person reading Mr. Bryan E. Mckernon's salary history.

Historical salary details - Mr. Bryan E. Mckernon, President and Chief Executive Officer, C&F Mortgage, C & F Financial Corp

Mr. Bryan E. Mckernon has been the President and Chief Executive Officer, C&F Mortgage of C & F Financial Corp since 11 Mar 1995 and his latest salary was 547.0 K. View his historical salary.

Mr. Bryan E. Mckernon

President and Chief Executive Officer, C&F Mortgage

$ 547.0 K
Gross Remuneration
  • Current Company

    C & F Financial Corp
2024 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer, C&F Mortgage 547.0 K -
2023 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer, C&F Mortgage - -
2022 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer, C&F Mortgage 537.7 K -72.8 %
2021 C & F Financial Corp - 2.0 M -24.6 %
2021 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer, C&F Mortgage 2.0 M -24.6 %
2020 C & F Financial Corp - 2.6 M 134.6 %
2020 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer, C&F Mortgage 2.6 M 134.6 %
2020 C & F Financial Corp - 2.6 M 134.6 %
2019 C & F Financial Corp - 1.1 M 58.6 %
2019 C & F Financial Corp - 1.1 M 58.6 %
2019 C & F Financial Corp - 1.1 M 58.6 %
2018 C & F Financial Corp - 705.2 K 2.8 %
2018 C & F Financial Corp - 705.2 K 2.8 %
2018 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 705.2 K 2.8 %
2017 C & F Financial Corp - 686.1 K -2.9 %
2017 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 686.1 K -2.9 %
2017 C & F Financial Corp - 686.1 K -2.9 %
2016 C & F Financial Corp - 706.2 K 63.6 %
2016 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 706.2 K 63.6 %
2016 C & F Financial Corp - 706.2 K 63.6 %
2015 C & F Financial Corp - 431.7 K 21.7 %
2015 C & F Financial Corp - 431.7 K 21.7 %
2015 C & F Financial Corp - 431.7 K 21.7 %
2014 C & F Financial Corp - 354.8 K -53.8 %
2014 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 354.8 K -53.8 %
2014 C & F Financial Corp - 354.8 K -53.8 %
2013 C & F Financial Corp - 767.4 K -16.7 %
2013 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 767.4 K -16.7 %
2013 C & F Financial Corp - 767.4 K -16.7 %
2012 C & F Financial Corp - 920.7 K 37.5 %
2012 C & F Financial Corp - 920.7 K 37.5 %
2012 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 920.7 K 37.5 %
2011 C & F Financial Corp - 669.5 K 47.0 %
2011 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 669.5 K 47.0 %
2011 C & F Financial Corp - 669.5 K 47.0 %
2010 C & F Financial Corp - 455.5 K -66.2 %
2010 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 455.5 K -66.2 %
2010 C & F Financial Corp - 455.5 K -66.2 %
2009 C & F Financial Corp - 1.3 M 103.3 %
2009 C & F Financial Corp - 1.3 M 103.3 %
2009 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 1.3 M 103.3 %
2008 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 688.1 K -5.7 %
2008 C & F Financial Corp - 663.1 K -9.1 %
2008 C & F Financial Corp - 663.1 K -9.1 %
2007 C & F Financial Corp - 780.4 K -7.4 %
2007 C & F Financial Corp - 749.1 K -11.1 %
2007 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 729.8 K -13.4 %
2006 C & F Financial Corp - 855.9 K -
2006 C & F Financial Corp - 842.4 K -
2006 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage 842.4 K -
2005 C & F Financial Corp - - -
2005 C & F Financial Corp - - -
2005 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage - -
2004 C & F Financial Corp - - -
2004 C & F Financial Corp - - -
2004 C & F Financial Corp President and Chief Executive Officer of C&F Mortgage - -