2.9M XNAS Volume
XNAS 21 Mar, 2025 5:30 PM (EDT)
Phoenix Motor Inc Key Metrics
All financials are in USD Million and price data in USD
Not Eligible
Mid Valuation
Technically Moderately Bullish
Phoenix Motor Inc Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 0.6 (LTP) 0.50.6 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 0.6 (LTP) 0.50.8 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 0.6 (LTP) 0.30.8 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 0.6 (LTP) 0.21.4 LowHigh |
Phoenix Motor Inc Live Price Chart
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Phoenix Motor Inc Stock Analysis
Phoenix Motor Inc stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
Phoenix Motor Inc Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Annual Revenue | $3.12 M | 27.9% | negative |
| |
Annual Net Profit | $20.64 M | 62.5% | negative |
| |
Price to Earning Ratio | 12.36 | - | positive |
| |
Stock Price | $0.58 | -30.12% | negative |
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Quarterly Revenue | $4.77 M | 1556.94% | positive |
| |
Quarterly Net profit | $5.59 M | 106.23% | negative |
| |
Return on Equity(ROE) | -554.75 % | -554.75% | negative |
| |
Mutual Fund Holding | 0.73 % | 0.19% | positive |
| |
Interest Coverage Ratio | -33.03 | - | negative |
| |
Institutional Holding | 1.23 % | 0.73% | positive |
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Phoenix Motor Inc - Company Profile
What does Phoenix Motor Inc do?
Phoenix Motor Inc is an electrification solutions provider for the commercial vehicle industry as well as other industries. It designs, develops, manufactures, assembles, and integrates electric drive systems and light and medium-duty electric vehicles (EVs) and markets and sells electric vehicle chargers for the commercial and residential markets. The company operates two primary brands, Phoenix Motorcars, which focuses on commercial products including medium-duty electric vehicles, chargers, and electric forklifts, and EdisonFuture which intends to offer light-duty electric vehicles.
Phoenix Motor Inc Management structure
All Gross Remunerations are in USD
Phoenix Motor Inc Board of directors
All Gross Remunerations are in USD