Historical shareholding details of HSBC GLOBAL INVESTMENT FUNDS - ASIA EX JAPAN EQUITY SMALLER COMPANIES holdings in Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd. (DHAMPURSUG)

Quarterly changes of HSBC GLOBAL INVESTMENT FUNDS - ASIA EX JAPAN EQUITY SMALLER COMPANIES shareholding in Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd. over the previous quarters

Quarter Name Total no. shares held Percent Holding Pledged Locked
shares % shares %
Mar 2017 Hsbc Global Investment Funds - Asia Ex Japan Equity Smaller Companies 743,429 1.12% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Dec 2016 Hsbc Global Investment Funds - Asia Ex Japan Equity Smaller Companies 1,553,792 2.34% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

View all shareholdings details of Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd.