person reading Mr. Gilead Raday's salary history.

Historical salary details - Mr. Gilead Raday, Chief Operating Officer, Redhill Biopharma - ADR

Mr. Gilead Raday is the Chief Operating Officer of Redhill Biopharma - ADR and his latest salary was 380.0 K. View his historical salary.

Mr. Gilead Raday

Chief Operating Officer

$ 380.0 K
Gross Remuneration
  • Current Company

    Redhill Biopharma - ADR
2023 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 380.0 K -31.7 %
2022 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Chief Operating Officer 556.0 K -35.1 %
2021 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 856.2 K 56.5 %
2021 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Chief Operating Officer 856.2 K 56.5 %
2020 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 547.2 K 1.5 %
2020 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 547.2 K 1.5 %
2020 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Chief Operating Officer 547.2 K 1.5 %
2019 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 539.3 K 35.3 %
2019 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 539.3 K 35.3 %
2019 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Chief Operating Officer 539.3 K 35.3 %
2018 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 398.7 K -21.0 %
2018 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 398.7 K -21.0 %
2018 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Chief Operating Officer 398.7 K -21.0 %
2017 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 504.4 K 66.9 %
2017 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Chief Operating Officer 504.4 K 66.9 %
2017 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 504.4 K 66.9 %
2016 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 302.2 K -26.5 %
2016 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 302.2 K -26.5 %
2016 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Chief Operating Officer 302.2 K -26.5 %
2015 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 411.0 K 10.7 %
2015 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 411.0 K 10.7 %
2015 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Senior Vice President, Corporate and Product Development 411.0 K 10.7 %
2014 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 371.1 K -
2014 Redhill Biopharma - ADR - 371.1 K -
2014 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Senior Vice President, Corporate and Product Development 371.1 K -
2013 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Senior Vice President, Corporate and Product Development - -
2012 Redhill Biopharma - ADR Senior Vice President, Corporate and Product Development - -