person reading Mr. Alvin R. Albe,Jr's salary history.

Historical salary details - Mr. Alvin R. Albe,Jr, Independent Trustee, Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust

Mr. Alvin R. Albe,Jr is the Independent Trustee of Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust.

Mr. Alvin R. Albe,Jr

Independent Trustee

$ 12.2 K
Gross Remuneration
  • Current Company

    Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust
2024 Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust Independent Trustee 12.2 K 8.8 %
2023 Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust Independent Trustee 11.2 K 3.1 %
2022 Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust Independent Trustee 10.9 K -8.6 %
2021 Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust Independent Trustee 11.9 K -
2020 Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust Independent Trustee - -
2018 Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust Independent Trustee 9.5 K -