GRI Bio Inc Key Metrics
Market Capitalization | 3.5 |
Price to Book | 1 |
Institutional holding current Qtr % | 2.5 |
Piotroski Score | 1 |
Rel Perf vs Sector quarter% | 791.2 |
All financials are in USD Million and price data in USD
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Technically Bullish
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GRI Bio Inc Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 6.7 (LTP) 5.56.7 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 6.7 (LTP) 5.16.8 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 6.7 (LTP) 5.111 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 6.7 (LTP) 0.311 LowHigh |
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GRI Bio Inc stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
GRI Bio Inc Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Stock Price | $6.70 | -31.77% | negative |
| |
Mutual Fund Holding | 1.48 % | 0.72% | positive |
| |
Institutional Holding | 2.51 % | 0.96% | positive |
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GRI Bio Inc - Company Profile
What does GRI Bio Inc do?
GRI Bio Inc is a clinical-stage biotech company focused on discovering, developing, and commercializing therapies targeting serious diseases associated with dysregulated immune responses that to inflammatory, fibrotic, and autoimmune disorders. GRI Bio's program, GRI-0621, is a small molecule RAR-beta and gamma dual agonist that inhibits the activity of human NKT I cells, returning the immune system to homeostasis. It is also an oral formulation of tazarotene, a synthetic RAR-beta and gamma selective agonist, for the topical treatment of psoriasis and acne. The company's other product candidate GRI-0803 is a novel oral agonist of type 2 Natural Killer T (type 2 NKT) cells which can be a potential treatment for autoimmune disorders.
GRI Bio Inc Management structure
All Gross Remunerations are in USD
GRI Bio Inc Board of directors
All Gross Remunerations are in USD