person reading Mr. Rejji P. Hayes's salary history.

Historical salary details - Mr. Rejji P. Hayes, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company and Consumers, CMS Energy Corporation

Mr. Rejji P. Hayes has been the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company and Consumers of CMS Energy Corporation since 13 Feb 2017. View his historical salary.

Mr. Rejji P. Hayes

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company and Consumers

Gross Remuneration
  • Current Company

    CMS Energy Corporation
2024 CMS Energy Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company and Consumers - -
2023 CMS Energy Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, Consumers and NorthStar Clean Energy 3.8 M 4.7 %
2022 CMS Energy Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Company, Consumers Energy, CMS Enterprises and EnerBank 3.6 M -1.5 %
2021 CMS Energy Corporation - 3.6 M 17.8 %
2021 CMS Energy Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Company, Consumers Energy, CMS Enterprises and EnerBank 3.6 M 17.8 %
2020 CMS Energy Corporation - 3.1 M 9.2 %
2020 CMS Energy Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Company, Consumers Energy, CMS Enterprises and EnerBank 3.1 M 9.2 %
2020 CMS Energy Corporation - 3.1 M 9.2 %
2019 CMS Energy Corporation - 2.8 M 12.9 %
2019 CMS Energy Corporation - 2.8 M 12.9 %
2019 CMS Energy Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Company, Consumers Energy and CMS Enterprises 2.8 M 12.9 %
2018 CMS Energy Corporation - 2.5 M -10.0 %
2018 CMS Energy Corporation - 2.5 M -10.0 %
2018 CMS Energy Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Company, Consumers Energy and CMS Enterprises 2.5 M -10.0 %
2017 CMS Energy Corporation - 2.8 M -
2017 CMS Energy Corporation - 2.8 M -
2017 CMS Energy Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Company, Consumers Energy and CMS Enterprises 2.8 M -