Delivery volume Avg Month
  8. Supports and Resistances
    1. First support S1
    2. First resistance R1 to price diff %
    3. Pivot point
    4. Third support S3
    5. Second resistance R2 to price diff %
    6. First support S1 to price diff %
    7. Previous Day High
    8. Second resistance R2
    9. Previous Day Low
    10. Second support S2 to price diff %
    11. Third resistance R3 to price diff %
    12. Third support S3 to price diff %
    13. First resistance R1
    14. Previous Day Open
    15. Second support S2
    16. Third resistance R3
  9. Quarterly results
    1. Total Revenue 1Qtr ago
    2. Operating Profit Qtr
    3. Market Capitalization
    4. Month Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
    5. Depreciation Qtr
    6. Net Profit 6Qtr Ago
    7. Operating Expenses 5Qtr Ago
    8. Depreciation 6Qtr Ago
    9. Month Quantitative Qualitative Estimation short
    10. Depreciation 7Qtr Ago
    11. Operating Profit Margin Qtr 1Yr ago %
    12. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago Cash EPS Quarter
    13. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago Cash Flow per Share Quarter
    14. Previous week Quantitative Qualitative Estimation RSIMA
    15. Basic EPS 3Qtr Ago
    16. Week Quantitative Qualitative Estimation RSIMA
    17. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward Cash From Operations Quarter
    18. Net Business Purchase & Sale Quarter
    19. Int On Balances With RBI Qtr
    20. Tax 3Qtr Ago
    21. Operating Profit Qtr 1Yr Ago
    22. Operating Profit Margin Qtr %
    23. Operating Revenue Qtr 2Yr ago
    24. Earning Per Share Adjusted 2Qtr Ago
    25. Previous week Quantitative Qualitative Estimation short
    26. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago Interest Expense Quarter
    27. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward DPS Quarter
    28. Admin Plus Selling Expenses Qtr
    29. Gross NPA ratio Qtr 1Yr Ago %
    30. Diluted EPS After ExtraOrdinary Qtr
    31. Other Income Qtr 1Yr Ago
    32. ExtraOrdinary Items 1Qtr ago
    33. Equity Capital Qtr 1Yr Ago
    34. Earning Per Share Adjusted 3Qtr Ago
    35. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago Net Income Quarter
    36. Depreciation Qtr 2Yr Ago
    37. Basic EPS QoQ Growth %
    38. Operating Expenses 2Qtr Ago
    39. EBIDT Qtr growth YoY %
    40. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago Cash From Operations Quarter
    41. EBIDT Qtr
    42. Raw Material Consumed Qtr
    43. Net Profit 1Qtr Ago
    44. Net Profit Margin 1Qtr ago %
    45. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward EBITDA Quarter
    46. Previous week Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
    47. Net NPA ratio % Qtr
    48. Profit Before Tax Qtr
    49. Operating Revenue 2Qtrs ago
    50. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago EPS Quarter
    51. Net Profit Qtr 2Yr Ago
    52. Reserves Plus Surplus Qtr
    53. Bank Provisions Made Qtr
    54. Earning Per Share Adjusted 1Qtr Ago
    55. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM 1Qtr Ago
    56. Total Interest Earned Qtr Cr
    57. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby EBITDA Quarter
    58. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward Free Cash Flow Quarter
    59. Revenue QoQ Growth %
    60. ExtraOrdinary Items 7Qtr ago
    61. Other Income Qtr
    62. EBIDT 3Qtr Ago
    63. EBIDT 2Qtr Ago
    64. Net NPA ratio % 1Qtr Ago
    65. Previous day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation short
    66. Operating Revenue 6Qtrs ago
    67. Operating Expenses 7Qtr Ago
    68. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward DPS Quarter
    69. Interest 7Qtr Ago
    70. Previous week Quantitative Qualitative Estimation long
    71. Operating Revenue 3Qtrs ago
    72. Basic EPS After ExtraOrdinary Qtr
    73. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward Revenue Quarter
    74. Profit Before Tax Qtr 1Yr Ago
    75. Operating Profit 2Qtr Ago
    76. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward EBIT Quarter
    77. Gross NPA Ratio Qtr 1Qtr ago %
    78. Day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation RSIMA
    79. Other Income 2Qtr Ago
    80. Earning Per Share Adjusted 7Qtr Ago
    81. Day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation short
    82. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago Interest Expense Quarter
    83. Net Profit Qtr Growth YoY %
    84. Operating Income Qtr
    85. Employee Expenses 1Qtr ago
    86. Net Profit Margin Qtr %
    87. Earning Per Share Adjusted 8Qtr Ago
    88. ExtraOrdinary Items 5Qtr ago
    89. Tax 2Qtr Ago
    90. Net NPA ratio % Qtr QoQ change
    91. Previous month Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
    92. Prior Year Adj Qtr
    93. Share Of P&L From Associates Qtr
    94. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM 4Qtr Ago
    95. Week Quantitative Qualitative Estimation short
    96. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago Cash Flow per Share Quarter
    97. Raw Material Consumed 1Qtr ago
    98. Operating Expenses Qtr 1Yr Ago
    99. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago EBIT Quarter
    100. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward Interest Expense Quarter
    101. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago Cash EPS Quarter
    102. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward Cash Flow per Share Quarter
    103. Encumbered Number of Shares Qtr
    104. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago EBITDA Quarter
    105. ESOPs Quarter
    106. Net Profit TTM 5Qtr Ago
    107. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby Net Income Quarter
    108. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby Cash Flow per Share Quarter
    109. Operating Expenses Qtr
    110. Net Profit 3Qtr Ago
    111. EBIDT 1Qtr Ago
    112. Operating Profit Margin 1Qtr ago %
    113. Total Revenue Qtr
    114. Net Profit 2Yr QoQ Growth %
    115. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby Cash EPS Quarter
    116. Operating Expense Qtr Growth QoQ %
    117. ExtraOrdinary Items 3Qtr ago
    118. Week Quantitative Qualitative Estimation long
    119. Interest Qtr
    120. Reserves Plus Surplus 1Qtr ago
    121. Face Value Qtr
    122. Net Profit 7Qtr Ago
    123. ExtraOrdinary Items 2Qtr ago
    124. Basic EPS 2Qtr Ago
    125. Expenses Capitalised Qtr
    126. PAT From Ordinary Activities Qtr
    127. Interest 1Qtr Ago
    128. Purchase Of Traded Goods Qtr
    129. Profit Before Tax 1Qtr Ago
    130. Interest 6Qtr Ago
    131. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby Depreciation & Amortization Quarter
    132. Operating Profit Growth Qtr YoY %
    133. Forecaster Estimates Quarter goneby EPS Quarter
    134. Admin Plus Selling Expenses 1Qtr ago
    135. Employee Expenses Qtr
    136. Revenue Qtr 2Yr QoQ Growth %
    137. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward Revenue Quarter
    138. Month Quantitative Qualitative Estimation long
    139. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward EPS Quarter
    140. Book Value Per Share Latest
    141. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago Cash from Operations Quarter
    142. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward Free Cash Flow Quarter
    143. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM 5Qtr Ago
    144. Other Expenses 1Qtr ago
    145. Stock Adjustments Qtr
    146. Net Profit Qtr
    147. Operating Profit 3Qtr Ago
    148. Operating Expenses Qtr 2Yr Ago
    149. Operating Expenses 3Qtr Ago
    150. Week Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
    151. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby EBIT Quarter
    152. Day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation long
    153. Other Operating Income Qtr
    154. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago Revenue Quarter
    155. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby Free Cash Flow Quarter
    156. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago Capital Expenditure Quarter
    157. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago Capital Expenditure Quarter
    158. Net Profit TTM 3Qtr Ago
    159. EBIDT Qtr 1Yr Ago
    160. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward Cash Flow per Share Quarter
    161. Depreciation Qtr 1Yr Ago
    162. Net Common Stock Issuance Quarter
    163. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby Cash From Operations Quarter
    164. Gross NPA ratio % Qtr QoQ change
    165. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby DPS Quarter
    166. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward Cash EPS Quarter
    167. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM 3Qtr Ago
    168. IntOrDiscOnAdvOrBills Qtr
    169. Interest 2Qtr Ago
    170. Net Profit QoQ Growth %
    171. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago DPS Quarter
    172. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward EBIT Quarter
    173. RnD Expenses Qtr
    174. Operating Revenue 1Qtr Ago
    175. Income From Investment Qtr
    176. Number Of Shares Qtr End
    177. Earning Per Share Adjusted 4Qtr Ago
    178. Month Quantitative Qualitative Estimation RSIMA
    179. ExtraOrdinary Items Qtr
    180. ExtraOrdinary Items 6Qtr ago
    181. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago EPS Quarter
    182. Operating Expenses 1Qtr Ago
    183. Earning Per Share Adjusted 6Qtr Ago
    184. Previous day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
    185. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago Depreciation & Amortization Quarter
    186. Net Profit TTM 2Qtr Ago
    187. Net Increase In Cash Plus Cash Equivalents Quarter
    188. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby Interest Expense Quarter
    189. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward Cash EPS Quarter
    190. Reported PAT Qtr
    191. ExtraOrdinary Items Qtr 1Yr ago
    192. Total Revenue 3Qtr ago
    193. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward Net Income Quarter
    194. Capital Adequacy BaseII Qtr %
    195. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward Capital Expenditure Quarter
    196. Diluted EPS Qtr
    197. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago Revenue Quarter
    198. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago Net Income Quarter
    199. Forecaster Estimates Quarter goneby Revenue Quarter
    200. Net P&L After MI Associates Qtr
    201. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago EBITDA Quarter
    202. Net Profit Qtr 1Yr Ago
    203. Operating Profit Qtr Margin% YoY Change
    204. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM 2Qtr Ago
    205. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago Free Cash Flow Quarter
    206. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago Depreciation & Amortization Quarter
    207. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward Capital Expenditure Quarter
    208. Forecaster Estimates 1Q ago EBIT Quarter
    209. Earning Per Share Adjusted latest Qtr
    210. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward Depreciation & Amortization Quarter
    211. Operating Revenue 7Qtrs ago
    212. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward EBITDA Quarter
    213. Other Interest Earned Qtr
    214. Bank Provisions Made 1Qtr ago
    215. Depreciation 2Qtr Ago
    216. Net NPA ratio % Qtr 1Yr Ago
    217. Basic EPS Qtr
    218. Net Profit Margin Qtr 1Yr ago %
    219. Net Profit TTM 4Qtr Ago
    220. Previous day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation long
    221. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward EPS Quarter
    222. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago Free Cash Flow Quarter
    223. Total Revenue 2Qtr ago
    224. Net NPA Qtr
    225. Forecaster Estimates quarter goneby Capital Expenditure Quarter
    226. Net NPA ratio % Qtr 2Yr Ago
    227. Forecaster Estimates 1Q forward Net Income Quarter
    228. Tax 1Qtr Ago
    229. Other Expenses Qtr
    230. RoA Qtr %
    231. Minority Interest Qtr
    232. Interest 3Qtr Ago
    233. Equity Capital Qtr
    234. Excise Qtr
    235. Operating Revenue Qtr
    236. Previous day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation RSIMA
    237. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward Depreciation & Amortization Quarter
    238. Equity Capital 1Qtr Ago
    239. EBIDT Qtr YoY Growth %
    240. Operating Profit 1Qtr Ago
    241. Tobin Q Ratio
    242. Previous month Quantitative Qualitative Estimation short
    243. Net Debt Quarter
    244. Exceptional Items Qtr
    245. Previous month Quantitative Qualitative Estimation RSIMA
    246. Free Float Market Cap
    247. Depreciation 5Qtr Ago
    248. Interest Qtr 1Yr Ago
    249. Operating Revenue Qtr 1Yr ago
    250. Net Profit TTM 1Qtr Ago
    251. Gross NPA Qtr
    252. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward Cash From Operations Quarter
    253. Gross NPA ratio Qtr %
    254. Operating Revenue 5Qtrs ago
    255. Gross NPA ratio Qtr 2Yr Ago %
    256. Interest 5Qtr Ago
    257. Tax Qtr 1Yr ago
    258. Depreciation 3Qtr Ago
    259. Revenue Growth Qtr YoY %
    260. Earning Per Share Adjusted 5Qtr Ago
    261. ExtraOrdinary Items Qtr 2Yr ago
    262. Other Income 1Qtr Ago
    263. Basic EPS 1Qtr Ago
    264. Forecaster Estimates 2Q forward Interest Expense Quarter
    265. Interest Qtr 2Yr Ago
    266. Net Profit 2Qtr Ago
    267. Other Income 3Qtr Ago
    268. Operating Expense Qtr Growth YoY %
    269. Day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
    270. Previous month Quantitative Qualitative Estimation long
    271. Operating Expenses 6Qtr Ago
    272. Tax Qtr
    273. Basic EPS Qtr 1Yr Ago
    274. Depreciation 1Qtr Ago
    275. Power Plus Fuel Qtr
    276. Total Revenue 1Year ago
    277. Forecaster Estimates 2Q ago DPS Quarter
    278. Net Profit 5Qtr Ago
  10. Annual results
    1. RoA Annual 2Yr Ago %
    2. RoA Annual 3Yr Avg %
    3. Tax On Dividend Annual
    4. Revaluation Reserves Annual
    5. Day AROON Up of Prev Day
    6. Dividend Rate Annual %
    7. Minority Interest Income Annual
    8. Inventories Changes Of FGWIP Plus Stock In Trade Annual
    9. Operating Revenue Per Share Annual
    10. Revenue Annual 5Yr ago
    11. EBDIT Annual Margin %
    12. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago DPS Annual
    13. Income From Investments Annual
    14. Bills For Collection Annual
    15. Reserves Plus Surplus Annual
    16. Cash from Financing Activity Annual 4Yr Ago
    17. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago EBIT Annual
    18. Current Investments Annual
    19. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward EBITDA Annual
    20. ROE Annual 3Yr Avg %
    21. Depreciation Annual 2Yr Ago
    22. Interest On Balance With RBI Plus Other InterBank Funds Annual
    23. PBT Annual Margin %
    24. Total Current Liabilities Annual 1Yr Ago
    25. Net Profit Per Share Annual
    26. RoA Annual 4Yr Ago %
    27. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward DPS Annual
    28. Deferred Tax Liabilities Annual
    29. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward EBIT Annual
    30. Net Cash Flow Annual
    31. Profit From Discontinuing Operations Annual
    32. ROE Annual 5Yr Avg %
    33. Money Against Share Warrants Annual
    34. Cash from Investing Activity Annual 1Yr Ago
    35. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Capital Expenditure Annual
    36. Tax For Earlier Years Annual
    37. ROE Annual 5Yr Ago %
    38. Other Expenses Annual
    39. Net Profit After MI Per Share Annual
    40. Operating Expenses Annual 4Yr Ago
    41. Total Profit Loss Annual
    42. NP Per Employee Annual
    43. Cash from Operating Activity Annual 1Yr Ago
    44. Interest Coverage Ratio Annual 1Yr Ago
    45. Other Assets Annual
    46. Forex Gains Losses Annual
    47. Interest Expenses from Earning Assets Annual %
    48. Week AROON of Prev Week
    49. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward Interest Expense Annual
    50. Book Value Per Share Annual
    51. Sloan Ratio
    52. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward Cash EPS Annual
    53. Excise Service Tax Other Levies Annual
    54. Total Appropriations Annual
    55. ROE Annual 4Yr Ago %
    56. Short Term Loans Plus Advances Annual
    57. Net Cash Flow Annual 4Yr Ago
    58. Cash Plus Cash Equivalents Annual
    59. Net Cash Flow 3Yr Growth %
    60. Diluted EPS Annual
    61. Net Profit Margin Annual 1Yr ago %
    62. Current Investments Quoted MarketValue Annual
    63. Revenue Annual 3Yr ago
    64. Net NPA Annual
    65. PE 5Yr Average
    66. Interest Income Per Employee Annual
    67. Cash Accruals Annual
    68. Inventory Turnover Ratio Annual
    69. Hybrid Debt Other Securities Annual
    70. Tax Annual
    71. Total Assets Annual 3Yr Ago
    72. Long Term Debt To Equity Annual 1Yr Ago
    73. Cash from Operating Activity Annual 3Yr Ago
    74. Cost Of Materials Consumed Annual 1Yr ago
    75. Short Term Provisions Annual
    76. Non Current Investments Annual
    77. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago Depreciation & Amortization Annual
    78. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago Depreciation & Amortization Annual
    79. Trade Receivables Annual
    80. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago Interest Expense Annual
    81. Net Profit From Discontinuing Operations Annual
    82. ROCE Annual 3Yr Avg %
    83. Intangible Assets Annual
    84. Revenue Net From Operations Annual
    85. Interest Annual
    86. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago Capital Expenditure Annual
    87. Less Inter Unit Segment Division Transfer Annual
    88. Cash from Operating Activity Annual 5Yr Ago
    89. Total Capital Plus Liabilities Annual
    90. Total Revenue Annual 1Yr Ago
    91. RoA Annual 1Yr Ago %
    92. Tax on Discontinuing Operations Annual
    93. Imported Raw Materials Annual
    94. Basic EPS Annual
    95. Week AROON Down of Prev Week
    96. Cash EPS Annual 1Yr Ago
    97. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Revenue Annual
    98. Advances Annual
    99. Day Accumulation Ratio
    100. Earning Per Share Adjusted Annual
    101. Operating Expenses from Earning Assets Annual %
    102. Forecaster Estimates Annual goneby Revenue Annual
    103. Earnings Yield Annual
    104. Capital Adequacy Ratios Annual %
    105. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward EPS Annual
    106. Cash Flow Financing Activity Annual 3Yr ago
    107. Tax Qtr 1Yr ago
    108. Other Interest Earned Annual
    109. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward Cash Flow per Share Annual
    110. Current Tax Annual
    111. Deferred Tax Assets Annual
    112. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago EPS Annual
    113. Forecaster Estimates year goneby Cash EPS Annual
    114. RoA Annual %
    115. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Cash EPS Annual
    116. Total ShareHolders Funds Annual 1Yr ago
    117. Non Current Investments Quoted MarketValue Annual
    118. CASA Ratio Annual %
    119. Price to Sales TTM
    120. Net Profit Annual 5Yr Ago
    121. Cash Plus Cash Equivalent End Of Year Annual
    122. Current Ratio Annual
    123. ProfitLoss After MI Plus Associates Annual
    124. Month AROON Up
    125. Total Revenue Annual
    126. Key Performance Tier1 Annual %
    127. Dividend amount 1Yr ago
    128. ROCE Annual 5Yr Avg %
    129. Forecaster Estimates year goneby Net Income Annual
    130. Aircraft Fuel Expenses Annual
    131. Operating Revenue Qtr 2Yr ago
    132. Cash Plus Cash Equivalent Begin Of Year Annual
    133. Tax Annual 1Yr Ago
    134. Other Direct Taxes Annual
    135. Deferred Tax Annual
    136. Revenue Growth Annual YoY %
    137. Minority Interest Liability Annual
    138. Total ShareHolders Funds Annual 4Yr ago
    139. Total Non Current Assets Annual
    140. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago Cash Flow per Share Annual
    141. Revenue Annual 4Yr ago
    142. Bonus Equity Share Capital Annual
    143. Cost Of Power Purchased Annual
    144. Preference Share Application Money Annual
    145. Preference Share Dividend Annual
    146. Dividend Remittance In Forex Annual
    147. Goodwill On Consolidation Annual
    148. Cash EPS 5Yr Growth %
    149. Operating Profit Annual
    150. Gross NPA Ratio % Annual %
    151. Depreciation On Leased Assets Annual
    152. Extraordinary Items Annual 1Yr ago
    153. Aircraft Lease Rentals Annual
    154. Other Current Liabilities Annual
    155. Transfer To From Revenue Plus Other Reserves Annual
    156. Foreign Exchange FOB Annual
    157. Operating Expenses Annual 3Yr Ago
    158. Operating Expenses Qtr 1Yr Ago
    159. EBIDT TTM 1Yr Ago
    160. CIF Value Of Stores Spares & Loose Tools Annual
    161. Cash from Investing Activity Annual 4Yr Ago
    162. Forecaster Estimates year goneby Cash Flow per Share Annual
    163. PE 10Yr Average
    164. Extraordinary Items Annual 2Yr ago
    165. Dividend Payout to NP Annual
    166. Week AROON
    167. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago EBITDA Quarter
    168. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward EPS Annual
    169. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward Depreciation & Amortization Annual
    170. NP Per Branch Annual
    171. Deposits Annual
    172. Week Accumulation Ratio of Prev Week
    173. Share Of Profit Loss From Associate Annual
    174. Cost To Income Annual %
    175. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Free Cash Flow Annual
    176. ROE Annual %
    177. Revenue Annual 2Yr Growth %
    178. Interest Annual 3Yr Ago
    179. Non Interest Income from Earning Assets Annual %
    180. Price to Cashflow from Operations
    181. Indigenous Raw Materials Annual
    182. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago EPS Annual
    183. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward DPS Annual
    184. Cash from Operating Activity Annual 2Yr Ago
    185. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward EBIT Annual
    186. Depreciation Qtr 1Yr Ago
    187. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago Revenue Annual
    188. CRATIO_A_mY_1
    189. Cash EPS 3Yr Growth %
    190. Total Current Assets Annual
    191. Book Value Inc Reval Reserve Annual
    192. NIM Annual %
    193. Day AROON Down
    194. EBIDT Annual Per Share
    195. Interest Annual 1Yr Ago
    196. Total Reserves Plus Surplus Annual
    197. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward Free Cash Flow Annual
    198. ExtraOrdinary Items Qtr 1Yr ago
    199. Number Of Branches Annual
    200. Profit For The Period Annual
    201. Long Term Debt Annual
    202. Intangible Assets Under Development Annual
    203. ROCE Annual %
    204. Day Accumulation Ratio of Prev Day
    205. Net Profit Qtr 1Yr Ago
    206. Cash EPS Annual
    207. RoA Annual 5Yr Ago %
    208. ESOPs Annual
    209. ROIC Annual %
    210. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago Net Income Annual
    211. Price To Sales Annual
    212. Book Value Per Share Annual 2Yr Ago
    213. ROE Annual 2Yr Ago %
    214. RoA Annual 5Yr Avg %
    215. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago Cash EPS Annual
    216. Balance Carried Over Annual
    217. Preference Capital Annual
    218. EBIDT Annual 1Yr Ago
    219. Net NPA ratio % Qtr 2Yr Ago
    220. Total Non Current Liabilities Annual 1Yr ago
    221. EV Per Net Sales Annual
    222. Book Value per Share Annual 3Yr ago
    223. Operating Profit Margin Annual %
    224. Indigenous Stores Plus Spares Annual
    225. Operating Revenue TTM 1Yr Ago
    226. Cash from Financing Activity Annual 5Yr Ago
    227. NP Margin After MI Annual %
    228. Long Term Debt To Equity Annual
    229. Operating Expenses Annual 2Yr Ago
    230. Net Profit TTM 1Yr Ago Cr
    231. Provisions Plus Contingencies Annual
    232. Cost Of Fuel Annual
    233. Revenue Gross From Operations Annual
    234. Business Per Employee Annual
    235. Net Profit Annual 3Yr Ago
    236. Interest Income Per Branch Annual
    237. Dividend Per Share Annual
    238. PBT Annual Per Share
    239. Total Share Capital Annual
    240. Total ShareHolders Funds Annual
    241. Total Revenue 1Year ago
    242. Borrowings Annual
    243. Key Performance Tier2 Annual %
    244. Week AROON Down
    245. Less Share Of Loss From Partnership Firm Annual
    246. Asset Turnover Annual 1Yr Ago %
    247. Day AROON Up
    248. Balances With Banks Money At Call Annual
    249. Operating Profit Qtr 1Yr Ago
    250. Other Income Annual
    251. Total Current Liabilities Annual
    252. Net Cash Flow YoY Growth %
    253. Capital Work In Progress Annual
    254. Total Expenses Annual
    255. Month Accumulation Ratio of Prev Month
    256. Asset Turnover Annual %
    257. Other Income Qtr 1Yr Ago
    258. Equity Capital Qtr 1Yr Ago
    259. Depreciation Qtr 2Yr Ago
    260. Month AROON Down of Prev Month
    261. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward EBITDA Annual
    262. Retention Ratio Annual %
    263. CIF Value Of Raw Materials Annual
    264. Month Accumulation Ratio
    265. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward Capital Expenditure Annual
    266. Total Assets Annual 1Yr Ago
    267. EnterpriseValue Annual
    268. Other Non Current Assets Annual
    269. Cash from Investing Activity Annual 5Yr Ago
    270. Interest Discount On Advances Bills Annual
    271. Short Term Debt Annual 1Yr ago
    272. Forecaster Estimates year goneby Depreciation & Amortization Annual
    273. Other Current Assets Annual
    274. Purchase Of Stock In Trade Annual
    275. Trade Payables Annual
    276. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago Cash EPS Annual
    277. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward Revenue Annual
    278. Cash Flow Return on Assets Annual
    279. PAT Before ExtraOrdinary Items Annual
    280. Inventories Annual
    281. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago DPS Annual
    282. Total Assets Annual 4Yr Ago
    283. Other LongTerm Liabilities Annual
    284. Month AROON of Prev Month
    285. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago Cash From Operations Annual
    286. Gross NPA Annual
    287. ROE Annual 1Yr Ago %
    288. Book Value Per Share Annual 1Yr Ago
    289. Forecaster Estimates year goneby Free Cash Flow Annual
    290. Net NPA To Advances Percentage Annual %
    291. RoA Annual 3Yr Ago %
    292. Short Term Provisions Annual 1Yr ago
    293. Book Value Per Share Annual Adjusted
    294. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago EBIT Annual
    295. Business Per Branch Annual
    296. EBIT Annual Margin %
    297. ProfitLoss Before Exceptional ExtraOrdinary Items & Tax Annual
    298. Cash Turnover Annual
    299. EBIDT Annual margin %
    300. Net Profit Annual
    301. Operating Expenses Qtr 2Yr Ago
    302. Total ShareHolders Funds Annual 3Yr ago
    303. Cash Flow Return on Assets Annual 1Yr ago
    304. Net Cash Flow Annual 2Yr Ago
    305. Net Cash Flow Annual 5Yr Ago
    306. Equity Share Application Money Annual
    307. Operating Profit Annual 2Yr ago
    308. Net Cash Flow Annual 1Yr Ago
    309. Interest Coverage Ratio Annual
    310. Depreciation Annual 5Yr Ago
    311. EBIDT Qtr 1Yr Ago
    312. Month AROON
    313. Number Of Employees Annual
    314. PL Brought Forward Annual
    315. Total ShareHolders Funds Annual 2Yr ago
    316. Total Assets Annual
    317. Week Accumulation Ratio
    318. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Cash From Operations Annual
    319. EBIT Annual Per Share
    320. Cash from Investing Activity Annual
    321. Minority Interest Assets Annual
    322. Profit From Continuing Operations Annual
    323. Total Non Current Liabilities Annual
    324. Latest Balance Sheet Date
    325. CIF Value Of Other Goods Annual
    326. Net Profit Annual 2Yr ago
    327. Depreciation Annual 4Yr Ago
    328. Interest Annual 2Yr Ago
    329. Net Profit 3Yr Growth %
    330. Depreciation Annual 3Yr Ago
    331. Month AROON Up of Prev Month
    332. Forecaster Estimates year goneby EBIT Annual
    333. ROCE Annual 1Yr Ago %
    334. Week AROON Up of Prev Week
    335. Total Assets Annual 5Yr Ago
    336. Operating Cash Flow YoY Growth %
    337. Operating Expenses Annual 1Yr Ago
    338. Non Current Investments Unquoted BookValue Annual
    339. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Cash Flow per Share Annual
    340. Misc Expended written Off Annual
    341. Net Increase In Cash Plus Cash Equivalents Annual
    342. Net NPA ratio % Qtr 1Yr Ago
    343. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward Cash From Operations Annual
    344. Cash from Operating Activity Annual 4Yr Ago
    345. Net Profit Margin Annual %
    346. Total Current Assets Annual 1Yr Ago
    347. EV Per EBITDA Annual
    348. Operating Expenses Annual 5Yr Ago
    349. Equity Share Capital Annual
    350. Forecaster Estimates year goneby EBITDA Annual
    351. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Depreciation & Amortization Annual
    352. Cash from Investing Activity Annual 3Yr Ago
    353. Contingent Liabilities plus Commitments Annual
    354. Gross NPA ratio Qtr 2Yr Ago %
    355. Long Term Provisions Annual
    356. Interest Coverage Post Tax Annual %
    357. Cash from Financing Annual Activity
    358. Net Profit Annual 1Yr Ago
    359. Interest Qtr 2Yr Ago
    360. Interest Annual 5Yr Ago
    361. EPS Annual
    362. Net Profit Annual 4Yr Ago
    363. Long Term Loans Plus Advances Annual
    364. Depreciation Annual 1Yr Ago
    365. Dividend payout ratio preceding TTM %
    366. Transfer To From Investment Reserve Annual
    367. Net Profit Annual YoY Growth %
    368. BVSH 3Yr Growth %
    369. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago Capital Expenditure Annual
    370. Operting Profit Margin Annual %
    371. Transfer To From Reserve Fund Annual
    372. Forecaster Estimates year goneby Interest Expense Annual
    373. Operating Profit Margin Qtr 1Yr ago %
    374. Sloan Ratio Preceding FY
    375. Operating Profit from Earning Assets Annual %
    376. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Net Income Annual
    377. Current Investments Unquoted BookValue Annual
    378. Gross NPA ratio Qtr 1Yr Ago %
    379. BVSH YoY Growth %
    380. Operating Revenue Annual
    381. Less Amounts Transfer To Capital Accounts Annual
    382. Working Capital Annual
    383. Dividend amount 2Yr ago
    384. Other Provisions Plus Contingencies Annual
    385. Extraordinary Items Annual 4Yr ago
    386. Depreciation
    387. Net Cash Flow Annual 3Yr Ago
    388. Total Revenue Annual avg 5Yr
    389. Operating Expenses Excluding Employee Cost & Depreciation Annual
    390. Total Assets Annual 2Yr Ago
    391. Day AROON Down of Prev Day
    392. Price to Book Value
    393. Net Profit Qtr 2Yr Ago
    394. Short Term Debt Annual
    395. Month AROON Down
    396. Policy Holders Funds Annual
    397. Working Capital Turnover Annual
    398. Cash from Operating Activity Annual
    399. Net Profit For The Period After EI Annual
    400. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago Free Cash Flow Annual
    401. CASA Ratio Annual 1Yr Ago %
    402. Cash EPS 1Yr Growth %
    403. Profit Before Tax Annual 1Yr Ago
    404. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago Cash Flow per Share Annual
    405. Interest Income from Earning Assets Annual %
    406. Profit Before Tax Qtr 1Yr Ago
    407. Day AROON of Prev Day
    408. Operating Expenses Annual
    409. Forecaster Estimates year goneby Cash From Operations Annual
    410. Market Cap Per Sales Annual
    411. Net Profit 5Yr Growth %
    412. Extraordinary Items Annual 5Yr ago
    413. Cash EPS Annual 5Yr ago
    414. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago Interest Expense Annual
    415. Total ShareHolders Funds Annual 5Yr ago
    416. Transfer To From Statutory Reserve Annual
    417. Adjustments On Amalgamation Merger Demerger Others
    418. ROE Annual 3Yr Ago %
    419. Extraordinary Items Annual
    420. Cash from Financing Activity Annual 1Yr Ago
    421. PAT From Ordinary Activities Qtr
    422. Forecaster Estimates year goneby Capital Expenditure Annual
    423. Less Transfer To From Investment Fixed Assets Others Annual
    424. Cash from Investing Activity Annual 2Yr Ago
    425. Operating Profit Margin Annual 1Yr ago %
    426. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago EBITDA Annual
    427. Profit Before Tax Annual
    428. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago Revenue Annual
    429. Revenue Annual 5Yr Growth %
    430. Operating Profit TTM 1Yr Ago
    431. Employee Expenses Annual
    432. Exceptional Items Annual
    433. Imported Stores Plus Spares Annual
    434. Operating Profit Annual YoY Growth %
    435. Investments Annual
    436. Basic EPS Annual 1Yr Ago
    437. Capital Work In Progress Annual 1yr ago
    438. CIF Value Of Capital Goods Annual
    439. Operating Cash Flow 3Yr Growth %
    440. Total Debt to Total Equity Annual
    441. Other Income Annual 1Yr Ago
    442. Cash Return on Capital Invested
    443. Week AROON Up
    444. Forecaster Estimates yesr goneby DPS Annual
    445. PE 3Yr Average
    446. Operating Plus Direct Expenses Annual
    447. Interest Annual 4Yr Ago
    448. Operating Cash Flow 5Yr Growth %
    449. Forex Expenses Annual
    450. Transfer To From Capital Reserve Annual
    451. Day AROON
    452. Tangible Assets Annual
    453. Government Other Grants Annual
    454. Cash Earning Retention Annual %
    455. Extraordinary Items Annual 3Yr ago
    456. Revenue Annual 3Yr Growth %
    457. Revenue Annual 2Yr ago
    458. Cash EPS Annual 3Yr ago
    459. Transfer To From Special Reserve Annual
    460. Forecaster Estimates year goneby EPS Annual
    461. Forecaster Estimates 2Y ago Free Cash Flow Annual
    462. Net NPA % Annual %
    463. Net Profit Margin Qtr 1Yr ago %
    464. Cash from Financing Activity Annual 2Yr Ago
    465. Cash Accruals Annual 1Yr Ago
    466. Fixed Assets Annual
    467. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago Net Income Annual
    468. Foreign Exchange Other Earnings Annual
    469. Interest Qtr 1Yr Ago
    470. Operating Revenue Qtr 1Yr ago
    471. Net Profit After MI Margin Annual %
    472. Quick Ratio Annual
    473. Cost Of Materials Consumed Annual
    474. Other Operating Revenue Annual
    475. Earning Retention Annual %
    476. Forecaster Estimates 1Y ago Cash From Operations Annual
    477. Forecaster Estimates 2Y forward Net Income Annual
    478. ExtraOrdinary Items Qtr 2Yr ago
    479. EBIDT Annual
    480. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Interest Expense Annual
    481. Basic EPS Qtr 1Yr Ago
    482. Prior Period Items Annual
    483. Operating Profit Annual 1Yr Ago
  11. TTM attributes
    1. Depreciation TTM
    2. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM 5Qtr Ago
    3. Operating Profit TTM 1Yr Ago
    4. PE TTM Price to Earnings
    5. Quick Ratio TTM
    6. Net Profit TTM 4Qtr Ago
    7. TAX TTM
    8. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM
    9. Net Profit TTM 3Qtr Ago
    10. Basic EPS TTM
    11. Operating Profit TTM YoY Growth %
    12. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM 4Qtr Ago
    13. EBIDT TTM 1Yr Ago
    14. Price to Sales TTM
    15. Other Income TTM
    16. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM 3Qtr Ago
    17. Net Profit TTM 5Qtr Ago
    18. Net Profit TTM Growth %
    19. Net Profit TTM 1Qtr Ago
    20. Operating Revenue TTM 1Yr Ago
    21. Net profit TTM
    22. EPS TTM Growth %
    23. PEG TTM PE to Growth
    24. EBIDT TTM
    25. Operating Profit TTM
    26. Operating Revenue growth TTM %
    27. Net Profit TTM 2Qtr Ago
    28. Interest TTM
    29. Net Profit TTM 1Yr Ago Cr
    30. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM 1Qtr Ago
    31. Operating Profit Margin TTM %
    32. Net Profit Margin TTM %
    33. Earning Per Share Adjusted TTM 2Qtr Ago
    34. Current Ratio TTM
    35. Operating Revenue TTM
  12. Other Fundamental Parameters
    1. Broker last updated date
  13. Industry Parameters
    1. Industry Market Cap.
    2. Industry 3Yr change %
    3. Industry Dividend yield 1yr %
    4. Industry Day Change %
    5. Industry PE TTM
    6. Industry Country
    7. Industry 10Yr change %
    8. Industry Revenue Growth Annual YoY %
    9. Industry Return on Capital Employed ROCE
    10. Industry Revenue Growth Qtr QoQ %
    11. Industry Score
    12. Industry Half Yr Change %
    13. Industry Return on Assets
    14. Industry Net Profit Growth Annual YoY %
    15. Industry Revenue Growth Qtr YoY %
    16. Industry Qtr Change %
    17. Industry Net Profit Growth Qtr YoY %
    18. Industry sector
    19. Industry Net Profit Growth Qtr QoQ %
    20. Industry 5Yr change %
    21. Industry Price to Book TTM
    22. Industry PEG TTM
    23. Industry Month Change %
    24. Industry 2Yr change %
    25. Industry Return on Equity ROE
    26. Industry 1Yr change %
    27. Industry Week Change %
  14. SectorParameters
    1. Sector Net Profit Growth Qtr QoQ %
    2. Sector Net Profit Growth Annual YoY %
    3. Sector Score
    4. Sector Dividend yield 1yr %
    5. Sector Return on Capital Employed ROCE
    6. Sector Qtr Change %
    7. Sector 2Yr change %
    8. Sector 1Yr change %
    9. Sector Return on Assets
    10. Sector PEG TTM
    11. Sector Day Change %
    12. Sector Return on Equity ROE
    13. Sector 3Yr change %
    14. Sector 5Yr change %
    15. Sector Week Change %
    16. Sector Revenue Growth Qtr YoY %
    17. Sector Market Cap.
    18. Sector Price to Book TTM
    19. Sector Country
    20. Sector Month Change %
    21. Sector 10Yr change %
    22. Sector Half Yr Change %
    23. Sector Revenue Growth Annual YoY %
    24. Sector Sector Description
    25. Sector Net Profit Growth Qtr YoY %
    26. Sector Revenue Growth Qtr QoQ %
    27. Sector PE TTM
  15. Daily indicator crossover
    1. Price crossed below 5Day SMA today
    2. Price crossed below 12Day EMA today
    3. Price crossed below 100Day EMA today
    4. Price crossed above 50Day SMA today
    5. Price crossed below 100Day SMA today
    6. Price crossed below 200Day SMA today
    7. Price crossed above 10Day EMA today
    8. Price crossed below 26Day EMA today
    9. Price crossed above 150Day SMA today
    10. Price crossed above 200Day SMA today
    11. Price crossed below 20Day SMA today
    12. Price crossed above 26Day EMA today
    13. Price crossed below 50Day SMA today
    14. Price crossed below 5Day EMA today
    15. Price crossed below 10Day EMA today
    16. Price crossed below 20Day EMA today
    17. MACD crossed signal line today
    18. Price crossed above 200Day EMA today
    19. Price crossed below 30Day SMA today
    20. Price crossed above 20Day EMA today
    21. Price crossed below 200Day EMA today
    22. Price crossed above 20Day SMA today
    23. Price crossed above 5Day SMA today
    24. Price crossed below 50Day EMA today
    25. Price crossed above 12Day EMA today
    26. Price crossed above 100Day EMA today
    27. Price crossed below 10Day SMA today
    28. MACD crossed centre line today
    29. Price crossed above 100Day SMA today
    30. Price crossed above 30Day SMA today
    31. Price crossed above 50Day EMA today
    32. Price crossed above 5Day EMA today
    33. Price crossed above 10Day SMA today
    34. Price crossed below 150Day SMA today
  16. Moving Averages
    1. 12Week EMA
    2. 20Week EMA
    3. 200Week EMA of Prev Week
    4. 10Month EMA
    5. 26Week EMA
    6. 10Day EMA
    7. 50Week SMA of Prev Week
    8. 50Month SMA
    9. 100Day EMA of Prev Day
    10. 5Week SMA of Prev Week
    11. 100Week SMA of Prev Week
    12. 12Day EMA
    13. 10Month SMA of Prev Month
    14. 12Day EMA of Prev Day
    15. 50Month EMA
    16. 5Month EMA of Prev Month
    17. 10Week SMA of Prev Week
    18. 150Month SMA of Prev Month
    19. % Distance 50Day SMA over 200Day SMA
    20. 5Month SMA of Prev Month
    21. 10Month EMA of Prev Month
    22. 100Day SMA
    23. 200Week SMA of Prev Week
    24. 30Day SMA
    25. 5Day EMA of Prev Day
    26. 20Day EMA
    27. % Distance 30Day SMA over 200Day SMA
    28. 100Month EMA
    29. 150Month SMA
    30. 12Week EMA of Prev Week
    31. 20Day SMA of Prev Day
    32. 100Day EMA
    33. 100Month SMA
    34. 50Month SMA of Prev Month
    35. % LTP Above 200Day SMA
    36. 5Week SMA
    37. 20Day SMA
    38. % LTP Above 30Day SMA
    39. 20Week SMA of Prev Week
    40. 26Month EMA
    41. 50Day EMA
    42. 12Month EMA of Prev Month
    43. 30Week SMA
    44. 200Day SMA
    45. 200Week EMA
    46. 100Week SMA
    47. 20Month SMA
    48. 200Month SMA of Prev Month
    49. 200Month EMA of Prev Month
    50. 30Day SMA of Prev Day
    51. 20Day EMA of Prev Day
    52. 100Week EMA of Prev Week
    53. 100Month EMA of Prev Month
    54. % LTP Above 50Day SMA
    55. 20Week SMA
    56. 200Week SMA
    57. 26Week EMA of Prev Week
    58. 10Day EMA of Prev Day
    59. 200Day EMA
    60. 30Month SMA
    61. 30Month SMA of Prev Month
    62. 50Day EMA of Prev Day
    63. 10Day SMA
    64. 5Month SMA
    65. 20Week EMA of Prev Week
    66. 150Day SMA of Prev Day
    67. 5Week EMA of Prev Week
    68. 150Week SMA of Prev Week
    69. 50Week SMA
    70. 20Month EMA of Prev Month
    71. 200Month EMA
    72. 26Day EMA
    73. 26Month EMA of Prev Month
    74. 5Day EMA
    75. 10Day SMA of Prev Day
    76. 200Month SMA
    77. 26Day EMA of Prev Day
    78. 30Week SMA of Prev Week
    79. 5Day SMA
    80. 50Month EMA of Prev Month
    81. 10Week SMA
    82. 10Week EMA
    83. 20Month EMA
    84. 200Day SMA of Prev Day
    85. 50Day SMA
    86. 12Month EMA
    87. 50Day SMA of Prev Day
    88. 100Week EMA
    89. 50Week EMA
    90. 100Month SMA of Prev Month
    91. 5Week EMA
    92. 150Day SMA
    93. 10Month SMA
    94. 100Day SMA of Prev Day
    95. 5Month EMA
    96. 200Day EMA of Prev Day
    97. 20Month SMA of Prev Month
    98. 150Week SMA
    99. 10Week EMA of Prev Week
    100. 50Week EMA of Prev Week
    101. 5Day SMA of Prev Day
  17. Technicals
    1. Day Balance of Power
    2. Day KST Oscillator Signal of Prev Day
    3. Day Stochastic Oscillator %D of Prev Day
    4. Day Counterattack Uptrend of Prev Day
    5. Day Positive Directional Movement14 of Prev Day
    6. Day Two Crows of Prev Day
    7. Day Rickshaw Man Uptrend of Prev Day
    8. Day Three Line Strike
    9. Day AROON Up
    10. Day AROON Up of Prev Day
    11. Day Hikkake Uptrend
    12. Day Tristar Uptrend of Prev Day
    13. Day Highwave Downtrend
    14. Day Stochastic RSI %D of Prev Day
    15. Day Spinning Top Uptrend of Prev Day
    16. Day Short Line Uptrend
    17. Day Relative Vigor Index Signal of Prev Day
    18. Day Bollinger Bands% of Prev Day
    19. Day Supertrend_10_3
    20. Day Positive Directional Movement14
    21. Day Bull Ratio of Prev Day
    22. Day Hikkake Modified Uptrend of Prev Day
    23. Day Piercing
    24. Day Gap Side White Uptrend of Prev Day
    25. Day Rickshaw Man Downtrend of Prev Day
    26. Day Long Line Uptrend
    27. Day MACD Histogram of Prev Day
    28. Day Bollinger Bands Upper_20_2
    29. Day Stalled Pattern of Prev Day
    30. Day Doji Star Downtrend
    31. Day Three Inside Uptrend
    32. Day Breakaway Uptrend
    33. Day Three Stars In South
    34. Day Stochastic Oscillator %D
    35. Day Three Inside Uptrend of Prev Day
    36. Day Momentum of Prev Day
    37. Day Fisher Transform Signal of Prev Day
    38. Day Squeeze Pro On wide
    39. Previous day TD Sequential Up
    40. Day KDJ D of Prev Day
    41. Day Piercing of Prev Day
    42. Day Squeeze Pro On normal
    43. Day Supertrend_10_3 of Prev Day
    44. Day Double Exponential Moving Average
    45. Day Identical Three Crows of Prev Day
    46. Day Negative Directional Movement14
    47. Day TD Sequential Down
    48. Day ATR of Prev Day
    49. Day Relative Strength Xtra of Prev Day
    50. Day Matching Low
    51. Day Efficiency Ratio
    52. Day Gravestone Doji of Prev Day
    53. Day Percentage Price Oscillator
    54. Day ROC125
    55. Day Fisher Transform Signal
    56. Day Three Inside Downtrend
    57. Day On Neck Downtrend
    58. Day Mat Hold Uptrend
    59. Day KDJ K of Prev Day
    60. Day Tristar Downtrend
    61. Day Unique Three River of Prev Day
    62. Day Elder Ray Index Bull Power of Prev Day
    63. Day Elder Ray Index Bull Power
    64. Day Hikkake Modified Uptrend
    65. Day Concealing Baby Swallow Downtrend
    66. Day Thrusting Downtrend
    67. Day Separating Lines Downtrend of Prev Day
    68. Day Evening Star of Prev Day
    69. Day ROC21
    70. Day Percentage Price Oscillator Histogram of Prev Day
    71. Day John Carter Squeeze of Prev Day
    72. Day MACD
    73. Day Short Line Downtrend of Prev Day
    74. Day Closing Marubozu Downtrend
    75. Day Percentage Price Oscillator Signal of Prev Day
    76. Day Squeeze Pro Off of Prev Day
    77. Day Ultimate Oscillator
    78. Day Stick Sandwich Uptrend of Prev Day
    79. Day Evening Doji Star Uptrend
    80. Day White Marubozu of Prev Day
    81. Day Rise Fall Three Methods Downtrend of Prev Day
    82. Day Harami Uptrend of Prev Day
    83. Day In Neck of Prev Day
    84. Day Squeeze Pro On normal of Prev Day
    85. Day Elder Ray Index Bear Power of Prev Day
    86. Day Inertia
    87. Day Counterattack Uptrend
    88. Day Supertrend Direction
    89. Day Three Outside Downtrend
    90. Day Stick Sandwich Downtrend of Prev Day
    91. Day Kicking
    92. Day Two Crows
    93. Day MFI
    94. Day TRIX Signal of Prev Day
    95. Day John Carter Squeeze Off of Prev Day
    96. Day Relative Vigor Index of Prev Day
    97. Day Belt Hold Uptrend of Prev Day
    98. Day Rickshaw Man Uptrend
    99. Day Dragonfly Doji of Prev Day
    100. Day RSI
    101. Day Bollinger Bands Bandwidth of Prev Day
    102. Day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation long
    103. Day Kicking Length Uptrend
    104. Day KST Oscillator of Prev Day
    105. Day Psychological Line
    106. Day Percentage Volume Oscillator Histogram
    107. Day Bollinger Bands Bandwidth
    108. Previous day Stochastic Histogram
    109. Day X Side Gap Three Methods Uptrend
    110. Day Hikkake Modified Downtrend of Prev Day
    111. Day TRIX_18 of Prev Day
    112. Day Center of Gravity
    113. Day Psychological Line of Prev Day
    114. Day Bollinger Bands Upper_20_2 of Prev Day
    115. Day Morning Doji Star
    116. Day Advance Block Downtrend of Prev Day
    117. Day Short Line Uptrend of Prev Day
    118. Day Three Stars In South of Prev Day
    119. Day ADX Negative DM of Prev Day
    120. Day John Carter Squeeze Off
    121. Day Ultimate Oscillator of Prev Day
    122. Previous day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
    123. Day Long Legged Doji Downtrend of Prev Day
    124. Day Three Outside Uptrend
    125. Day Squeeze Pro No
    126. Day Stochastic RSI %D
    127. Day Highwave Uptrend of Prev Day
    128. Day KST Oscillator
    129. Day Kicking Length Downtrend of Prev Day
    130. Day ADX
    131. Day Doji
    132. Day Inside Downtrend
    133. Day Ladder Bottom Downtrend
    134. Day Schaff Trend Cycle MACD of Prev Day
    135. Day Engulfing Downtrend of Prev Day
    136. Day X Side Gap Three Methods Downtrend
    137. Day Three Black Crows
    138. Day Three Black Crows of Prev Day
    139. Day On Neck Uptrend
    140. Day John Carter Squeeze
    141. Day Squeeze Pro of Prev Day
    142. Day Harami Cross Uptrend of Prev Day
    143. Day Squeeze Pro On narrow of Prev Day
    144. Day Separating Lines Uptrend
    145. Day TRIX Signal
    146. Day Abandoned Baby Uptrend of Prev Day
    147. Day Bias of Prev Day
    148. Day Percentage Volume Oscillator
    149. Day Gap Side White Downtrend of Prev Day
    150. Day Hanging Man of Prev Day
    151. Day Hikkake Uptrend of Prev Day
    152. Day Inside Uptrend
    153. Day Rise Fall Three Methods Downtrend
    154. Day Accumulation Ratio
    155. Day ADXR
    156. Day MACD Signal Lineof Prev Day
    157. Day Schaff Trend Cycle Stoch of Prev Day
    158. Day ATR
    159. Day Concealing Baby Swallow Uptrend of Prev Day
    160. Day Fisher Transform
    161. Day Squeeze Pro On narrow
    162. Previous day ADXR
    163. Day Chande Momentum Oscillator_9 of Prev Day
    164. Day Homing Pigeon of Prev Day
    165. Day Harami Downtrend of Prev Day
    166. Day Schaff Trend Cycle
    167. Day Morning Star of Prev Day
    168. Day Percentage Price Oscillator Histogram
    169. Day Inside Downtrend of Prev Day
    170. Day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
    171. Day Doji Star Uptrend
    172. Day Long Legged Doji Downtrend
    173. Day Relative Vigor Index
    174. Day Doji Star Downtrend of Prev Day
    175. Day Homing Pigeon
    176. Day Bull Ratio
    177. Day MACD Histogram
    178. Day Evening Star
    179. Day Hikkake Downtrend
    180. Day Long Legged Doji Uptrend of Prev Day
    181. Day MACD of Prev Day
    182. Day KST Oscillator Signal
    183. Day Momentum
    184. Day Balance of Power of Prev Day
    185. Day Rise Fall Three Methods Uptrend
    186. Day ADX Positive DM of Prev Day
    187. Day Evening Doji Star Downtrend of Prev Day
    188. Day Mat Hold Uptrend of Prev Day
    189. Day Squeeze Pro Off
    190. Day Commodity Channel Index of Prev Day
    191. Day Squeeze Pro No of Prev Day
    192. Day Chande Momentum Oscillator_9
    193. Day Ladder Bottom Uptrend
    194. Day Percentage Price Oscillator Signal
    195. Day Doji of Prev Day
    196. Day Kicking of Prev Day
    197. Day Highwave Downtrend of Prev Day
    198. Day Three Outside Downtrend of Prev Day
    199. Day Long Line Downtrend of Prev Day
    200. Day Upside Gap Two Crows Downtrend
    201. Day Stochastic Histogram
    202. Day Ladder Bottom Downtrend of Prev Day
    203. Day Chande Forecast Oscillator of Prev Day
    204. Day Evening Doji Star Downtrend
    205. Day Takuri
    206. Day Relative Vigor Index Signal
    207. Day Advance Block Downtrend
    208. Day Engulfing Uptrend of Prev Day
    209. Day Tasuki Gap Uptrend of Prev Day
    210. Day Rise Fall Three Methods Uptrend of Prev Day
    211. Day Long Legged Doji Uptrend
    212. Day Thrusting Downtrend of Prev Day
    213. Day Tasuki Gap Downtrend
    214. Day ADX Negative DM
    215. Day Belt Hold Downtrend of Prev Day
    216. Day Stochastic Oscillator %K
    217. Day Williams %R of Prev Day
    218. Day ADX Positive DM
    219. Day Concealing Baby Swallow Uptrend
    220. Day Tristar Uptrend
    221. Day Morning Doji Star of Prev Day
    222. Day AROON Down of Prev Day
    223. Day Schaff Trend Cycle Stoch
    224. Day APO of Prev Day
    225. Day Thrusting Uptrend of Prev Day
    226. Day Bollinger Bands Lower_20_2 of Prev Day
    227. Day Unique Three River
    228. Day Pretty Good Oscillator of Prev Day
    229. Day TD Sequential Up
    230. Day Bias
    231. Previous day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation short
    232. Day Squeeze Pro
    233. Day Breakaway Uptrend of Prev Day
    234. Day Negative Directional Movement14 of Prev Day
    235. Day Schaff Trend Cycle of Prev Day
    236. Day Stochastic RSI %K of Prev Day
    237. Day Black Marubozu of Prev Day
    238. Day Relative Strength Xtra
    239. Day AROON of Prev Day
    240. Day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation RSIMA
    241. Day Closing Marubozu Downtrend of Prev Day
    242. Day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation short
    243. Day In Neck
    244. Day Supertrend Long of Prev Day
    245. Day X Side Gap Three Methods Uptrend of Prev Day
    246. Day MACD Signal Line
    247. Day True strength index of Prev Day
    248. Day X Side Gap Three Methods Downtrend of Prev Day
    249. Day Three Outside Uptrend of Prev Day
    250. Day Stick Sandwich Uptrend
    251. Day Inside Uptrend of Prev Day
    252. Day Belt Hold Uptrend
    253. Day Three Inside Downtrend of Prev Day
    254. Day Highwave Uptrend
    255. Day True strength index Signal
    256. Day Efficiency Ratio of Prev Day
    257. Day Supertrend Long
    258. Day Kicking Length Downtrend
    259. Day On Neck Downtrend of Prev Day
    260. Day Separating Lines Downtrend
    261. Day Bollinger Bands Lower_20_2
    262. Day John Carter Squeeze On of Prev Day
    263. Day APO
    264. Day Supertrend Short of Prev Day
    265. Day Squeeze Pro On wide of Prev Day
    266. Day Hikkake Modified Downtrend
    267. Day Stick Sandwich Downtrend
    268. Day Upside Gap Two Crows Downtrend of Prev Day
    269. Day Supertrend Direction of Prev Day
    270. Day On Neck Uptrend of Prev Day
    271. Day Long Line Downtrend
    272. Day Matching Low of Prev Day
    273. Day Stochastic Oscillator %K of Prev Day
    274. Day Separating Lines Uptrend of Prev Day
    275. Day Mat Hold Downtrend of Prev Day
    276. Previous day TD Sequential Down
    277. Day Evening Doji Star Uptrend of Prev Day
    278. Day Awesome Oscillator
    279. Day Gap Side White Downtrend
    280. Day Tasuki Gap Downtrend of Prev Day
    281. Day Mat Hold Downtrend
    282. Day Stalled Pattern
    283. Day Bollinger Bands Mid_20_2 of Prev Day
    284. Day Three White Soldiers of Prev Day
    285. Day ROC21 of Prev Day
    286. Day Coppock Curve
    287. Day Concealing Baby Swallow Downtrend of Prev Day
    288. Day KDJ K
    289. Day KDJ J of Prev Day
    290. Day Double Exponential Moving Average of Prev Day
    291. Day Supertrend Short
    292. Day Counterattack Downtrend of Prev Day
    293. Day Center of Gravity of Prev Day
    294. Day Chande Forecast Oscillator
    295. Day Hikkake Downtrend of Prev Day
    296. Day Long Line Uptrend of Prev Day
    297. Day MFI of Prev Day
    298. Day Rickshaw Man Downtrend
    299. Day ROC125 of Prev Day
    300. Day RSI of Prev Day
    301. Day True strength index Signal of Prev Day
    302. Day Gravestone Doji
    303. Day Inertia of Prev Day
    304. Day Belt Hold Downtrend
    305. Day AROON Down
    306. Day Harami Cross Downtrend of Prev Day
    307. Day Three Line Strike of Prev Day
    308. Day Elder Ray Index Bear Power
    309. Day Schaff Trend Cycle MACD
    310. Day Hammer of Prev Day
    311. Day Abandoned Baby Downtrend of Prev Day
    312. Day Inverted Hammer of Prev Day
    313. Day Tristar Downtrend of Prev Day
    314. Day True strength index
    315. Day Accumulation Ratio of Prev Day
    316. Day Bollinger Bands%
    317. Day AROON
    318. Day TRIX_18
    319. Day Kicking Length Uptrend of Prev Day
    320. Day Coppock Curve of Prev Day
    321. Day Slope of Prev Day
    322. Day Pretty Good Oscillator
    323. Day Williams %R
    324. Day Percentage Price Oscillator of Prev Day
    325. Day Closing Marubozu Uptrend
    326. Previous day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation long
    327. Day Closing Marubozu Uptrend of Prev Day
    328. Day Correlation Trend Indicator of Prev Day
    329. Day John Carter Squeeze On
    330. Day Short Line Downtrend
    331. Previous day Quantitative Qualitative Estimation RSIMA
    332. Day Correlation Trend Indicator
    333. Day Doji Star Uptrend of Prev Day
    334. Day John Carter Squeeze NO
    335. Day Gap Side White Uptrend
    336. Day Stochastic RSI %K
    337. Day Fisher Transform of Prev Day
    338. Day Commodity Channel Index
    339. Day KDJ D
    340. Day Shooting Star of Prev Day
    341. Day John Carter Squeeze NO of Prev Day
    342. Day Awesome Oscillator of Prev Day
    343. Day Bollinger Bands Mid_20_2
    344. Day Thrusting Uptrend
    345. Day Percentage Volume Oscillator Signal
    346. Day Breakaway Downtrend of Prev Day
    347. Day Slope
    348. Day Takuri of Prev Day
    349. Day Tasuki Gap Uptrend
    350. Day KDJ J
    351. Day ADX of Prev Day
    352. Day Spinning Top Downtrend
    353. Day Breakaway Downtrend
    354. Day Ladder Bottom Uptrend of Prev Day
    355. Day Counterattack Downtrend
    356. Day Spinning Top Uptrend
    357. Day Spinning Top Downtrend of Prev Day
    358. Day Darkcloud cover of Prev Day
  18. Index Performance Parameters
    1. Nifty50 Month change %
    2. Sensex Three Years change %
    3. Nifty50 Quarter change %
    4. Sensex Quarter change %
    5. Nifty50 Year change %
    6. Sensex Year change %
    7. Nifty500 Three Years change %
    8. Nifty500 Quarter change %
    9. Nifty500 Ten Years change %
    10. Nifty50 Day change %
    11. Nifty50 Half Year change %
    12. Nifty50 Three Years change %
    13. Nifty500 Five Years change %
    14. Sensex Half Year change %
    15. Nifty500 Month change %
    16. Nifty500 Two Years change %
    17. Sensex Ten Years change %
    18. Nifty500 Day change %
    19. Sensex Week change %
    20. Nifty50 Two Years change %
    21. Sensex Two Years change %
    22. Sensex Day change %
    23. Nifty50 Five Years change %
    24. Nifty500 Half Year change %
    25. Nifty500 Year change %
    26. Sensex Five Years change %
    27. Nifty50 Week change %
    28. Nifty500 Week change %
    29. Nifty50 Ten Years change %
    30. Sensex Month change %
  19. Relative Performance Parameters
    1. Relative returns vs Sensex day%
    2. Relative returns vs Sector quarter%
    3. Relative returns vs Sector five years%
    4. Relative returns vs Industry month%
    5. Relative returns vs Nifty500 five years%
    6. Relative returns vs Nifty50 half year%
    7. Relative returns vs Industry quarter%
    8. Relative returns vs Nifty500 month%
    9. Relative returns vs Sensex quarter%
    10. Relative returns vs Industry five years%
    11. Relative returns vs Industry two years%
    12. Relative returns vs Nifty500 quarter%
    13. Relative returns vs Sector two years%
    14. Relative returns vs Nifty500 year%
    15. Relative returns vs Nifty500 ten years%
    16. Relative returns vs Nifty50 day%
    17. Relative returns vs Industry three years%
    18. Relative returns vs Nifty50 ten years%
    19. Relative returns vs Sector day%
    20. Relative returns vs Sector year%
    21. Relative returns vs Sector ten years%
    22. Relative returns vs Industry week%
    23. Relative returns vs Sector month%
    24. Relative returns vs Nifty500 day%
    25. Relative returns vs Sensex week%
    26. Relative returns vs Industry day%
    27. Relative returns vs Nifty500 two years%
    28. Relative returns vs Nifty500 half year%
    29. Relative returns vs Nifty50 year%
    30. Relative returns vs Nifty50 three years%
    31. Relative returns vs Sensex two years%
    32. Relative returns vs Nifty50 two years%
    33. Relative returns vs Sensex ten years%
    34. Relative returns vs Sensex year%
    35. Relative returns vs Industry ten years%
    36. Relative returns vs Sector half year%
    37. Relative returns vs Nifty50 quarter%
    38. Relative returns vs Industry half year%
    39. Relative returns vs Sensex three years%
    40. Relative returns vs Nifty500 week%
    41. Relative returns vs Nifty500 three years%
    42. Relative returns vs Sector week%
    43. Relative returns vs Sector three years%
    44. Relative returns vs Sensex half year%
    45. Relative returns vs Nifty50 five years%
    46. Relative returns vs Nifty50 month%
    47. Relative returns vs Industry year%
    48. Relative returns vs Sensex five years%
    49. Relative returns vs Nifty50 week%
    50. Relative returns vs Sensex month%
  20. Other Premium Parameters
    1. Previous month Day RSI of Prev Day
    2. Week Thrusting Uptrend
    3. Month APO of Prev Month
    4. Month Bollinger Bands% of Prev Month
    5. Month Counterattack Uptrend of Prev Month
    6. Month Upside Gap Two Crows Downtrend
    7. Week Awesome Oscillator of Prev Week
    8. Week MACD Signal Line of Prev Week
    9. Forecaster Estimates No of bearish Estimates
    10. Month Stalled Pattern
    11. Week Three Inside Downtrend
    12. Week Gravestone Doji
    13. Week TD Sequential Down
    14. Month Rise Fall Three Methods Uptrend of Prev Month
    15. Week Squeeze Pro On wide
    16. Month RSI
    17. Week Engulfing Downtrend of Prev Week
    18. Week On Neck Downtrend
    19. Week Percentage Volume Oscillator Signal
    20. Week On Neck Downtrend of Prev Week
    21. Week Supertrend Long of Prev Week
    22. Week Tristar Downtrend of Prev Week
    23. Week Slope
    24. Forecaster Estimates No of analysts with strong sell reco
    25. Month KDJ K
    26. Month Homing Pigeon
    27. Today Minus 1Week
    28. Week Percentage Volume Oscillator Histogram
    29. Forecaster Estimates 3Mth Analysts Upgrade
    30. TL Checklist Positive Score
    31. Month Kicking Length Downtrend
    32. Month Short Line Uptrend
    33. Week Ultimate Oscillator
    34. Month Inverted Hammer of Prev Month
    35. Month Long Line Uptrend
    36. Week Bias of Prev Week
    37. Week Percentage Price Oscillator of Prev Week
    38. Month On Neck Downtrend
    39. Week Stochastic Oscillator %D of Prev Week
    40. Week Three Stars In South of Prev Week
    41. Month Three Stars In South
    42. Month Percentage Price Oscillator
    43. Week Stick Sandwich Uptrend
    44. Week Highwave Uptrend
    45. Week Inside Downtrend of Prev Week
    46. Week Bollinger Bands Mid_20_2 of Prev Week
    47. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Qtr Revenue YoY Growth %
    48. Week MACD Histogram
    49. Month True strength index of Prev Month
    50. SWOT Strengths
    51. ASM Short term stage
    52. Month Three White Soldiers
    53. Month TRIX_18 of Prev Month
    54. Month Rickshaw Man Downtrend
    55. Week Coppock Curve of Prev Week
    56. Month KDJ D of Prev Month
    57. Month Schaff Trend Cycle Stoch
    58. Week KST Oscillator Signal
    59. Month Kicking
    60. Month Squeeze Pro No
    61. Week Upside Gap Two Crows Downtrend of Prev Week
    62. Month Three Outside Uptrend of Prev Month
    63. Month John Carter Squeeze Off of Prev Month
    64. Month Supertrend_10_3 of Prev Month
    65. Week Bollinger Bands Upper_20_2
    66. 5Yr price change %
    67. Month Slope of Prev month
    68. Month Bollinger Bands Lower_20_2 of Prev Month
    69. Month Supertrend Direction of Prev Month
    70. Month Unique Three River
    71. Forecaster Estimates No of analysts with strong buy reco
    72. Month Breakaway Uptrend
    73. Forecaster Estimates Broker Consensus is Strong Sell
    74. Week MACD of Prev Week
    75. Week Center of Gravity of Prev Week
    76. Week Momentum of Prev Week
    77. Week Separating Lines Downtrend of Prev Week
    78. Month Engulfing Uptrend of Prev Month
    79. Month Commodity Channel Index of Prev Month
    80. Week In Neck
    81. Month APO
    82. Week Relative Vigor Index Signal
    83. Month Rise Fall Three Methods Downtrend of Prev Month
    84. Week Relative Vigor Index
    85. Month Stalled Pattern of Prev Month
    86. Week Squeeze Pro On wide of Prev Week
    87. Week Harami Uptrend of Prev Week
    88. Week RSI
    89. Month Elder Ray Index Bear Power
    90. Month Center of Gravity
    91. Week Ladder Bottom Downtrend
    92. Month Awesome Oscillator of Prev Month
    93. Month Ladder Bottom Downtrend
    94. Month Marubozu Uptrend
    95. Week KDJ D of Prev Week
    96. Week Stick Sandwich Downtrend of Prev Week
    97. Week MACD Histogram of Prev Week
    98. Month Inside Uptrend
    99. Week Bollinger Bands% of Prev Week
    100. Month Tasuki Gap Uptrend
    101. Month Three Stars In South of Prev Month
    102. Forecaster Estimates 12Mth Upside %
    103. Month Relative Strength Xtra of Prev Month
    104. Week Negative Directional Movement14
    105. Week John Carter Squeeze On
    106. Week Hikkake Downtrend of Prev Week
    107. Week Fisher Transform
    108. Week Tristar Downtrend
    109. Week Three Inside Downtrend of Prev Week
    110. Month Ladder Bottom Downtrend of Prev Month
    111. Month Spinning Top Downtrend
    112. Month Center of Gravity of Prev Month
    113. Month Percentage Price Oscillator Histogram of Prev Month
    114. Month Pretty Good Oscillator
    115. Month Stochastic RSI %D
    116. Week TD Sequential Up
    117. Month ADX
    118. Week Relative Vigor Index Signal of Prev Week
    119. Week Bollinger Bands Bandwidth
    120. Week Breakaway Downtrend
    121. Week Homing Pigeon of Prev Week
    122. Week Spinning Top Uptrend of Prev Week
    123. Week Chande Momentum Oscillator_9 of Prev Week
    124. Month John Carter Squeeze NO of Prev Month
    125. Week Abandoned Baby Downtrend of Prev Week
    126. Forecaster Estimates No of bullish Estimates
    127. Month Three Line Strike of Prev Month
    128. Previous month ADXR
    129. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Dividend Yield %
    130. Previous week TD Sequential Down
    131. Month Harami Cross Uptrend of Prev Month
    132. Month Three Inside Uptrend
    133. Month Three Inside Uptrend of Prev Month
    134. Month Efficiency Ratio of Prev Month
    135. Week Three Line Strike of Prev Week
    136. Month Engulfing Uptrend
    137. Month Hikkake Downtrend of Prev Month
    138. Month KDJ J
    139. Month Bollinger Bands%
    140. Month On Neck Downtrend of Prev Month
    141. Previous week Percentage Volume Oscillator Histogram
    142. Week Abandoned Baby Downtrend
    143. Month Counterattack Downtrend of Prev Month
    144. Week Squeeze Pro Off
    145. Month Three Outside Downtrend of Prev Month
    146. Forecaster Estimates No of analysts with sell reco
    147. Month Rickshaw Man Downtrend of Prev Month
    148. Previous week Stochastic Histogram
    149. Month Dark Cloud Cover of Prev Month
    150. Week Counterattack Uptrend of Prev Week
    151. Month Squeeze Pro On narrow
    152. Week Rickshaw Man Downtrend
    153. Week TRIX_18
    154. Month Abandoned Baby Uptrend of Prev Month
    155. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward EBIT Growth Annual %
    156. Week Tasuki Gap Downtrend
    157. Week Rickshaw Man Uptrend of Prev Week
    158. Month Belt Hold Uptrend of Prev Month
    159. Week Three Stars In South
    160. Month Takuri
    161. Month Tasuki Gap Uptrend of Prev Month
    162. Week In Neck of Prev Week
    163. Prev Week Trendlyne Valuation Score
    164. Week Stochastic RSI %D
    165. Month Doji Star Downtrend
    166. Month Harami Cross Uptrend
    167. Month ROC125
    168. Month Squeeze Pro On wide
    169. Week Closing Marubozu Downtrend of Prev Week
    170. Week Kicking Length Downtrend of Prev Week
    171. Week Chande Momentum Oscillator_9
    172. Month Bull Ratio of Prev Month
    173. Week Takuri of Prev Week
    174. Week Stochastic Oscillator %K of Prev Week
    175. Week Three White Soldiers
    176. Month Shooting Star of Prev Month
    177. Week Ultimate Oscillator of Prev Week
    178. Week Stochastic Oscillator %D
    179. Month On Neck Uptrend of Prev Month
    180. Week Thrusting Downtrend of Prev Week
    181. Week Chande Forecast Oscillator
    182. Previous month Day Williams %R of Prev Day
    183. Month Spinning Top Downtrend of Prev Month
    184. Month Harami Cross Downtrend of Prev Month
    185. Month Day Commodity Channel Index of Prev Day
    186. Month Hikkake Modified Downtrend
    187. Week X Side Gap Three Methods Downtrend of Prev Week
    188. Month Hikkake Modified Downtrend of Prev Month
    189. Month Balance of Power of Prev Month
    190. Month Dragonfly Doji of Prev Month
    191. Month Concealing Baby Swallow Uptrend of Prev Month
    192. Week Concealing Baby Swallow Downtrend
    193. Week Stochastic Histogram
    194. Month Piercing
    195. Week Dragonfly Doji
    196. Previous month TD Sequential Down
    197. Forecaster Estimates Annual Revenue Surprise %
    198. Month John Carter Squeeze
    199. GSM stage
    200. Week Long Legged Doji Uptrend
    201. Month Supertrend Short of Prev Month
    202. Week Fisher Transform Signal of Prev Week
    203. Month Evening Star of Prev Month
    204. Week Harami Cross Uptrend
    205. Month Long Line Downtrend of Prev Month
    206. Week Double Exponential Moving Average of Prev Week
    207. Month Efficiency Ratio
    208. Month Supertrend_10_3
    209. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward Annual Revenue Growth %
    210. Month Separating Lines Downtrend of Prev Month
    211. Week Three Inside Uptrend
    212. Week ADX Negative DM of Prev Week
    213. Week Short Line Uptrend
    214. Week Thrusting Downtrend
    215. Month Supertrend Long
    216. Beta 3Year
    217. Week Marubozu Downtrend
    218. Week Kicking
    219. 10Yr price change %
    220. Month Pretty Good Oscillator of Prev Month
    221. Week ROC125
    222. Month KDJ K of Prev Month
    223. Month In Neck
    224. ASM Long term stage
    225. Week Matching Low of Prev Week
    226. Month Doji Star Downtrend of Prev Month
    227. Week KDJ J
    228. Month ADX Positive DM
    229. Month Stick Sandwich Downtrend
    230. Month Belt Hold Downtrend of Prev Month
    231. Month Elder Ray Index Bull Power
    232. Week Tristar Uptrend of Prev Week
    233. Month Squeeze Pro On wide of Prev Month
    234. Month ATR
    235. Month Counterattack Downtrend
    236. Month Stochastic RSI %K
    237. Month Gap Side White Uptrend
    238. Month Abandoned Baby Downtrend of Prev Month
    239. Week Belt Hold Downtrend of Prev Week
    240. Month ROC125 of Prev Month
    241. Week Evening Star
    242. Month MACD of Prev Month
    243. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward EPS YoY Growth Quarter %
    244. Month Two Crows
    245. Week Engulfing Uptrend
    246. Week Three Black Crows
    247. Forecaster estimates 1Y forward Cash EPS Annual Growth %
    248. Week Counterattack Downtrend of Prev Week
    249. Month Evening Doji Star Uptrend of Prev Month
    250. Month Highwave Uptrend of Prev Month
    251. Month Percentage Price Oscillator Signal of Prev Month
    252. Month MFI of Prev Month
    253. Week Elder Ray Index Bear Power of Prev Week
    254. Month Stick Sandwich Downtrend of Prev Month
    255. Week Marubozu Downtrend of Prev Week
    256. Month Inside Downtrend
    257. Week Counterattack Downtrend
    258. Week Matching Low
    259. Week Dark Cloud Cover of Prev Week
    260. Month Squeeze Pro On narrow of Prev Month
    261. Week Mat Hold Uptrend of Prev Week
    262. Month Hikkake Downtrend
    263. Month John Carter Squeeze On of Prev Month
    264. Month Three Outside Downtrend
    265. Week Highwave Downtrend of Prev Week
    266. Week RSI of Prev Week
    267. Week KST Oscillator
    268. Beta 1Month
    269. Week Doji
    270. Week Tasuki Gap Uptrend of Prev Week
    271. Month Chande Forecast Oscillator
    272. Month In Neck of Prev Month
    273. Month Inverted Hammer
    274. Month Tristar Downtrend
    275. Week Center of Gravity
    276. Month Mat Hold Uptrend
    277. Month Marubozu Uptrend of Prev Month
    278. Month Dark Cloud Cover
    279. Week Ladder Bottom Uptrend of Prev Week
    280. Month Thrusting Uptrend
    281. Week Coppock Curve
    282. Week Efficiency Ratio of Prev Week
    283. Week Psychological Line of Prev Week
    284. Week Two Crows of Prev Week
    285. Month Thrusting Downtrend of Prev Month
    286. Week Hikkake Downtrend
    287. Month Long Legged Doji Downtrend of Prev Month
    288. Week Squeeze Pro of Prev Week
    289. Week Separating Lines Uptrend of Prev Week
    290. Month Rickshaw Man Uptrend
    291. Month Stochastic RSI %K of Prev Month
    292. Week Williams %R of Prev Week
    293. Month Coppock Curve of Prev Month
    294. Week ROC21
    295. Week Elder Ray Index Bear Power
    296. Month Ladder Bottom Uptrend of Prev Month
    297. Week Balance of Power of Prev Week
    298. Week Supertrend Short
    299. Week Squeeze Pro On narrow
    300. Week Spinning Top Downtrend
    301. Forecaster Estimates Target Price High
    302. Week Takuri
    303. Month X Side Gap Three Methods Downtrend
    304. Week Doji Star Downtrend
    305. Week Three Black Crows of Prev Week
    306. Month Double Exponential Moving Average of Prev Month
    307. Date of 52W High
    308. Week Three Line Strike
    309. Month Engulfing Downtrend of Prev Month
    310. Week Harami Downtrend
    311. Week Chande Forecast Oscillator of Prev Week
    312. Forecaster Estimates Quarter EPS Surprise %
    313. Forecaster estimates 1Y forward Free Cash Flow Growth Annual %
    314. Month Matching Low
    315. Month KDJ D
    316. Week Evening Doji Star Uptrend of Prev Week
    317. Week Squeeze Pro
    318. Month Breakaway Downtrend
    319. Month Morning Star of Prev Month
    320. Month Dragonfly Doji
    321. Week Two Crows
    322. Week Harami Cross Uptrend of Prev Week
    323. Week Squeeze Pro No of Prev Week
    324. Week Supertrend_10_3 of Prev Week
    325. Week Morning Star
    326. Week Piercing of Prev Week
    327. Week Correlation Trend Indicator
    328. Week KDJ J of Prev Week
    329. Week Mat Hold Uptrend
    330. Month Counterattack Uptrend
    331. Forecaster Estimates Broker Consensus is Strong Buy
    332. Month Stochastic Oscillator %K
    333. Week Gap Side White Uptrend of Prev Week
    334. Week Long Line Downtrend of Prev Week
    335. Week Abandoned Baby Uptrend of Prev Week
    336. Today Minus 2Days
    337. Month On Neck Uptrend
    338. Week TRIX_18 of Prev Week
    339. Month Concealing Baby Swallow Downtrend of Prev Month
    340. Today
    341. Week Kicking of Prev Week
    342. Week Doji Star Uptrend of Prev Week
    343. Week Bull Ratio
    344. Week Schaff Trend Cycle Stoch of Prev Week
    345. Month Doji
    346. Week Morning Doji Star of Prev Week
    347. Forecaster estimates 1Y forward Cash Flow Annual Growth %
    348. Month Rise Fall Three Methods Uptrend
    349. Month Morning Doji Star
    350. Month Squeeze Pro
    351. Month Three Inside Downtrend
    352. Month Balance of Power
    353. Month Elder Ray Index Bear Power of Prev Month
    354. Week Bollinger Bands%
    355. Month Mat Hold Downtrend of Prev Month
    356. Month Stochastic Oscillator %K of Prev Month
    357. Month MFI
    358. Forecaster Estimates Annual Net Income Surprise %
    359. Week Engulfing Uptrend of Prev Week
    360. Week John Carter Squeeze Off
    361. Prev Month Trendlyne Durability Score
    362. Forecaster Estimates No of analysts with buy reco
    363. Week On Neck Uptrend of Prev Week
    364. Month Williams %R
    365. Month Squeeze Pro Off
    366. Month Hanging Man of Prev Month
    367. Month Tasuki Gap Downtrend
    368. Month Hikkake Uptrend of Prev Month
    369. Month Abandoned Baby Downtrend
    370. Month Closing Marubozu Downtrend of Prev Month
    371. Month Bull Ratio
    372. Week Relative Strength Xtra
    373. Week MFI
    374. Week Closing Marubozu Downtrend
    375. Week Supertrend Direction
    376. Month ADX Negative DM of Prev Month
    377. Month John Carter Squeeze On
    378. Month Long Legged Doji Uptrend of Prev Month
    379. Month TRIX Signal of Prev Month
    380. Week ADX of Prev Week
    381. Month Advance Block Downtrend
    382. Week Doji Star Downtrend of Prev Week
    383. Week Pretty Good Oscillator of Prev Week
    384. Month Fisher Transform Signal
    385. Month Tristar Uptrend of Prev Month
    386. Month Bias of Prev Month
    387. Week ROC21 of Prev Week
    388. Month Day RSI of Prev Day
    389. Week Inside Uptrend
    390. Month Slope
    391. Month Fisher Transform of Prev Month
    392. Month Awesome Oscillator
    393. Month Hanging Man
    394. Month Bollinger Bands Bandwidth
    395. Month MACD Signal Line
    396. Week John Carter Squeeze Off of Prev Week
    397. Month Three Inside Downtrend of Prev Month
    398. Month Three Black Crows of Prev Month
    399. Month Ladder Bottom Uptrend
    400. Week Schaff Trend Cycle MACD
    401. Week Stalled Pattern of Prev Week
    402. Month Squeeze Pro On normal
    403. Month Engulfing Downtrend
    404. Week Rise Fall Three Methods Uptrend of Prev Week
    405. Month Day Williams %R of Prev Day
    406. Previous month Percentage Volume Oscillator Signal
    407. Month Schaff Trend Cycle Stoch of Prev Month
    408. Week Bollinger Bands Upper_20_2 of Prev Week
    409. Week Negative Directional Movement14 of Prev Week
    410. Month MACD Histogram of Prev Month
    411. Forecaster Estimates industry reco
    412. Month Coppock Curve
    413. Month Relative Vigor Index Signal of Prev Month
    414. Week Shooting Star
    415. Week MACD
    416. Forecaster estimates 1Y forward Cash Operations Growth Annual %
    417. Week Hikkake Modified Uptrend of Prev Week
    418. Week Rise Fall Three Methods Downtrend of Prev Week
    419. Week Concealing Baby Swallow Downtrend of Prev Week
    420. Week Commodity Channel Index
    421. Week MACD Signal Line
    422. Month Stick Sandwich Uptrend of Prev Month
    423. Week Advance Block Downtrend
    424. Month Inertia of Prev Month
    425. Week ADX Positive DM of Prev Week
    426. Previous month Percentage Volume Oscillator Histogram
    427. Week Doji Star Uptrend
    428. Month Squeeze Pro of Prev Month
    429. Week Marubozu Uptrend
    430. Month Double Exponential Moving Average
    431. Month Separating Lines Uptrend
    432. Week Marubozu Uptrend of Prev Week
    433. Week Three White Soldiers of Prev Week
    434. Week TRIX Signal
    435. Week Positive Directional Movement14 of Prev Week
    436. Week Williams %R
    437. Month Kicking of Prev Month
    438. Month Hikkake Uptrend
    439. Week ADX Negative DM
    440. Previous week Percentage Volume Oscillator
    441. Month Doji Star Uptrend
    442. SWOT Threats
    443. Week Balance of Power
    444. Month Schaff Trend Cycle of Prev Month
    445. Month Percentage Price Oscillator Histogram
    446. Week Unique Three River
    447. Today Minus 1Day
    448. Month Piercing of Prev Month
    449. Month John Carter Squeeze Off
    450. Month Harami Downtrend of Prev Month
    451. Month Concealing Baby Swallow Downtrend
    452. Month John Carter Squeeze NO
    453. Week Highwave Downtrend
    454. Month Day MFI of Prev Day
    455. Week ADXR
    456. Week Harami Downtrend of Prev Week
    457. Week Counterattack Uptrend
    458. Month Closing Marubozu Uptrend
    459. Week Inverted Hammer of Prev Week
    460. Month Elder Ray Index Bull Power of Prev Month
    461. Month Three Black Crows
    462. Week John Carter Squeeze NO
    463. Month Short Line Uptrend of Prev Month
    464. Month Williams %R of Prev Month
    465. Month Negative Directional Movement14 of Prev Month
    466. Month Squeeze Pro No of Prev Month
    467. Week Three Outside Uptrend
    468. Week Schaff Trend Cycle Stoch
    469. Week Morning Doji Star
    470. Week Dragonfly Doji of Prev Week
    471. Month Chande Forecast Oscillator of Prev Month
    472. Month X Side Gap Three Methods Uptrend
    473. Week Belt Hold Uptrend of Prev Week
    474. Month Separating Lines Uptrend of Prev Month
    475. Week Inverted Hammer
    476. Week KST Oscillator Signal of Prev Week
    477. Week Tristar Uptrend
    478. Week Gap Side White Downtrend of Prev Week
    479. Month Supertrend Long of Prev Month
    480. Month Squeeze Pro On normal of Prev Month
    481. Month Belt Hold Uptrend
    482. Week Unique Three River of Prev Week
    483. Forecaster Estimates No of analysts with hold reco
    484. Week Engulfing Downtrend
    485. Month Morning Doji Star of Prev Month
    486. Week True strength index
    487. Week Upside Gap Two Crows Downtrend
    488. Month Long Legged Doji Uptrend
    489. Month Fisher Transform Signal of Prev Month
    490. Month Closing Marubozu Uptrend of Prev Month
    491. Month MACD
    492. Week Psychological Line
    493. Week Hammer
    494. Week Relative Strength Xtra of Prev Week
    495. Week Closing Marubozu Uptrend
    496. Week X Side Gap Three Methods Uptrend of Prev Week
    497. Month Three Line Strike
    498. Month Negative Directional Movement14
    499. Week Day RSI of Prev Day
    500. Month Concealing Baby Swallow Uptrend
    501. Week Day Commodity Channel Index of Prev Day
    502. Week Bollinger Bands Mid_20_2
    503. Week ADX
    504. Week Percentage Volume Oscillator
    505. Week Ladder Bottom Downtrend of Prev Week
    506. Month KST Oscillator Signal of Prev Month
    507. Forecaster Estimates Broker Consensus is Buy
    508. Month Schaff Trend Cycle
    509. Week Supertrend Short of Prev Week
    510. Month Short Line Downtrend
    511. Previous month Stochastic Histogram
    512. Month Doji Star Uptrend of Prev Month
    513. Month TRIX_18
    514. Week Rickshaw Man Downtrend of Prev Week
    515. Week Squeeze Pro No
    516. Week Harami Cross Downtrend of Prev Week
    517. Month Harami Uptrend of Prev Month
    518. Week Efficiency Ratio
    519. Week Evening Doji Star Uptrend
    520. Week Momentum
    521. Month ADXR
    522. Week ROC125 of Prev Week
    523. Week Concealing Baby Swallow Uptrend
    524. Month ROC21
    525. Month Separating Lines Downtrend
    526. Week Hikkake Modified Downtrend
    527. Week Schaff Trend Cycle
    528. Previous month Day Commodity Channel Index of Prev Day
    529. Week Hikkake Uptrend
    530. Week Hammer of Prev Week
    531. SWOT Weakness
    532. Month Shooting Star
    533. Month Positive Directional Movement14
    534. Prev Day Trendlyne Valuation Score
    535. Week Gravestone Doji of Prev Week
    536. Month Upside Gap Two Crows Downtrend of Prev Month
    537. Week Inside Downtrend
    538. Week Spinning Top Uptrend
    539. Forecaster Estimates Target Price Low
    540. Month Takuri of Prev Month
    541. Month Highwave Uptrend
    542. Today Minus 1Month
    543. Week Squeeze Pro On normal
    544. Month Rickshaw Man Uptrend of Prev Month
    545. Month X Side Gap Three Methods Downtrend of Prev Month
    546. Month Gap Side White Downtrend of Prev Month
    547. Month Tristar Downtrend of Prev Month
    548. Week Highwave Uptrend of Prev Week
    549. Month ADX of Prev Month
    550. Month Evening Doji Star Downtrend of Prev Month
    551. Week Short Line Uptrend of Prev Week
    552. Week Bull Ratio of Prev Week
    553. Week Hikkake Uptrend of Prev Week
    554. Month Relative Vigor Index of Prev Month
    555. Month Breakaway Uptrend of Prev Month
    556. Week Short Line Downtrend of Prev Week
    557. Previous week ADXR
    558. Week John Carter Squeeze NO of Prev Week
    559. Month Spinning Top Uptrend
    560. Month Doji of Prev Month
    561. Forecaster Estimates Quarter Net Income Surprise %
    562. Month Tristar Uptrend
    563. Month Hammer
    564. Month Thrusting Uptrend of Prev Month
    565. Today Minus 2Week
    566. Month TD Sequential Down
    567. Month Inertia
    568. Week Harami Uptrend
    569. Month Spinning Top Uptrend of Prev Month
    570. Month Schaff Trend Cycle MACD
    571. Month Matching Low of Prev Month
    572. Week Evening Star of Prev Week
    573. Month Hammer of Prev Month
    574. Month Momentum
    575. Month Mat Hold Uptrend of Prev Month
    576. Week APO
    577. Month Gap Side White Uptrend of Prev Month
    578. Week Three Inside Uptrend of Prev Week
    579. Month Bollinger Bands Lower_20_2
    580. Month Evening Doji Star Downtrend
    581. Month ADX Positive DM of Prev Month
    582. Week Mat Hold Downtrend
    583. Beta 3Month
    584. Week Tasuki Gap Downtrend of Prev Week
    585. Week Bollinger Bands Lower_20_2 of Prev Week
    586. Prev Month Trendlyne Valuation Score
    587. Week Rickshaw Man Uptrend
    588. Month Chande Momentum Oscillator_9 of Prev Month
    589. Week Fisher Transform Signal
    590. Month Homing Pigeon of Prev Month
    591. Month RSI of Prev Month
    592. Week Schaff Trend Cycle MACD of Prev Week
    593. Month Correlation Trend Indicator
    594. Month True strength index
    595. Month Breakaway Downtrend of Prev Month
    596. Week Hanging Man of Prev Week
    597. Month Relative Vigor Index
    598. Beta 1Year
    599. Week ADX Positive DM
    600. Week Identical Three Crows
    601. Week Mat Hold Downtrend of Prev Week
    602. Week KST Oscillator of Prev Week
    603. Month MACD Signal Line of Prev Month
    604. Previous week Day Williams %R of Prev Day
    605. Week Advance Block Downtrend of Prev Week
    606. Month Short Line Downtrend of Prev Month
    607. Week Separating Lines Downtrend
    608. Month Percentage Volume Oscillator Histogram
    609. Week APO of Prev Week
    610. Week Supertrend_10_3
    611. Week Rise Fall Three Methods Uptrend
    612. Previous month Percentage Volume Oscillator
    613. Forecaster estimates 1Q Forward Revenue QoQ Growth %
    614. Month Ultimate Oscillator of Prev Month
    615. Week Bollinger Bands Lower_20_2
    616. Week Dark Cloud Cover
    617. Week Day Williams %R of Prev Day
    618. Month Marubozu Downtrend of Prev Month
    619. Month Bollinger Bands Upper_20_2 of Prev Month
    620. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward EPS Growth Annual %
    621. Week Hanging Man
    622. Result Declared date
    623. Month Bollinger Bands Upper_20_2
    624. Month KST Oscillator Signal
    625. Month Bollinger Bands Mid_20_2 of Prev Month
    626. Forecaster Estimates Reco
    627. Week ATR of Prev Week
    628. Month Belt Hold Downtrend
    629. Month Bollinger Bands Bandwidth of Prev Month
    630. Forecaster Estimates Broker Consensus is Sell
    631. Month Hikkake Modified Uptrend
    632. Month Inside Uptrend of Prev Month
    633. Month KDJ J of Prev Month
    634. Week Kicking Length Uptrend of Prev Week
    635. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward PE
    636. Previous month Day MFI of Prev Day
    637. Week Doji of Prev Week
    638. Prev Day Trendlyne Durability Score
    639. Week Evening Doji Star Downtrend of Prev Week
    640. Week John Carter Squeeze On of Prev Week
    641. Week Breakaway Uptrend
    642. Month Harami Downtrend
    643. Month Unique Three River of Prev Month
    644. Month Correlation Trend Indicator of Prev Month
    645. Week Relative Vigor Index of Prev Week
    646. Week Inside Uptrend of Prev Week
    647. Week Piercing
    648. Week X Side Gap Three Methods Uptrend
    649. Forecaster estimates 1Y forward Interest Expense Annual Growth %
    650. Week Percentage Price Oscillator Histogram
    651. Previous week Day Commodity Channel Index of Prev Day
    652. Month Percentage Price Oscillator Signal
    653. Week Separating Lines Uptrend
    654. Month Fisher Transform
    655. Month Long Line Downtrend
    656. Month Gravestone Doji
    657. Week Stochastic RSI %D of Prev Week
    658. Month Advance Block Downtrend of Prev Month
    659. Week Thrusting Uptrend of Prev Week
    660. Week Closing Marubozu Uptrend of Prev Week
    661. TL Checklist Negative Score
    662. Month Supertrend Direction
    663. Week Belt Hold Uptrend
    664. Month TRIX Signal
    665. Month Stochastic RSI %D of Prev Month
    666. Month Percentage Volume Oscillator Signal
    667. Month Long Line Uptrend of Prev Month
    668. Week Abandoned Baby Uptrend
    669. Month Identical Three Crows of Prev Month
    670. Month Stochastic Oscillator %D
    671. Week Gap Side White Downtrend
    672. Month TD Sequential Up
    673. Month MACD Histogram
    674. Week Pretty Good Oscillator
    675. Month Thrusting Downtrend
    676. Week Kicking Length Downtrend
    677. Previous week TD Sequential Up
    678. Week TRIX Signal of Prev Week
    679. Result Announced Date
    680. Week True strength index of Prev Week
    681. Week Commodity Channel Index of Prev Week
    682. Forecaster estimates 1Q Forward EPS QoQ Growth %
    683. Forecaster estimates Long Term Growth%
    684. Forecaster Estimates Capex Growth YoY %
    685. Week Long Line Uptrend
    686. Month Kicking Length Uptrend of Prev Month
    687. Week Hikkake Modified Uptrend
    688. Week Breakaway Uptrend of Prev Week
    689. Currency Adjusted Price
    690. Month Psychological Line of Prev Month
    691. Week Shooting Star of Prev Week
    692. Week Breakaway Downtrend of Prev Week
    693. Week Three Outside Downtrend of Prev Week
    694. Month ADX Negative DM
    695. Week KDJ D
    696. Week Supertrend Long
    697. Month Commodity Channel Index
    698. Week X Side Gap Three Methods Downtrend
    699. Week Inertia of Prev Week
    700. Week Long Line Downtrend
    701. Month Bias
    702. Month ATR of Prev Month
    703. Month Identical Three Crows
    704. Week Tasuki Gap Uptrend
    705. Month Relative Vigor Index Signal
    706. Month Positive Directional Movement14 of Prev Month
    707. Week Stalled Pattern
    708. Week Three Outside Uptrend of Prev Week
    709. Week Percentage Price Oscillator Histogram of Prev Week
    710. Week Harami Cross Downtrend
    711. Week Concealing Baby Swallow Uptrend of Prev Week
    712. Forecaster Estimates Target Price
    713. Week Belt Hold Downtrend
    714. Week Long Legged Doji Downtrend
    715. Month Abandoned Baby Uptrend
    716. Week Percentage Price Oscillator Signal of Prev Week
    717. Month Momentum of Prev Month
    718. Week Stochastic RSI %K
    719. Month Evening Star
    720. Week Fisher Transform of Prev Week
    721. Prev Week Trendlyne Durability Score
    722. Week Long Legged Doji Downtrend of Prev Week
    723. Month Three Outside Uptrend
    724. Week Three Outside Downtrend
    725. Forecaster Estimates Quarter Revenue Surprise %
    726. Week Bias
    727. Month Kicking Length Uptrend
    728. Month Stochastic Histogram
    729. Week Evening Doji Star Downtrend
    730. Week Percentage Price Oscillator Signal
    731. Month Tasuki Gap Downtrend of Prev Month
    732. Week Ladder Bottom Uptrend
    733. Week Hikkake Modified Downtrend of Prev Week
    734. Week Stick Sandwich Downtrend
    735. Week Squeeze Pro Off of Prev Week
    736. Week True strength index Signal of Prev Week
    737. Month ROC21 of Prev Month
    738. Month Harami Cross Downtrend
    739. Month Relative Strength Xtra
    740. Month Evening Doji Star Uptrend
    741. Week Short Line Downtrend
    742. Week Double Exponential Moving Average
    743. Month Three White Soldiers of Prev Month
    744. Month Psychological Line
    745. Week Rise Fall Three Methods Downtrend
    746. Month Harami Uptrend
    747. Week On Neck Uptrend
    748. Month Highwave Downtrend of Prev Month
    749. Forecaster estimates 1Y forward Net Income Annual Growth %
    750. Week Correlation Trend Indicator of Prev Week
    751. Forecaster Estimates Broker Consensus is Hold
    752. Week Elder Ray Index Bull Power of Prev Week
    753. Month Long Legged Doji Downtrend
    754. Week Schaff Trend Cycle of Prev Week
    755. Month Stochastic Oscillator %D of Prev Month
    756. Week Stochastic RSI %K of Prev Week
    757. Month Percentage Volume Oscillator
    758. Week Identical Three Crows of Prev Week
    759. Week KDJ K
    760. Week John Carter Squeeze
    761. Previous week Day MFI of Prev Day
    762. Month Schaff Trend Cycle MACD of Prev Month
    763. Previous week Percentage Volume Oscillator Signal
    764. Month Percentage Price Oscillator of Prev Month
    765. SWOT Opportunities
    766. Week Spinning Top Downtrend of Prev Week
    767. Month Gravestone Doji of Prev Month
    768. Month Hikkake Modified Uptrend of Prev Month
    769. Week Homing Pigeon
    770. Month Marubozu Downtrend
    771. Week Stick Sandwich Uptrend of Prev Week
    772. Month Two Crows of Prev Month
    773. Week Supertrend Direction of Prev Week
    774. Week Morning Star of Prev Week
    775. Week ATR
    776. Week Gap Side White Uptrend
    777. Week KDJ K of Prev Week
    778. Previous week Day RSI of Prev Day
    779. Week Long Legged Doji Uptrend of Prev Week
    780. Latest financial result
    781. Week True strength index Signal
    782. Month John Carter Squeeze of Prev Month
    783. Month True strength index Signal
    784. Week John Carter Squeeze of Prev Week
    785. Week Stochastic Oscillator %K
    786. Previous month TD Sequential Up
    787. Month X Side Gap Three Methods Uptrend of Prev Month
    788. Week Squeeze Pro On narrow of Prev Week
    789. Week Long Line Uptrend of Prev Week
    790. Month Squeeze Pro Off of Prev Month
    791. Week Awesome Oscillator
    792. Month Stick Sandwich Uptrend
    793. Week Squeeze Pro On normal of Prev Week
    794. Month Inside Downtrend of Prev Month
    795. Month Rise Fall Three Methods Downtrend
    796. Week Inertia
    797. Week Day MFI of Prev Day
    798. Forecaster Estimates 1Y forward PEG
    799. Week Slope of Prev Week
    800. Week Kicking Length Uptrend
    801. Month Closing Marubozu Downtrend
    802. Date of 52W Low
    803. Month KST Oscillator
    804. Month Morning Star
    805. Month Highwave Downtrend
    806. Month Mat Hold Downtrend
    807. Week Elder Ray Index Bull Power
    808. Month Kicking Length Downtrend of Prev Month
    809. Month KST Oscillator of Prev Month
    810. Week Percentage Price Oscillator
    811. Month Ultimate Oscillator
    812. Month True strength index Signal of Prev Month
    813. Month Chande Momentum Oscillator_9
    814. Week Positive Directional Movement14
    815. Week MFI of Prev Week
    816. Month Gap Side White Downtrend
    817. Month Bollinger Bands Mid_20_2
    818. Forecaster Estimates Annual EPS Surprise %
    819. Week Bollinger Bands Bandwidth of Prev Week
    820. Month Supertrend Short
  21. Other Parameters
    1. Lot Size
    2. Ten Year Close
    3. VWAP Day
    4. Latest dividend date
    5. Camarilla First support S1
    6. Day Black Marubozu
    7. Half Yr High
    8. VAR 1Month
    9. Day White Marubozu
    10. Institutional holding change 4Qtr %
    11. % Distance from week low
    12. Prev Day Change %
    13. Delivery% volume end of day
    14. Broker average target upside potential%
    15. Calendar Year Close
    16. Dividend 1year
    17. Promoter holding change 8Qtr %
    18. Institutional holding current Qtr %
    19. Dividend yield 3yr %
    20. 6Month Volume Avg
    21. Public holding change 4Qtr %
    22. Consolidated day Volume
    23. Face Value of the Stock
    24. Promoter holding latest %
    25. Dividend Sum 5Yr adjusted
    26. 3Yr Low
    27. Day Abandoned Baby Top
    28. Dividend yield 2yr %
    29. MF holding change QoQ %
    30. Number Of Shares Qtr End Adjusted
    31. Year Volume Avg
    32. Broker 3M Target downgrade
    33. Dividend 1Yr adjusted
    34. Day Downside Tasuki Gap
    35. Qtr Change
    36. Currency Conversion
    37. Day Volume
    38. 3Yr close price
    39. Day Darkcloud cover
    40. Woodies Third support S3
    41. Week Volume Avg
    42. Classic Third resistance R3
    43. Day Bearish Harami
    44. Fibonnacis Third resistance R3
    45. 3Yr High
    46. Dividend Sum 2Yr
    47. Shareholding Date
    48. Sharpe Ratio 1Year
    49. Woodies Second support S2
    50. Fibonnacis Pivot point
    51. Sharpe Ratio 3Months
    52. Camarilla Third support S3
    53. Sharpe Ratio 1Month
    54. Day Morning Star
    55. Half Yr Close
    56. Day Identical Three Crows
    57. Day Shooting Star
    58. Institutional holding change 8Qtr %
    59. Dividend payout ratio 2Yr %
    60. Year change
    61. Currency
    62. Current Trading Day IND
    63. 1Yr Low
    64. Woodies First resistance R3
    65. Classic Third support S3
    66. Dividend Sum 2Yr adjusted
    67. Promoter pledge change QoQ %
    68. Week change
    69. Day Upside Tasuki Gap
    70. Golden cross Day
    71. Delivery% volume Avg Week
    72. Public holding current Qtr %
    73. 2Yr close price
    74. Spread 52Week High Low %
    75. Day Hanging Man
    76. % Distance from 52week high
    77. EOD Day Low
    78. Promoter holding pledge percentage % Qtr
    79. Delivery% volume Avg 6Month
    80. Camarilla Third resistance R3
    81. Delivery% volume Prev end of day
    82. Current Trading Day USA
    83. Broker 6M Target downgrade
    84. Day Abandoned Baby Bottom
    85. Short Name
    86. Day Three White Soldiers
    87. Graham Ratio
    88. Bonus Split adjusted Current Price
    89. Broker 1M Target upgrade
    90. Camarilla Pivot point
    91. Camarilla First resistance R1
    92. Graham Number
    93. Two day previous close price
    94. Broker Average Rating
    95. Day volume multiple of week
    96. 3Month Volume Avg
    97. FII holding current Qtr %
    98. EPS Qtr YoY Growth %
    99. Public holding change QoQ %
    100. Day Bearish Engulfing
    101. Number Of Shares Current Adjusted
    102. Discount to 52Week High %
    103. 2Yr price change %
    104. Dividend Sum 3Yr adjusted
    105. Broker 3M Recommendation upgrades
    106. Woodies First resistance R2
    107. Month Volume Avg
    108. Death cross Day
    109. Woodies First support S1
    110. EOD Day High
    111. EOD Close
    112. Dividend payout ratio TTM %
    113. Fibonnacis Second resistance R2
    114. Promoter holding change 4Qtr %
    115. Fibonnacis First support S1
    116. 1Yr High
    117. Broker 3M Target upgrade
    118. Day Dragonfly Doji
    119. Dividend yield 5yr %
    120. 10Yr Low
    121. VAR 1Year
    122. Day Bullish Engulfing
    123. Standard Deviation 1Year
    124. Broker 1Year buys
    125. Classic First resistance R1
    126. Latest bonus split date
    127. Broker 1M Recommendation upgrades
    128. Day Inverted Hammer
    129. Broker 3M Recommendation downgrades
    130. 5Yr Low
    131. Classic Second resistance R2
    132. Broker 1Year neutral
    133. Month change
    134. 1Yr change %
    135. Listing Date
    136. Dividend yield 1yr %
    137. Classic Second support S2
    138. Dividend in past 12M
    139. Three Year Close
    140. Camarilla Second resistance R2
    141. % Distance from week high
    142. 3Yr price change %
    143. FII holding change 4Qtr %
    144. Broker Covering stock
    145. Previous Quarter Date
    146. Broker 6M Recommendation downgrades
    147. Creation Date
    148. Broker 1Year sells
    149. Promoter holding change QoQ %
    150. Altman Zscore
    151. Day Piercing Line
    152. Two Year Close
    153. Country
    154. Prev Day Close
    155. 5Yr close price
    156. Day Bullish Harami
    157. Broker 1M Recommendation downgrades
    158. BenchMark
    159. FnO banned stocks
    160. Five Year Close
    161. MF holding change 8Qtr %
    162. Day Candlestick Strength [Bullish minus Bearish]
    163. Standard Deviation 3Months
    164. 10Yr close price
    165. Broker reports 1Year total
    166. MF holding change 4Qtr %
    167. % Distance from 52week low
    168. Half Yr Change %
    169. FnO ban removed stocks
    170. Institutional holding change QoQ %
    171. 1Yr Close
    172. Woodies First resistance R1
    173. Public holding change 8Qtr %
    174. Broker 6M Recommendation upgrades
    175. Day Hammer
    176. Standard Deviation 1Month
    177. Fibonnacis First resistance R1
    178. Woodies Pivot point
    179. 5Yr High
    180. Fibonnacis Third support S3
    181. 10Yr High
    182. Day Bearish Harami Cross
    183. Delivery% volume Avg Month
    184. Conversion Rate
    185. Classic First support S1
    186. Day Bullish Harami Cross
    187. Classic Pivot point
    188. MF holding current Qtr %
    189. Piotroski Score
    190. Half Yr Low
    191. FII holding change 8Qtr %
    192. Broker Average Target
    193. Tomorrow
    194. Broker 6M Target upgrade
    195. VAR 3Months
    196. Dividend Sum 3Yr
    197. Day Bullish Kicking
    198. Fibonnacis Second support S2
    199. YTD Returns
    200. Broker 1M Target downgrade
    201. Day Doji
    202. Camarilla Second support S2
    203. FII holding change QoQ %
    204. Premium to 52Week Low %
    205. Dividend Sum 5Yr