Industrial Specialties Stocks - US Industry Analysis

The companies in this industry manufacture specialized materials and products for a range of industrial applications, including chemicals, adhesives, coatings, and filtration systems. This industry serves various sectors, such as manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, and energy. It is driven by innovation and the demand for high-performance solutions.

The Industrial Specialties Industry contains 14 stocks with an average market capitalization of 10646 million.

The Industrial Specialties Industry has an advance/decline ratio of 8:6 and an Industry score of 47.2.

The Industrial Specialties Industry fell by -8.80% over the quarter, while the S&P500 changed -4.63%.

Industrial Specialties Industry Financials, Performance and Ratios

  • Industry Score

    47.2 /100

    Rank 34 out of 131 Industries
  • Advance/Decline


  • No. of Companies
  • Avg. Market Cap
  • Price to Earning Ratio
  • Price to Earning Growth Ratio
  • Price to Book Ratio
  • Return on Equity
  • Return on Capital Employed
  • Return on Assets
  • Dividend yield 1 year %
    0.29 %
  • Net Profit Growth Annual YoY %
    1.54 %
  • Net Profit Growth Qtr YoY %
    -26.91 %
  • Net Profit Growth Qtr QoQ %
    -65.53 %
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*All values are market cap weighted averages.
*All Financial parameters are in Million USD.

Industrial Specialties Industry Market Breadth

  • Day Change % -0.10 %
  • Week Change % -3.25 %
  • Month Change % -5.89 %
  • Qtr Change % -8.80 %
  • Year Change % -4.33 %
  • < -5%
  • -2 to -5%
  • 0 to -2%
  • 0 to 2%
  • 2 to 5%
  • > 5%

Industrial Specialties Peer comparison

Compare all stocks in Industrial Specialties industry listed on stock exchanges

Stock Name 3M Price Chart Market Cap LTP
Last Traded Price
Day High Low
Week High Low
Month High Low
Qtr High Low
1 Year High low
3 Year High low
5 Year High low
10 Year High low
Aspen Aerogels Inc.
587.0 7.2
L  1.6% H
7.0 7.2
L  -3.8% H
6.9 7.5
L  -16.3% H
6.7 8.7
L  -42.8% H
6.7 14.3
L  -53.6% H
6.7 33.2
L  -76.7% H
5.3 38.0
L  42.7% H
4.5 66.0
L  1.7% H
1.6 66.0
Axalta Coating Systems Ltd
7,525.9 34.5
L  0.3% H
34.3 34.6
L  1.6% H
33.2 35.3
L  -7.3% H
33.2 37.5
L  -1.5% H
33.2 38.4
L  3.6% H
30.4 41.7
L  40.0% H
20.7 41.7
L  143.0% H
13.4 41.7
L  21.0% H
12.9 41.7
H.B. Fuller Company
2,949.0 54.4
L  0.0% H
54.3 55.0
L  -2.1% H
52.6 55.9
L  -9.5% H
52.6 59.8
L  -22.1% H
52.6 70.4
L  -30.9% H
52.6 87.7
L  -19.1% H
52.6 87.7
L  92.6% H
24.8 87.7
L  26.4% H
23.7 87.7
Olin Corp.
2,956.0 25.6
L  2.1% H
25.0 25.7
L  3.9% H
23.3 25.7
L  -9.7% H
23.0 28.0
L  -27.6% H
23.0 34.8
L  -55.0% H
23.0 60.6
L  -51.3% H
23.0 67.3
L  133.7% H
9.7 67.3
L  -11.0% H
8.8 67.3
PPG Industries, Inc.
25,779.8 113.6
L  0.0% H
113.3 114.3
L  0.1% H
110.3 114.5
L  -4.8% H
109.2 118.1
L  -6.3% H
109.2 124.7
L  -18.3% H
109.2 145.6
L  -13.3% H
107.1 152.9
L  55.8% H
69.8 183.0
L  -1.1% H
69.8 183.0
RPM International, Inc.
14,843.2 115.5
L  -0.1% H
115.0 116.1
L  -2.0% H
114.4 118.4
L  -7.4% H
114.4 125.8
L  -8.7% H
114.4 128.7
L  -0.1% H
103.7 141.8
L  39.5% H
74.6 141.8
L  117.8% H
43.7 141.8
L  140.0% H
36.8 141.8
Sherwin-Williams Co.
84,233.3 334.9
L  -0.2% H
334.1 336.9
L  -5.1% H
334.1 357.3
L  -5.1% H
334.1 365.1
L  -8.0% H
327.4 370
L  -0.1% H
282.1 400.4
L  33.1% H
195.2 400.4
L  149.4% H
129.4 400.4
L  255.3% H
72.8 400.4
CSW Industrials Inc
4,799.3 286.0
L  -0.1% H
283.6 287.9
L  -2.8% H
283.6 299.2
L  -10.5% H
283.6 317.6
L  -20.7% H
283.6 401.0
L  24.1% H
225.8 436.5
L  143.4% H
96.0 436.5
L  376.0% H
56.9 436.5
L   H
27.8 436.5
Montauk Renewables Inc
302.0 2.1
L  2.4% H
2.1 2.2
L  -23.5% H
2 2.9
L  -54.8% H
2 4.6
L  -47% H
2 4.8
L  -43.6% H
2 6.2
L  -81.4% H
2 20.8
L   H
2 20.8
L   H
2 20.8
Northern Technologies Inte...
104.7 11.1
L   H
11.0 11.1
L  -2.0% H
11.0 11.6
L  -4.7% H
11.0 12.5
L  -19.7% H
11.0 14.2
L  -18.9% H
11.0 19.6
L  -13.6% H
9.1 19.6
L  63.9% H
5.6 21.5
L  19.1% H
4.7 21.5
OPAL Fuels Inc - Ordinary ...
56.3 2.0
L  -0.5% H
2.0 2.0
L  -13.5% H
1.9 2.4
L  -36.1% H
1.9 3.1
L  -40% H
1.9 3.5
L  -58.9% H
1.9 5.2
L   H
1.9 12.4
L   H
1.9 12.4
L   H
1.9 12.4
UFP Technologies Inc.
1,610.4 209.7
L  1.3% H
205.2 211.8
L  -2.2% H
200.2 216.7
L  -18.4% H
200.2 275.8
L  -13.3% H
200.2 289.6
L  8.2% H
193.7 366.4
L  235.3% H
61.5 366.4
L  571.4% H
30.8 366.4
L  859.6% H
17.5 366.4
Verde Clean Fuels Inc - Or...
85.8 3.9
L  1.6% H
3.9 3.9
L  1.0% H
3.7 4.0
L  -0.3% H
3.5 4.2
L  4.0% H
3.5 4.4
L  17.2% H
3.1 5.5
L  -61.1% H
2.0 21
L   H
2.0 21
L   H
2.0 21
WD-40 Co.
3,285.2 242.5
L  -0.7% H
240.3 244.6
L  -3.4% H
232.9 250.7
L  4.0% H
228.5 252.7
L  -6.4% H
221.3 260.7
L  -2.2% H
211.0 292.4
L  28.3% H
145.2 292.4
L  23.6% H
145.2 333.4
L  191.8% H
80.2 333.4