Catherine K. Choi's Insider Trades & SAST Disclosures

Catherine K. Choi's most recent trade in CION Invt Corp was a trade of 2,000 Common stock, $0.001 par value done at an average price of $9.9 . Disclosure was reported to the exchange on May 22, 2023.

Stock Client Name Client Category Action Reported to Exchange Quantity Post Transaction Holding Traded % Avg. Price Value Security Type
CION Invt Corp
Catherine K. Choi Director Purchase of securities on an exchange or from another person at price $ 9.92 per share. 22 May 2023 2,000 2,000 - 9.9 19,840 Common stock, $0.001 par value
*All Values are in $ Million
Client Category: Promoter/ KMP/ Director / Immediate Relatives / Employee / etc  
Security Type: Share/ Warrants / Convertible Debentures
Data as reported to USA Exchanges
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