person reading Mr. Ignacio Celorrio's salary history.

Historical salary details - Mr. Ignacio Celorrio, Executive Vice President, Legal, Government and External Affairs, Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp

Mr. Ignacio Celorrio has been the Executive Vice President, Legal, Government and External Affairs of Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp since 08 Jan 2021 and his latest salary was 1.4 M. View his historical salary.

Mr. Ignacio Celorrio

Executive Vice President, Legal, Government and External Affairs

$ 1.4 M
Gross Remuneration
  • Current Company

    Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp
2023 Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp Executive Vice President, Legal, Government and External Affairs 1.4 M -1.3 %
2022 Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp President, Latin America 1.4 M 84.7 %
2021 Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp - 773.0 K -
2021 Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp President, Latin America 773.0 K -
2020 Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp - 903.1 K 122.8 %
2020 Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp - 903.1 K 122.8 %
2020 Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp President, Latin America - -
2019 Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp - 405.3 K -