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About Sapiens International Corp NV - Company Information, Overview, History and Profile

What does Sapiens International Corp NV do?

Sapiens International Corp NV is a provider of software solutions for the insurance industry, with an emerging focus on the financial services sector. The company offers software, solutions, and professional services for property & casualty (P&C); reinsurance; life, pension & annuity (L&A); workers' compensation (WC); medical professional liability (MPL); financial & compliance (F&C); and decision modeling for both insurance and financial markets. The group also provides services for project delivery and implementation services, for its Software Solutions portfolio. Geographically, it operates in the region of North America, Rest of the World, and Europe. It generates revenue from Europe.

Sapiens International Corp NV Management structure

All Gross Remunerations are in USD
Mr. Ron Al-Dor
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Roni Giladi
Chief Financial Officer
Gross Remuneration