person reading Ms. Monica M. Gaudiosi's salary history.

Historical salary details - Ms. Monica M. Gaudiosi, Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Company, UGI Utilities Inc and AmeriGas Propane Inc, UGI Corp.

Ms. Monica M. Gaudiosi has been the Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Company, UGI Utilities Inc and AmeriGas Propane Inc of UGI Corp. since 08 Mar 2012. View his historical salary.

Ms. Monica M. Gaudiosi

Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Company, UGI Utilities Inc and AmeriGas Propane Inc

Gross Remuneration
  • Current Company

    UGI Corp.
2022 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Company, UGI Utilities Inc and AmeriGas Propane Inc - -
2021 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Company, UGI Utilities Inc and AmeriGas Propane Inc 1.9 M 11.7 %
2020 UGI Corp. - 1.7 M 5.1 %
2020 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Company, UGI Utilities Inc and AmeriGas Propane Inc 1.7 M 5.1 %
2019 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Company, UGI Utilities Inc and AmeriGas Propane Inc 1.6 M -11.6 %
2019 UGI Corp. - 1.6 M -12.7 %
2019 UGI Corp. - 1.6 M -12.7 %
2018 UGI Corp. - 1.8 M 7.9 %
2018 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary; Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of AmeriGas Propane, Inc. 1.8 M 7.9 %
2018 UGI Corp. - 1.8 M 7.9 %
2017 UGI Corp. - 1.7 M 18.0 %
2017 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary; Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of AmeriGas Propane, Inc. 1.7 M 18.0 %
2017 UGI Corp. - 1.7 M 18.0 %
2016 UGI Corp. - 1.4 M -7.2 %
2016 UGI Corp. - 1.4 M -7.2 %
2016 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary; Vice President and Secretary of AmeriGas Propane, Inc. and UGI Utilities, Inc. 1.4 M -7.2 %
2015 UGI Corp. - 1.6 M -12.0 %
2015 UGI Corp. - 1.6 M -12.0 %
2015 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary; Vice President and Secretary of AmeriGas Propane, Inc. and UGI Utilities, Inc. 1.6 M -12.0 %
2014 UGI Corp. - 1.8 M 33.8 %
2014 UGI Corp. - 1.8 M 33.8 %
2014 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary; Vice President and Secretary of AmeriGas Propane, Inc. and UGI Utilities, Inc. 1.8 M 33.8 %
2013 UGI Corp. - 1.3 M 47.3 %
2013 UGI Corp. - 1.3 M 47.3 %
2013 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary; Vice President and Secretary of AmeriGas Propane, Inc. and UGI Utilities, Inc. 1.3 M 47.3 %
2012 UGI Corp. - 899.1 K -
2012 UGI Corp. - 899.1 K -
2012 UGI Corp. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary; Vice President and Secretary of AmeriGas Propane, Inc. and UGI Utilities, Inc. 899.1 K -