person reading Mr. Grant C. Bennett's salary history.

Historical salary details - Mr. Grant C. Bennett, Independent Director, CPS Technologies Corporation

Mr. Grant C. Bennett is the Independent Director of CPS Technologies Corporation.

Mr. Grant C. Bennett

Independent Director

$ 41.3 K
Gross Remuneration
  • Current Company

    CPS Technologies Corporation
2024 CPS Technologies Corporation Independent Director 41.3 K 37.3 %
2022 CPS Technologies Corporation Director 30.1 K 234.2 %
2021 CPS Technologies Corporation Director 9 K -
2020 CPS Technologies Corporation Director, President and Chief Executive Officer - -
2019 CPS Technologies Corporation Director, President and Chief Executive Officer - -
2018 CPS Technologies Corporation Director, President and Chief Executive Officer - -
2017 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2016 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2015 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2014 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2013 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2012 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2011 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2010 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2009 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2008 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2007 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2006 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2005 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2004 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -
2003 CPS Technologies Corporation President, Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and - -