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Cia Energetica De Minas Gerais - ADR (Preference Shares) quarterly, annual results, revenue, profit, P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Annual Reports, Margins - 15 Years history

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Cia Energetica De Minas Ge... - Quarterly Results

Cia Energetica De Minas Gerais - ADR (Preference Shares) quarterly, revenue, profit, P&L - 13 Quarters history

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Cia Energetica De Minas Ge... - Competitors/Peers

Cia Energetica De Minas Gerais - ADR (Preference Shares) Competitor comparison and performance within its industry

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Cia Energetica De Minas Ge... - Annual Results

Cia Energetica De Minas Gerais - ADR (Preference Shares) annual result as of , revenue, profit, P&L, Margins and history

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* All financials are is in USD Million and price data in USD
Cost Of Rev. Ann.
Gross Profit Ann.
Operating Exp. Ann.
Operating Profit Ann.
Other Exp. Ann.
PBT Ann.
Tax Ann.
Diluted NI Avail to Com Stockholders Ann.
EPS Ann.
Diluted EPS Ann.
Number Of Shares End
Total Exp. Ann.
Net Income Continuing Discontinued Operations Ann.
Normalized Income Ann.
Interest Income Ann.
Interest Ann.
Reconciled Cost Of Rev. Ann.
Reconciled Depr. Ann.
Profit From Continuing Operations Ann.
Normalized EBITDA Ann.
*All financials are in $ Million
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Cia Energetica De Minas Ge... - Balance Sheet

Cia Energetica De Minas Gerais - ADR (Preference Shares) balance sheet values as of assets, liabilities, reserves, borrowings and history

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CAGR Columns
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* All financials are is in USD Million and price data in USD
Total Capitalization Ann.
Tangible Assets Ann.
Working Capital Ann.
Invested Capital Ann.
Tangible Book Value Ann.
Borrowings Ann.
Net Debt Ann.
Share Issued Ann.
Number Of Shares End
*All financials are in $ Million
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Cia Energetica De Minas Ge... - Financial Ratios

Cia Energetica De Minas Gerais - ADR (Preference Shares) ROE, ROCE, book value, and debt to equity ratio as of and 10 year history

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CAGR Columns
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* All financials are is in USD Million and price data in USD
RoA Ann. %
ROE Ann. %
OPM Ann. %
Inventory Turnover Ratio Ann.
Asset Turnover Ann. %
Working Capital Turnover Ann.
Quick Ratio Ann.
Current Ratio Ann.
Interest Coverage Ratio Ann.
LT Debt To Equity Ann.
*All financials are in $ Million
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Cia Energetica De Minas Ge... - Cash Flow

Cia Energetica De Minas Gerais - ADR (Preference Shares) cash flow with net cash flow, operating, investing and financing cash flows as of and 10 year history

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CAGR Columns
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* All financials are is in USD Million and price data in USD
Cash Plus Cash Eqv. End Of Year Ann.
Net Increase In Cash Plus Cash Eqv.s Ann.
Cash Plus Cash Eqv. Begin Of Year Ann.
Income Tax Paid Supplemental Data Ann.
Interest Paid Supplemental Data Ann.
Capex Ann.
Issuance Of Capital Stock Ann.
Issuance Of Debt Ann.
Repayment Of Debt Ann.
Repurchase Of Capital Stock Ann.
Free Cash Flow Ann.
*All financials are in $ Million
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