Telecom Services Stocks - Sector Analysis

The sector includes companies that provide communication via the internet, airwaves, cables, wires or wireless modes. Companies include cable companies, internet service companies, satellite companies and telephone companies.

The Telecom Services Sector contains 17 stocks with an average market capitalization of 75714 crore.

The Telecom Services Sector has an advance/decline ratio of 6:11 and a Sector score of 57.5.

The Telecom Services Sector rose by 5.52% over the quarter, while the Nifty50 changed -1.23%.

Telecom Services Sector Financials, Performance and Ratios

  • Sector Score

    57.5 /100

    Rank 1 out of 31 Sectors
  • Advance/Decline


  • No. of Companies
  • Avg. Market Cap
  • Price to Earning Ratio
  • Price to Earning Growth Ratio
  • Price to Book Ratio
  • Return on Equity
  • Return on Capital Employed
  • Return on Assets
  • Dividend yield 1 year %
    0.42 %
  • Net Profit Growth Annual YoY %
    21.17 %
  • Net Profit Growth Qtr YoY %
    253.15 %
  • Net Profit Growth Qtr QoQ %
    309.09 %
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*All values are market cap weighted averages.
*All Financial parameters are in Cr INR.

Telecom Services Sector Market Breadth

  • Day Change % 0.20 %
  • Week Change % 1.38 %
  • Month Change % 4.45 %
  • Qtr Change % 5.52 %
  • Year Change % 39.74 %
  • < -5%
  • -2 to -5%
  • 0 to -2%
  • 0 to 2%
  • 2 to 5%
  • > 5%

Telecom Services Peer comparison

Compare all stocks in Telecom Services industry listed on stock exchanges

Stock Name 3M Price Chart Market Cap LTP
Last Traded Price
Day High Low
Week High Low
Month High Low
Qtr High Low
1 Year High low
3 Year High low
5 Year High low
10 Year High low
Bharti Airtel
1,005,402.7 1,733.4
L  0.5% H
1660 1745.8
L  1.7% H
1660 1765
L  5.0% H
1559.5 1765
L  8.4% H
1559.5 1765
L  41.5% H
1183.1 1779
L  144.4% H
628.8 1779
L  286.1% H
394 1779
L  360.4% H
276.9 1779
127.1 8.1
L  -0.6% H
8 8.5
L  -6.5% H
8 9.3
L  -9.3% H
8.0 9.5
L  -33.6% H
8.0 12.9
L  -16.7% H
8.0 16.4
L  -31.2% H
4.7 19.5
L  669.5% H
1 31.7
L  -27.9% H
0.9 31.7
Vodafone Idea
48,547.3 6.8
L  -1.7% H
6.8 7.1
L  -6.3% H
6.8 7.7
L  -12.8% H
6.8 8.0
L  -9.0% H
6.8 10.5
L  -48.9% H
6.6 19.2
L  -32.7% H
5.7 19.2
L  112.5% H
3 19.2
L  -96.1% H
2.4 204
Indus Towers
88,193.8 334.3
L  -1.2% H
332 343.2
L  -1.9% H
332 358.9
L  -1.2% H
312.8 358.9
L  1.4% H
312.8 390.5
L  17.9% H
283.3 460.4
L  64.6% H
135.2 460.4
L  113.2% H
135.2 460.4
L  -11.5% H
120.1 499.7
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam
2,707.7 43.0
L  -2.6% H
42.7 45.2
L  -6.2% H
42.6 47.7
L  -1.4% H
37.4 51.2
L  -14.3% H
37.4 57.5
L  26.6% H
32.5 101.9
L  89.8% H
16.6 101.9
L  616.3% H
5.7 101.9
L  148.4% H
4.5 101.9
OnMobile Global
473.2 44.5
L  -2.5% H
44.1 47.7
L  -9.0% H
44.1 51.3
L  -11.4% H
44.1 53.8
L  -34.8% H
44.1 75.7
L  -27.2% H
44.1 95.3
L  -61.6% H
44.1 191.0
L  193.8% H
14.1 191.0
L  -37.0% H
12.5 191.0
Tata Communications
44,978.7 1,578.2
L  -1.0% H
1575.0 1620
L  -1.7% H
1575.0 1631.6
L  13.6% H
1291 1631.6
L  -7.9% H
1291 1759.7
L  -20.0% H
1291 2175
L  35.3% H
856.3 2175
L  587.5% H
224.8 2175
L  289.2% H
200 2175
Tata Tele
11,004.3 56.3
L  -3.7% H
54.6 60
L  -7.9% H
54.6 63.1
L  -10.9% H
54 64.7
L  -26.3% H
54 84.5
L  -24.9% H
54 111.4
L  -66.4% H
49.7 210.4
L  2942.7% H
1.8 290.2
L  631.0% H
1.8 290.2
Quadrant Televentures
27.6 0.5
L   H
0.5 0.5
L  4.7% H
0.4 0.5
L  36.4% H
0.3 0.5
L  -67.2% H
0.3 1.4
L  -77.3% H
0.3 3.1
L  -19.6% H
0.3 3.1
L  136.8% H
0.2 3.1
L  -86.8% H
0.2 5.2
Suyog Telematics
864.8 800.6
L  -3.7% H
795 849.5
L  -10.5% H
795 941
L  -25.7% H
795 1128.4
L  -57.0% H
795 1853.0
L  -25.1% H
795 1969
L  113.2% H
290 1969
L  166.9% H
246.8 1969
L  2275.0% H
35.4 1969
City Online Services
3.3 6.4
L  4.9% H
5.8 6.4
L  7.3% H
5.8 6.4
L  5.9% H
5.1 6.4
L  -28.5% H
5.1 10.0
L  19.7% H
4.2 11.1
L  -0.9% H
3.0 11.1
L  122.8% H
1.8 11.1
L  -54% H
1.8 13.3
Uniinfo Telecom
15.7 14.7
L  -5.1% H
14.7 16
L  -13.9% H
14.7 17.8
L  -44.4% H
14.7 26.4
L  -56.3% H
14.7 38.8
L  -57.0% H
14.7 54.3
L  -44.6% H
14.7 57.0
L  12.9% H
7.9 57.0
L  -36.2% H
7.9 57.0
RailTel Corporation
9,710.0 302.6
L  -1.8% H
301.5 318.8
L  1.7% H
295.4 339.4
L  1.7% H
265.5 339.4
L  -24.1% H
265.5 434.2
L  -17.8% H
265.5 617.8
L  239.2% H
84 617.8
L  221.9% H
84 617.8
L  221.9% H
84 617.8
Bharti Airtel PP
- 1,294.1
L  0.8% H
1268.6 1302.4
L  3.5% H
1241.7 1303.3
L  9.2% H
1097.6 1303.3
L  9.3% H
1097.6 1303.3
L  58.2% H
779 1367.3
L  268.7% H
259 1367.3
L  315.8% H
259 1367.3
L  315.8% H
259 1367.3
Steelman Telecom
162.7 168.1
L  -3.4% H
168.1 172
L  36.7% H
126 180
L  28.1% H
122 180
L  0.7% H
122 180
L  30.8% H
114.1 204.8
L   H
114.1 270
L   H
114.1 270
L   H
114.1 270
SAR Televenture
1,320.4 280.3
L  7.4% H
259 286.9
L  12.7% H
243 286.9
L  26.9% H
188 286.9
L  7.8% H
188 296.2
L  27.4% H
188 413.7
L  409.6% H
90.3 413.7
L  409.6% H
90.3 413.7
L  409.6% H
90.3 413.7
Bharti Hexacom
73,190 1,463.8
L  0.8% H
1425.2 1509
L  10.2% H
1309.3 1509
L  12.1% H
1238 1509
L  0.2% H
1234 1562.7
L  156.8% H
755 1609.3
L  156.8% H
755 1609.3
L  156.8% H
755 1609.3
L  156.8% H
755 1609.3

Industries in Telecom Services Sector

Discover the key industries within the Telecom Services Sector

Name Day Change % No. of Companies Advances Declines Advances/Declines Ratio Industry Score PE TTM PE to Growth TTM Price to Book TTM Return on Equity (ROE) Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
Other Telecom Services -0.43 % 9 3 6 0.5 60.49 33.24 0.77 11.71 25.12 18.32
Telecom Services 0.33 % 8 3 5 0.6 56.91 - 0.26 11.48 7.02 13.18